Social Worker

Social Worker


Oakland, CA

Female, 26

I'm trained in clinical social work and have experiences working with children, adolescents, families, and couples. I've worked in residential treatment facilities, drop in homeless agencies, mandated services, school based supports and foster/group homes. My areas of expertise are: sexuality, trauma/emotional disorders, and family dynamics.

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149 Questions


Last Answer on December 02, 2015

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What kind of cases do you deal with most frequently? Are all your cases assigned to you by the State?

Asked by Carlie A over 10 years ago

This depends on the agency and role. I've worked in a variety of settings working with families, foster kids, homeless youth, and adults.  I've had clients that were at will, mandated by IEPs, mandated by a court, or just by default as residents of a program. 

Do you interact with Child Protective Services at all, and do things get nasty when they show up to take someone's kids away?

Asked by Erica over 10 years ago

Yes, I interact with CPS/ACS whenever I need to file a report regarding child abuse (physical, sexual, or emotional) or neglect (caregiving or educational).  I have not been present during a worker's visit or potential removal from the home.  However, I've heard a variety of stories from friends who work in that field.  Anything from parents taking their children and fleeing out the window, barracading themselves inside, or attacking the worker directly.  You never know what you're walking into.

What do you think that NY State does better or worse than other States when it comes to social services?

Asked by glory over 10 years ago

I can only speak to the services in NYC as I have not had the opportunity to work in the wider state area. 

NYC is home to many agencies that offer mental health care, preventative work, housing assistance, etc, etc.  This support network is large and complex which affords both pros and cons to the consumer.  On one hand, if you know what services you need and what's available to you with your coverage, NYC is a great place to get those needs met.  However, many individuals do not pursue supports due to the overwhelming options or confusing referral systems.  For these reasons, I think NYC's wide network of available services is both its greatest attribute and a daunting system.

What family problems are most prevalent for which racial communities? Are there patterns? Or does it all stem from poverty?

Asked by pnes.owens over 10 years ago

There are certainly many familial challenges that are made worse by poverty and institutionalized racism.  Those who face mental health challenges while also battling unemployment, housing insecurity, or the numerous other stressors that come with poverty, are understandably less likely to pursue mental health or family supports.  However, in my experience, it's actually the well-off community that turns up it's nose to admitting problems and seeking available support. 

In regards to patterns linked to race/poverty, one notable fact: the worst abuse cases (by that  I mean the sadistic, torturous, ongoing physical/sexual abuse) are most often perpetrated by white, economically stable, men.

Just how bad ARE social worker salaries, and do you think it discourages really qualified people from getting into something so important?

Asked by Gary over 10 years ago

It really depends on the agency and available funding.  Because our government budget does not prioritize mental health or social services, many of those agencies can only offer salaries in the low-40s (and that's in major cities with high COL).  However, if a Social Worker is fortunate enough to gain employment by a privately funded institution, say a charter school, they could earn anywhere from mid-50s to low-70s. 

Yes, I do beleive this impacts who is drawn to pursue Social Work as a career.  Many end up seeking a clinical license to open private practice in order to supplement their income.  For those who have more time/money to dedicate towards education, they may forgo Social Work for a PhD in pscyhology or a related field.  This again typically results in private practice rather than social services.

What did you go to school for, and what would you recommend as the best educational path to get into social work?

Asked by Ivorie over 10 years ago

All registered/licensed Social Workers must graduate from an accredited Master of Social Work program which includes both formal classes and field work.  To achieve a clinical license, the Social Worker must pass an exam (the Social Work Boards) and many states also require some additional state-specific coursework related to their laws and regulations around psychotherapy.

I personally am a graduate of a clinical masters program that provided me the opportunity to apply the theoretical framework developed in my undergraduate studies in Psychology (it is not required to study a related field in undergrad; many SWs are career changers).  In addition to the clinical emphasis of my MSW program, I elected to participate in a Macro/Policy mini-major which affords students the chance to grow their program evaluation and policy related skills. I am licensed as an LMSW in New York state and am in the process of registering as an ASW in California. 

How do you think we can attract more qualified people to become social workers or is the low pay too much of a deterrent?

Asked by bisrasingh over 10 years ago

The low pay is certainly a deterrant for many, myself included.  Luckily, many agencies offer ongoing education and trainings to support their staff in furthering their carreers and confidence in the field.  That, however, does not replace the pay raises that social workers so desperately need in order to make this work financially worthwhile.  Honestly, I think a national restructuring of our finances is in order to reprioritize social services and education.

What are your most and least favorite type of cases to work on?

Asked by alittleaintalright over 10 years ago

I chose to focus on child and family issues, along with some macro/policy work, for my studies so those are the cases I feel most confident working on.  It's incredibly rewarding to help a family improve their experience together as well as to influence the greater policies that affect each of us in society.

In terms of most and least favorite, it may sound counter intuitive but my favorite cases to work on (and most challenging) typically involve trauma and abuse and the deep clinical work that's needed to heal those wounds.  

I'm divorced, and worried that my ex-wife is mistreating my kids when she's caring for them. How can I get social services involved? If I call them, will she know that it was me who asked them to look into it?

Asked by Rashad over 10 years ago

Sorry to hear about this situation.  I think your course of action depends on the reasons for your concern.  If your child has said something, or you've seen evidence of mistreatment, it's important you take steps right away.  You, or anyone, can contact and file a report of child mistreatment completely anonymously.  The case worker is not permitted to share from whome the report was made.  

However, depending on the details in the report (and the follow up questions the case worker must ask), it is possible that your ex-wife may put two and two together.  This area of "reporter confidentiality" is a touchy one and I will admit that many worker either did not recieve adequate training and/or do not take enough care to keep things confidential.  

Regardless, child safety is the upmost priority.  

Do you get to pick what you specialize in? It seems like you've done work across the board in all sorts of different areas...

Asked by FD12982 over 10 years ago

Typically social workers choose an field of practice in graduate school (though not mandatory).  I chose to focus on child and family services along with macro/policy work and most of my work has related to those topics in some way (though family work is pretty universal).  That's not to say, though, that I could not go apply for and work in any of the other social work fields.  As with any job, experience and training are key factors to landing the initial position so many social workers tend to stay in their area of expertise.

Do you ever get depressed seeing so many children in abusive homes? I know it's not PC to say that some people shouldn't be having so many kids but sometimes hard to think it's not cruel to bring kids into the world when you can barely care for them.

Asked by 2014 over 10 years ago

(Apologies for the delay!)
"Secondary Trauma," also known as "Compassion Fatigue," is a much discussed symptom of working in this field.  Exactly what it sounds like, most therapists/social workers are in their own form of therapy or at least engage in what's called "supervision" wherethey process the emotions that come up from their cases with a fellow clinician.

For me personally, the many treatment modalities focused on strengths and potential have taught me how to find the good in any situation and celebrate the infinitely small signs of progress. That being said, when I take a step back and look around, it's definitely overwhelming at times to see how pervasive evil actually is.

And yes, of course it’s frustrating to support a young mother while yet another of her babies follows its older brothers and sisters into the system. The very system their mother has just barely survived.

Sometimes that same step back is necessary to be able to do the work.

Is there like any type of internship that a high school senior can take? If so what would it look like?

Asked by mygoalsaremyfuture over 9 years ago

Many non-profits and social service agencies will allow volunteers in variety of roles. Some are more behind the scenes (fundraising, admin work, helping at local events) while others are more hands on with actual clients (going on outings, teaching life skills, attending therapy groups, serving food, or even just "hanging out" to build interpersonal skills). The latter may require volunteers to pass a back ground check, especially if working with minors. If you're interesting in entering to Social Work field, one place to start gathering info and resources would be your local university with a SW program (grad or undergrad).

What is the best way to become a social worker who works in the field of criminal justice? Should I go to college for criminal justice or social work? Thanks!

Asked by ATL4 almost 6 years ago


i was thinking of writing a book about this, but if someone only knew their name, date of birth, and home state without any proof (even witnesses) what would the process be for them to be able to have a normal life (debit card, job, house, etc.)?

Asked by janey almost 7 years ago


The father of my kids stole the kids away from my mom. So I called the police and was revered to the social services.was then given a letter to give him but he didn't comply.what steps can I now take

Asked by Sheila ntuli about 6 years ago


The courts ordered child therapy and communication through an app. Over the summer child stated she didnt want to live anymore and felt replaced by both parents. Mother took child out of therapy, child is not speaking and wont respond to emails????

Asked by Becky over 6 years ago


Hi. I live in Ohio and my baby cousin is being taken and put into foster care but I’m 100% able to take her into my care. I’m only 18, and I’m not sure if that will be a problem and if you have to be 21.

Asked by sara over 5 years ago


I am a 17 year old senior, and I want the social work field to be my line of work. I am a bit worried about finding the perfect fit for me. The social work field is bigger than I thought it was. I am also rather shy, and I know that can be a problem.

Asked by Bluberry Kennedy about 4 years ago


I just wanna find the perfect fit for me. I need all the help I can get. Being shy and wanting to be a social worker seems impossible. What do I do?

Asked by Bluberry Kennedy about 4 years ago


I'm 56 yrs old suffering from severe depression. I live with my daughter who is very mean spiteful and takes advantage of me. I need help to get out of this situation. I'm on a fixed income so it's very hard to get an apartment. Can you help me pleas

Asked by Roxanne almost 7 years ago


My daughter refuses to come home she don't like rules, it's been 4 weeks and 6 days now she is 15 years old and a social worker has seen her a few times and I've rang them everyday and get told ill get call back but still nothing can yous do that?

Asked by Kel80 over 5 years ago


How did you know you wanted to be a social worker? Cause i was thinking about pursuing it but i don't know where to start college wise.

Asked by Edilop over 6 years ago


My son and his wife were setup to adopt. Everything was agreed upon. The bio parents (not Married and also have an 18 month old) signed intent to adopt papers and had a meeting with my son and his wife. A week before the delivery the Bio dad said

Asked by MG over 6 years ago


Hiya, I was just wondering if i absolutely have to have maths and science to be a social worker as i am retaking maths this year, but i did fail science so does that mean i need to think of another career option

Asked by Louise almost 5 years ago


What are the chances of adoptive parents getting custody over a non married single father with no means to provide.

Asked by Reecey over 6 years ago


How do you become a school social worker in ontario?

What are their hours like? do they work just during school hours?

What are the academic requirements for a school social worker in Ontario?

Asked by Rebecca over 4 years ago


What questions can a social worker ask when applying for food assistance/Medicaid? I was given love advice without asking for it and was told that I was rude for refusing advice; was also accused for fraud due to my then complicated relationship

Asked by Shana B over 4 years ago


what happens if my parents take my bank card and loses it

Asked by freha zia about 4 years ago


school paper. I'm from the usa. a client tells me she is drug dealing to help make ends meet. In the USA I need to reprottha do I need to in canda

Asked by alex 14 days ago


I need to know my rights. Im living in fayetteville ga. Im living with my niece,sister & my sisters boyfriend. They asked me to move here to be closer to them so they wouldnt have to worry about me. So ive been here since december of 2015.

Asked by Dottie almost 8 years ago


Everything was going good until my sister started spending my ssi check on herself . amoung other things. To make a very long story short they want me out of here. They are throwing me out. I have no place to go. No section 8 nothing please can they

Asked by Dottie almost 8 years ago


If a child wants to be emancipated, but are scared the parent will hurt them during the process what should they do?

Asked by Melissa over 4 years ago


Can they throw me out on the street even though they know i have nowhere to go.

Asked by Dottie almost 8 years ago


If marujuana is legal in my state would cps get called on me if my new born failed a drug test? What are the consequences

Asked by Emily over 7 years ago


I’m the father who shares joint custody with the mother of my kids. She keeps them away. I looks on social media and she have my kids smoking live on social media. What should I do? What can I do? Their ages are 12 10 and 8

Asked by over 5 years ago


My grandma adopted me in new york & she receives checks every month for me. She passed away and stop receiving checks and my aunt never continue it. I have no support.

Asked by Janee over 7 years ago


I am currently working with two other social workers and we are considering going into private practice. I can’t find the answer to my question so I was hoping you could help.

Two of the three social workers currently only have LMSW’s and the other social worker has his LCSW and is applying for his “R” extension. Would the group be able to start a private practice in NY State?

Asked by Luis over 5 years ago


Do you know any social service places that pays rent in Saint louis mo I need as soon as possible

Asked by Alisa Carter about 6 years ago


How do you contact cps online

Asked by Jordan over 6 years ago


I'm writing a novel about an adult who previously was in a coma. After he woke up from the coma, he had anger issues (and later got into drinking and spent time in jail). Would someone like this have a social worker?

Asked by writer1128 over 7 years ago


I have a friend that is having problems with her "baby daddy" he will not provide her with any financial help for their children and he recently made their daughter sleep on the couch so him and his gf could have her bed. Is this child neglect?

Asked by Travis over 7 years ago


how do give drug test for welfare benefits

Asked by heather over 7 years ago


What do you think the future of social work will look like 5-10 years down the line??

Asked by Logannn almost 7 years ago


my 2 & 1 year old are livin with my husband and I my husband wont work is a sex offender & is allowin our children 2 live without water, Bill's past due, can I leave without tellin him my location for the best interest of our kids?

Asked by Shannon K over 5 years ago


I'm a writer, so this is scenario-specific question. If a child left an object behind at a house they were removed from (and the parent had been put under arrest, so no one was at the house), would the social worker or someone be allowed to get it?

Asked by Marcia over 5 years ago


Is it ok a nursing home denies you strictly because 1 nurse doesn’t like/care for you? Are they allowed to do that? And how do I prove discrimination?

Asked by Dodger32 over 7 years ago


If a report is made on a parent, but before it’s investigated the parent leaves the child with a relative, does the social worker still investigate or do they drop it?

Asked by Erica about 6 years ago


How can coders/programmers make your job easier? I've heard social workers have to fill out many forms, would it be easier to have online templates of these forms you could fill out instead? If so, what type of format questions?

Asked by nc_33 almost 5 years ago


Would anything happen to a child aged 15 who is pregnant and in the care of social services. not in a foster placement as she refuses all placements not currently in any placement and has lost her mother a year ago so no return to home

Asked by Curious almost 8 years ago


Is there like any type of internship that a high school senior can take? If so what would it look like?

Asked by mygoalsaremyfuture over 9 years ago


1. Self-regulation is a MI term explaining:

Asked by DD about 6 years ago


1. Self-regulation is a MI term explaining:

Asked by DD about 6 years ago


1. What is one principle to promote effective MI practice for advanced practitioners?

Asked by DD about 6 years ago


Hi there my sister is being forced to move to Santa Clarita with my step dad she is 16. She doesn’t like being there because mom & my stepdad argue not only in front of her interrupt her in the middle of her homework to blame them for her for fight

Asked by Anon over 3 years ago


My younger cousin has a child with symptoms of Autism, but doesn't seem to do anything about seeking help for him, is there anything I could do for my nephew without compromising her?

Asked by alejandra about 8 years ago


My mother used to hit me and I have scars on my hand from when she dug her nails into my hand and I suffer from emotional abuse too. My 2 siblings at home are okay, my mom leaves them alone. My friend and his father offered to let me stay with them.

Asked by Teen over 6 years ago


A parent is separated from children by of NC, and gains employment in NY. What should parent do to regain custody of children?

Asked by Mel over 4 years ago


If an unemployed person receiving food stamps lands a part time job on a trial bases and ends up losing the job after 30 days can they be penalized for not reporting the change right away? Jail, loss of benefits?

Asked by Frances over 7 years ago


For a future school social worker is it better to pursue a bachelor's in psychiatry or psychology? Is it important to be able to prescribe medication, or have a biological perspective of mental illness for social workers in this field?

Asked by Sean about 6 years ago


If I go to DSS to request a paternity test (non court order) will i still be placed on child support? & can the mother deny child support? (If found to be the father of course)

Asked by Troubledchild almost 6 years ago


I currently work as a mental health technician and am struggling with the high stress work for low pay (unskilled work pays more). I have a BS in psych. I am wondering if moving to an MSW would help, or if it would be pointless if i struggle now?

Asked by Struggling Tech over 6 years ago


Do you know what someone should do if they are raped by their landlord in Massachusetts and have no money to move? Or if there is any help available?

Asked by Anonymous over 6 years ago


how do u apply systems theory on a case with a client who is afraid to be handed over to a new case manager becoz they have developed a strong bond with the worker?. when the worker told the client before hand of the plan the client got sick

Asked by leonard5310 almost 9 years ago


Review the following scenario:

Alex is a social worker for a non-profit agency that provides services for young adults, ages 18 to 21 years old. An issue of concern for the agency is frequent missed appointments. As one means of addressing this issue, the director wants to list the agency as a “check in” site on Foursquare. She believes the social game play aspect of the site is a way to engage the youthful population that is served, as well as increase visibility for the agency. As she explained to the staff, users of Foursquare, a geo-location social networking site, can “check in” while visiting a venue by accessing the app on a mobile device. Each check-in rewards users with points and or “badges.” The director hopes that incentivizing visits to the agency through this social networking site will result in greater compliance with appointments. She tells the staff that a client’s use of Foursquare would be completely voluntary as would be the decision to disclose his or her whereabouts. (Chernack, 2012)

Answer the following questions:

1. Is there an ethical dilemma? If so, what are the ethical dilemmas presented in this video? Support your answer using the NASW code of ethics or the ASWB Technology Standards (located on the optional resources page).
2. What are Alex's options?
3. What would you do in this situation?

Asked by Kayla about 6 years ago


Asked by Dob Reden over 5 years ago


Hello! I am currently a social work student and I need to ask the following question for a homework assignment. What ethical issues do you encounter often in social work? How do you resolve these issues? Thank you!

Asked by Amanda about 8 years ago


Asking for an essay - what professional social work training involves?

Asked by JM almost 7 years ago


Hi everyone! I’m a student at PVCC going for a MSW, for one of my class projects I’m required to get a perspective of a social worker on-
How Covid has impacted homelessness

Asked by Alona over 3 years ago


Can a parent refuse to give their child their social worker's phone number?

Asked by Ella over 6 years ago


how to use Gender Analysis Tool on divorce Bill and SOGIE bill?

Asked by almost 7 years ago


Hi,I'm Mary and im pregnant in 8 months now and until now I didn't get any staff for my baby any one help me for this matter ,me and my husband under centerlink newstart allow ens can any one help me ?

Asked by Mary almost 8 years ago


what is coordination and networking in social welfare administration?

Asked by ticky almost 8 years ago


Can a child be taken away from its parents if, child and parents are living in a car?

Asked by Curious almost 7 years ago


• How does exposing your clients to your viewpoint differ from subtly influencing them to accept your values?
• What are some potential advantages and disadvantages in having similar life experiences with your client?

Asked by allie almost 7 years ago


For some diagnosis, the ICD coding is based on specifiers. For other diagnosis, specifiers will not change the coding. What are specifiers?

Asked by Lou over 4 years ago


• How do you determine when a conflict between your values and those of your client necessitates a referral to another professional?
• Do you believe certain values are inherent in the therapeutic process? If so, what are these values?
• If you were convinced that your client was making a self-destructive decision, would you express your concerns, and if so, how would you do it?

Asked by allie almost 7 years ago


My son is 22 years old he is a good kid Jesse has mentel issue he barely got this way after doctors told his brother John he had so long to live they r close now Jesse is faceing 4 years Jesse now talks to him self and can't stay focused

Asked by Virginia moyeda over 6 years ago


What are some struggles of social work?

Asked by Phoebe almost 6 years ago


I need help my grandmother has put Jesse there she's 87 with a bad additude she s claiming eldery abuse Jesse has never layed on hand on her she lies so good because old my other son she black males him she receives he said for him

Asked by Virginia moyeda over 6 years ago


What are the best parts of social work?

Asked by Phoebe almost 6 years ago


If a child in the public school system that has ADHD and special needs has been seen to display disruptive and dangerous behavior, is it illegal if an assessment is done by a clinical social worker without proper notification to the parent?

Asked by Rob almost 5 years ago


If you had a client who was living in a group home. He has mental health issues and is on a Community Treatment Order. One night he was seen with a fork in his hand and refused to go to bed. How would you handle the situation? Would you call police?

Asked by Sim about 7 years ago


How can a social worker help with maternal mortality rates?

Asked by Nay over 3 years ago


I am currently a student at CSU Sacramento. May i interview ypu for a class assignment?

Asked by Emilee Potter over 7 years ago


I’m a junior in social wOrk come fall since pandemic everything was online now they say all face yo face but I have job and wanted to continue remote preceptor says maybe major in some thing else then take master for social worker any advise

Asked by Heather almost 4 years ago


I’m envolved in a trama/abuse case with 6 kids. What should my first line of legal action be?

Asked by David over 6 years ago


Okay so my girlfriend had to turn in her phone to her social worker I'm curious to when she'll get it back,

Asked by Brandon Shawver over 7 years ago


So my girlfriend had her cellphone taken away by her social worker when is she supposed to get it back? I miss her):

Asked by Brandon over 7 years ago


Cps filed a PO for my baby against me without notifying me, even after. I had to call. Great gmaw playes a loophole to kidnap her for a year now then filed abandonment. Cps wont call or investigate so i can get her back like they said. Advice please?

Asked by Cheyenne about 5 years ago


Hi there, I have a school assignment which consists of asking a social worker multiple questions. Would it be alright with you if I asked you several questions about your career? Thank you! :)

Asked by LupitaTh almost 4 years ago


If a child appears at a police station and claims not to remember anything about their life, what happens next, and what if no one comes forward to claims the child.

Asked by Danielle over 3 years ago


1. In what field of social work do you work in?
2. What can you tell me about your education background leading to social work?
3. What's been your life experience in working as a social worker?
4. In what agency do you work in as a social worker?

Asked by LupitaTh almost 4 years ago


What's ganna happen to kids who are obedient and won't listen to Foster parent for example like smoke under her roof??

Asked by Crystalia about 7 years ago


5. What age group is your clientele and why dis you pick to assist this age group?
6. Could you please share one of your most challenging and rewarding experience in social work?
7. Why did you choose social work as your field of work?

Asked by LupitaTh almost 4 years ago


I need to speak to someone that can ring an negotiate my rental arrears

Asked by Donna over 3 years ago


8. I'm a current student who is studying to become a social worker. Do you have any advice for me, or other fellow students who are interested in this field of work?

*Thank you!!!! :)

Asked by LupitaTh almost 4 years ago


What was the hardest case to deal with?

Asked by Sadie about 5 years ago


Can u legally live in a camper in va with a 5 year old boy and a 9 yr old girl

Asked by Anonymous almost 5 years ago


I have a question my niece has a 7 month old daughter I have been the sole provider financially my niece is not capable of taking care of her daughter she takes medicine from mental health and we still hadn't established paternity what do I do

Asked by Shanita over 4 years ago


If your 18 child no longer lives with you but is still in school are you still obligated to support them financially? Im just confused about it because I've been told 2 different answers.

Asked by Renee over 6 years ago


I work at a fast food restaurant and my 10 year old daughter comes to work with me. She stays in the lobby for my 8 hours shift. I do keep and eye on her I get to see her very well. Can someone call social services on me for bring her with me?

Asked by Rosamdc over 5 years ago


I was wondering if a parent is allowed to punish a child because they don’t want to do a sport. Like can they take away their phone and not let them hang out with their friends?

Asked by Alexia Mouyenga over 5 years ago


As a social worker, what do you hope to gain?

Asked by KAI almost 4 years ago


How did you choose this career?

Asked by Ery over 6 years ago


What skills, abilities, etc. do you possess that are necessary for this career?

Asked by Ery over 6 years ago


I am currently in school to be a social worker, but we have a SIM lab Monday and my two scenarios are UTI and failure to thrive 3 yr old. What do I do for the UTI patient. How can I help them. Also what do I do for the 3 yr old. Do I ask him or?? Thx

Asked by Ashley almost 8 years ago


Would a father who has PR but is in prison need to legally be notified if his children are put in care? I have an assignment and although this is not a question it is something I would like to explore in the assignment. Thankyou

Asked by kelly12345 almost 5 years ago


Can a child in care leave foster at 16 ?

Asked by Taha almost 4 years ago


The biological mom of a 4year old little girl training or guiding the child to believe that her bio father has sexually molested her. She also believes this lie, despite lack of medical evidence by the district surgeon. How to deal with this issue?

Asked by Mhinki almost 4 years ago


Am i being neglected. my caretaker become's upset when i ask to know how much money i have, currently i've found out they haven't been paying bill's and i am 6 month's in debt with my land lord and utilites. i'm homless and denied access to my ssi.

Asked by UnderaName almost 4 years ago


My 16-year-old told me things like I should die and get sick and some other horrible warts skipping in doing that till one day I told him I’m not talking to you unless you know I am your father and you signed me a document knowing who I am to you and you you are I’m being ignoring him until he’s going to sign it is ignoring calling abuse

Asked by almost 5 years ago


I am 26 weeks pregnant and occasionally use cannabis to help with Hyperemsis. Will my baby be taken from me?

Asked by Molly about 1 year ago


How can i help a mentally ill person who damaged someone's vehicle? what can i do to help the ill and the owner of the car?

Asked by faith almost 8 years ago


My parents are caring of three kids that are my neighbors. She has 5 kids of her own. Parents work normal jobs. Mom is taking many days off from work, has had the kids for aweek. Shouldn’t she be compensated for this? We already struggle with ????!

Asked by Lisa about 5 years ago


I am a a senior student in the USA in Arkansas i have been here for 4 months my english is not good , i want to ask something and i hope you can help me when i first came to usa my english was really bad then I tried to improve it so I took a lot of classes and it was hard to me. The problem is that I want to be a pharmacist so I tried to study Ap chemistry but I was late because I missed two weeks I was crying every day because everything was too much to me especially that I couldn't drop the other classes and then decided to drop Ap chemistry class because I already have chemistry credits but I really wanted studying Ap chemistry and I feel that my dream of becoming a pharmacist is over, and I felt that I gave up even though I worked hard to become What I am now , but I still think that Ap chemistry is more important than I studied before. Sometimes I think I'm stupid why I did i drop chemistry class but when I remember I was really tired and got sick because of it, I say I had to do it. Now I am writing while I cry Everyone says that I am smart because all my grades are A, but I don’t know why I don’t feel as they think I feel I am not smart Why do they say that? Sometimes I think I must have my own tutor but because of Covid everything is difficult. I am ready to do anything to study Ap chemistry I just want help. I asked about the turors before but no one gave me a clear answer. So I just want you to tell me what I'm supposed to do? How do I start? Can I study Ap chemistry in summer ? is everything gonna be okay ? I really need help I feel like I am lost and I don't know anything especially my family is not with me but I try though everything is hard . I didn't mention that the credits required for graduation are 24 credits and I have 27 credits . But I still wanted to study AP chemistry because I'm not good enough in it and to make everything easier in college. I feel really sad I can't even sleep because of overthinking. sorry for my english

Asked by Basma about 4 years ago


Could it be considered a form of abuse if a parent doesn’t allow their child of 14+ years of age outside the house to do normal activities such as hang out with friends?

Asked by Isabella almost 4 years ago


Hi there! I'm in the SSW program at Algonquin College and If possible i could ask these questions;
What was your most recent use of the Code of Ethics?
What was the ethical dilemma u were dealing with?
What was his/her decision and what did you do?

Asked by Alanna Sprague over 7 years ago


Hi I want to be a social worker when I finish college. The type of social worker that seeks out homeless people, and give them the resources they need (rehab, therapy, etc.) My goal is to get them a home. Does this position exist?

Asked by MaKayla over 4 years ago


Could it be considered a form of abuse if a parent doesn’t allow their child of 14+ years of age out of the house, and if the child is allowed out it’s on rare occasions but only for an hour or so

Asked by Isabella almost 4 years ago


I receive a bill for almost $400 and I cannot pay for that I only make $195 per week

Asked by Laura almost 8 years ago


I have custody of my son for now so dad only sees him 2 times a week. I told the worker I didn’t my sons dad girlfriend my son, she said I have to get over it. But he send her to jail once for being violent outside his house once. Can she be near him

Asked by about 6 years ago


If there is pateient suffering from a spinal cord injury and needs 24 hour care and needs treatment can he move to the usa to a center to live and get treatment by the government

Asked by Jerrnell saunders over 6 years ago


Do you have to be married if you are under the age of 25 to foster a child?

Asked by Molly about 5 years ago


Is it indecent exposure for a 16 yrs. old male sibling to expose himself w/ a 10 yrs. old male sibling, if it was done in a sexual/harassing way repeatedly?

Asked by BP almost 7 years ago


A family member who does foster care and has done it for years advised me that its professional to limit the parents 1 hour a day to talk to their child. I did and the next day CPS called me saying they are relocating the child. Gave me no reason.

Asked by Crystal ( was I wrong?) about 3 years ago


If I adopted a child from foster care at the age of 5 and now he wants to live with a friend, is it ok if we give consent?

Asked by 14 about 6 years ago


I lost guardianship of my children while addicted to drugs. I signed over rights to my parents. Im still living in my parents home and they are abusive physically and emotionally to me in front of my children. Im also pregnant. What can i do?

Asked by Jess about 7 years ago


Is it possible to become a social worker who works with children and the d/Deaf and/or hard of hearing community? Or are those two completely different fields and its impossible to do both?

Asked by Jhazz about 5 years ago


I am 28 a year old now my mom n my father passed away when I was in 7 years old n my grand father passed away in 2006 things are not going well now n I didn't finish at school I want to know that anything that we can do to help me to get house ?

Asked by Joyce mbodla almost 5 years ago


My parents do illegal things. I don’t want to be around that. I don’t feel safe anymore. I would like to get emancipated but I don’t think my parents let me. Can I be emancipated if they don’t sign off? Could I live with a relative if I’m emancipate?

Asked by Ana over 5 years ago


What are the limits as a social worker? What are the capabilities? As a social worker, are you allowed/capable to bring a child back to his-her biological parent who was abandoned at birth? If so, in what measures should be taken?

Asked by JN almost 8 years ago


What are the limits when it comes to social services? What are the capabilities? As a social worker, are you allowed to bring a child who was abandoned at birth, to it's biological parents? If so, what measures are taken?

Asked by Jessica almost 8 years ago


Hi, I share equal parenting with my ex over our 4yr old, but I've been told frequently that equal parenting(50/50) can be detrimental to a child's development. I was wondering what your thoughts were on the topic

Asked by Justin about 7 years ago


Hello SWsally. Can I ask you a question about becoming a child welfare worker? I am interested in this field but most employers require a mater degree. Is this necessarily the case? Can a BS degree in criminal justice with a minor in psychology work?

Asked by Tonnika W almost 5 years ago


I would like to know if you can help me in any way or if you can direct me to someone who might be able to.
I need some information about a good rehab center for my brother. He has a really bad addiction. We need help!

Asked by Eve almost 3 years ago


I got caught shoplifting and got charged with theft under 5000. My daughter was present with me when this happened..
Will I be contacted by family and children services?

Asked by Skylar Magallanes 9 months ago


I got caught shoplifting with my daughter present...
I got charged and arrested with theft under 5000.
Will family and children services be notified?

Asked by Skylar Magallanes 9 months ago


My sister and nephews live at my parents house, my sister is blaming my parents of hitting my nephews which is not true shes doing all this to get social services to place her and nephews into a home because she no longer wants to live with my parent

Asked by Samantha over 7 years ago


Hi, When an elementary school conducts a team meeting (held just 1 time per month) to discuss a student's behavioral & academic issues, and the teacher forgets to bring all notes and data on the child, what can the SSW say 2 support teacher & policy

Asked by Carrie over 5 years ago


1. What are some ethical dilemmas that you run into as a Social Worker?
What strategies do you use for crisis intervention?

Asked by Daisy Rodriguez over 6 years ago


1 time per month team meeting is held K-8 2 discuss kids with behavior & academic issues. If the teacher doesn't have their data on the child at mtg. what can SSW say to support the teacher, keeping in mind these staff mtg's are only held 1 per month

Asked by carrie over 5 years ago


What happens when a child is taken away? And do they have to be taken to a family member?

Asked by Jo almost 8 years ago


How can social work help reduce gun violence?

Asked by Isabella B over 5 years ago


I was to visit a care home in my local area but cancelled twice due to food poisoning and rise of Covid in area. Manger of home nice about it but copied in 2 senior social workers in her email to me. She not tell me who they are or why. U know why?

Asked by Bob over 3 years ago


Are "of the record" advise possible. I stuck in the middle my now 70s parents, who raised me mostly just inside of what legal and gray areas of the law. Who adopted my daughter as last resort to protect her from abusive mom. All in 2 house. 1 propert

Asked by Helpkhalese over 5 years ago


Are off record advise possible? May need help for my 13yo daughter (very very skiddish) But I need to know my options before I rattle the family wasp nest we live in.

Asked by Offthe record over 5 years ago


Hi, I am writing a paper on how human services can help close achievement gaps. My group of focus is latino and african american children. Would it be possible for you to answer some informational questions I have?

Thank you

Asked by nandi over 7 years ago


- How do you define achievement?
- What contributes to achievement gaps amongst people of color
- What impact does the idea of an achievement gap have on the performance of Black and Latino students in your school?

Asked by nandi over 7 years ago


What are some reasons someone would call a social worker on an elderly man with dementia's wife if she takes full care of him with help of other family. What will the social worker due in this case?

Asked by godfather almost 7 years ago