Social Worker

Social Worker


Oakland, CA

Female, 26

I'm trained in clinical social work and have experiences working with children, adolescents, families, and couples. I've worked in residential treatment facilities, drop in homeless agencies, mandated services, school based supports and foster/group homes. My areas of expertise are: sexuality, trauma/emotional disorders, and family dynamics.

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149 Questions


Last Answer on December 02, 2015

Best Rated

1 time per month team meeting is held K-8 2 discuss kids with behavior & academic issues. If the teacher doesn't have their data on the child at mtg. what can SSW say to support the teacher, keeping in mind these staff mtg's are only held 1 per month

Asked by carrie over 5 years ago


What happens when a child is taken away? And do they have to be taken to a family member?

Asked by Jo almost 8 years ago


How can social work help reduce gun violence?

Asked by Isabella B over 5 years ago


I was to visit a care home in my local area but cancelled twice due to food poisoning and rise of Covid in area. Manger of home nice about it but copied in 2 senior social workers in her email to me. She not tell me who they are or why. U know why?

Asked by Bob over 3 years ago


Are "of the record" advise possible. I stuck in the middle my now 70s parents, who raised me mostly just inside of what legal and gray areas of the law. Who adopted my daughter as last resort to protect her from abusive mom. All in 2 house. 1 propert

Asked by Helpkhalese over 5 years ago


Are off record advise possible? May need help for my 13yo daughter (very very skiddish) But I need to know my options before I rattle the family wasp nest we live in.

Asked by Offthe record over 5 years ago


Hi, I am writing a paper on how human services can help close achievement gaps. My group of focus is latino and african american children. Would it be possible for you to answer some informational questions I have?

Thank you

Asked by nandi over 7 years ago