Fashion Forecaster

Fashion Forecaster


Paris, FR

Female, 32

I research worldwide lifestyle and cultural trends that will affect fashion (color, material, silhouette, styling and details) two years ahead of selling season. Ask me anything.

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25 Questions


Last Answer on March 26, 2014

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Who dictates what will be in style: the customers, or the industry?

Asked by Graycellgreen almost 12 years ago

Both. We take pictures all over the world in clubs on the streets and at festivals and definitely get a lot of inspiration from that, but sometimes it's just some crazy idea that pops up at 4am and won't get out of your head. Granted, it may seem like a crazy idea but after doing months of research it usually has legs to stand on.

What country is the most fashion-forward?

Asked by jasmine almost 12 years ago

As far as being trendy I would say the Japanese take the biggest risks (Tokyo specifically) and then London and then New York.

How do you know what will be trendy in 2 years? Are you ever wrong?

Asked by Alicea gal... almost 12 years ago

Well, it's just an educated guess but you can usually follow cultural movements by seeing what's going on in politics, art, finances, music, on and on and then create a pretty succinct story behind it. After researching all over the world the team usually starts to get a pretty solid handle on where we think things will go and then it's a bit of a self fulfilled prophecy because we then meet with companies globally to present the ideas. I guess I don't check much if we were wrong because we are usually just the inspiration for the designers and then they need to curtail the research to their customer.

Do fashion forecasters ever get hired by designers or clothing brands to help them decide what to focus on next?

Asked by Heather Fine almost 12 years ago

Definitely, it's usually mid level designers/brands (Gap, Levi's, etc) that have fashion forecasters on their team or hire freelancers to help them. When you get into the more designer level the title changes to Creative director, which essentially is a similar role.

Are people in the fashion world as mean as those portrayed in The Devil Wears Prada?

Asked by ilovemyjobilovemyjob... almost 12 years ago

More in the editorial and pr fashion side than in trend. Usually the creative side is much nicer. But yes, of course that movie was a bit exaggerated but not too far off the mark. My first internship was at a magazine.

Do all your friends come to you for fashion advice? Do you like it, or does it get annoying?

Asked by Doreen_87 almost 12 years ago

Some do, and no it doesn't get annoying. I'm happy to help with fashion as they have had to help me with budgets! Most of my friends have their own styles that they rock so they don't really ask as much now as when we were younger.

Do you feel compelled to dress über-fashionably when in public, given what you do?

Asked by The Stace almost 12 years ago

Not really, I mostly dress for my mood. I wear a lot of jeans but I do like getting dressed up sometimes -- mostly for client meetings or going out.