Social Worker

Social Worker


Oakland, CA

Female, 26

I'm trained in clinical social work and have experiences working with children, adolescents, families, and couples. I've worked in residential treatment facilities, drop in homeless agencies, mandated services, school based supports and foster/group homes. My areas of expertise are: sexuality, trauma/emotional disorders, and family dynamics.

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149 Questions


Last Answer on December 02, 2015

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What are your most and least favorite type of cases to work on?

Asked by alittleaintalright over 10 years ago

I chose to focus on child and family issues, along with some macro/policy work, for my studies so those are the cases I feel most confident working on.  It's incredibly rewarding to help a family improve their experience together as well as to influence the greater policies that affect each of us in society.

In terms of most and least favorite, it may sound counter intuitive but my favorite cases to work on (and most challenging) typically involve trauma and abuse and the deep clinical work that's needed to heal those wounds.  

I'm divorced, and worried that my ex-wife is mistreating my kids when she's caring for them. How can I get social services involved? If I call them, will she know that it was me who asked them to look into it?

Asked by Rashad over 10 years ago

Sorry to hear about this situation.  I think your course of action depends on the reasons for your concern.  If your child has said something, or you've seen evidence of mistreatment, it's important you take steps right away.  You, or anyone, can contact and file a report of child mistreatment completely anonymously.  The case worker is not permitted to share from whome the report was made.  

However, depending on the details in the report (and the follow up questions the case worker must ask), it is possible that your ex-wife may put two and two together.  This area of "reporter confidentiality" is a touchy one and I will admit that many worker either did not recieve adequate training and/or do not take enough care to keep things confidential.  

Regardless, child safety is the upmost priority.  

Do you get to pick what you specialize in? It seems like you've done work across the board in all sorts of different areas...

Asked by FD12982 over 10 years ago

Typically social workers choose an field of practice in graduate school (though not mandatory).  I chose to focus on child and family services along with macro/policy work and most of my work has related to those topics in some way (though family work is pretty universal).  That's not to say, though, that I could not go apply for and work in any of the other social work fields.  As with any job, experience and training are key factors to landing the initial position so many social workers tend to stay in their area of expertise.

Do you ever get depressed seeing so many children in abusive homes? I know it's not PC to say that some people shouldn't be having so many kids but sometimes hard to think it's not cruel to bring kids into the world when you can barely care for them.

Asked by 2014 over 10 years ago

(Apologies for the delay!)
"Secondary Trauma," also known as "Compassion Fatigue," is a much discussed symptom of working in this field.  Exactly what it sounds like, most therapists/social workers are in their own form of therapy or at least engage in what's called "supervision" wherethey process the emotions that come up from their cases with a fellow clinician.

For me personally, the many treatment modalities focused on strengths and potential have taught me how to find the good in any situation and celebrate the infinitely small signs of progress. That being said, when I take a step back and look around, it's definitely overwhelming at times to see how pervasive evil actually is.

And yes, of course it’s frustrating to support a young mother while yet another of her babies follows its older brothers and sisters into the system. The very system their mother has just barely survived.

Sometimes that same step back is necessary to be able to do the work.

Is there like any type of internship that a high school senior can take? If so what would it look like?

Asked by mygoalsaremyfuture over 9 years ago

Many non-profits and social service agencies will allow volunteers in variety of roles. Some are more behind the scenes (fundraising, admin work, helping at local events) while others are more hands on with actual clients (going on outings, teaching life skills, attending therapy groups, serving food, or even just "hanging out" to build interpersonal skills). The latter may require volunteers to pass a back ground check, especially if working with minors. If you're interesting in entering to Social Work field, one place to start gathering info and resources would be your local university with a SW program (grad or undergrad).

What is the best way to become a social worker who works in the field of criminal justice? Should I go to college for criminal justice or social work? Thanks!

Asked by ATL4 almost 6 years ago


i was thinking of writing a book about this, but if someone only knew their name, date of birth, and home state without any proof (even witnesses) what would the process be for them to be able to have a normal life (debit card, job, house, etc.)?

Asked by janey almost 7 years ago