Social Worker

Social Worker


Oakland, CA

Female, 26

I'm trained in clinical social work and have experiences working with children, adolescents, families, and couples. I've worked in residential treatment facilities, drop in homeless agencies, mandated services, school based supports and foster/group homes. My areas of expertise are: sexuality, trauma/emotional disorders, and family dynamics.

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149 Questions


Last Answer on December 02, 2015

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I receive a bill for almost $400 and I cannot pay for that I only make $195 per week

Asked by Laura almost 8 years ago


I have custody of my son for now so dad only sees him 2 times a week. I told the worker I didn’t my sons dad girlfriend my son, she said I have to get over it. But he send her to jail once for being violent outside his house once. Can she be near him

Asked by about 6 years ago


If there is pateient suffering from a spinal cord injury and needs 24 hour care and needs treatment can he move to the usa to a center to live and get treatment by the government

Asked by Jerrnell saunders over 6 years ago


Do you have to be married if you are under the age of 25 to foster a child?

Asked by Molly about 5 years ago


Is it indecent exposure for a 16 yrs. old male sibling to expose himself w/ a 10 yrs. old male sibling, if it was done in a sexual/harassing way repeatedly?

Asked by BP almost 7 years ago


A family member who does foster care and has done it for years advised me that its professional to limit the parents 1 hour a day to talk to their child. I did and the next day CPS called me saying they are relocating the child. Gave me no reason.

Asked by Crystal ( was I wrong?) about 3 years ago


If I adopted a child from foster care at the age of 5 and now he wants to live with a friend, is it ok if we give consent?

Asked by 14 about 6 years ago