I spent the five happiest years of my life in a morgue. As a forensic scientist in the Cleveland coroner’s office I analyzed gunshot residue on hands and clothing, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, DNA, blood and many other forms of trace evidence, as well as crime scenes. Now I'm a certified latent print examiner and CSI for a police department in Florida. I also write a series of forensic suspense novels, turning the day job into fiction. My books have been translated into six languages.
I’m sure it depends on what you want to do (lab work or field work) and what’s required. You would be better off talking to your local forensic lab to see what kind of things they do. Most likely the daily work of a forensic lab does not really involve exquisite chemistry. For my part, I was an ace in general chemistry but I never really ‘got’ organic chemistry. Best of luck!
Again, titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.
I'm sorry but I have absolutely no idea. You might call the labs at which you'd like to work and ask about the positions you'd like to get, and see what they suggest. They would know a lot more than I would.
Best of luck!
I see, but I still couldn't say. It depends entirely upon the hiring agency and what kind of pool of applicants they typically have--basically, who they have to choose from. There will be a basic set of requirements but after that, advanced degrees are better than high school diplomas, degrees from accredited schools better than non-accredited, internships at forensic agencies very helpful, etc. The best way to know is to call the places you would like to work at and ask them. If you can get a tour of their facility, even better, then you can gently ask the people who work there where they went to school and so on. Shorter answer: It won't automatically get you in or automatically keep you from getting in. Of course it certainly couldn't hurt. Best of luck!
Navy Officer (Former)
Auto Mechanic
Subway Store Manager
Automatic access to a national fingerprint database. Even though you see it on TV every day, it's not really possible for police departments. At best we are tied into the state database, but not any sort of national or international one, at least not without a lot of hoops.
Wow, that's kind of hard, possibly because we in forensics don't 'solve' cases, the detective does. We provide them the information that hopefully solves or helps to solve the case. Some that took a surprisingly short time: we had a would-be rapist drop his wallet at the scene. I recently had a burglary/arson/car theft in which I had some decent fingerprints, but they didn't match anyone in our city database. The detective had no leads at all and no idea where the car was. Then as is routine I checked the prints against the neighboring city's database, and got a hit, they questioned the suspect and he confessed. In my small town we often have the killer waiting at the scene and telling us that they did it. However, after sitting in jail for a while they may decide they were justified, so the legal trial may not even begin until 2-3 years later. One that took longer: we had the brutal double murder of a woman and a young girl in 1989. Despite a copious investigation of every friend, acquaintance, fingerprint or hair involved, no leads. Then two years ago a man was arrested on a relatively minor charge and his DNA was searched and hit on the unsolved murder. Hope that helps!
If you want to be a pathologist you will have to be a doctor, and will need to go to med school. So you are looking for a pre-med program. Best of luck!
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