Forensic Scientist

Forensic Scientist

LIsa Black

Cape Coral, FL

Female, 49

I spent the five happiest years of my life in a morgue. As a forensic scientist in the Cleveland coroner’s office I analyzed gunshot residue on hands and clothing, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, DNA, blood and many other forms of trace evidence, as well as crime scenes. Now I'm a certified latent print examiner and CSI for a police department in Florida. I also write a series of forensic suspense novels, turning the day job into fiction. My books have been translated into six languages.

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989 Questions


Last Answer on July 21, 2022

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What kind of schooling did you have to go through to become a forensic scientist, and how did you get to where you are now with your current job?

Asked by Izzy over 8 years ago

I had a bachelor's degree in biology when I applied to the coroner's office in 1998. They required a degree in one of the natural sciences, and there were no forensic science degrees back then. Only you can decide what you want to go to graduate school for, but as for career requirements you might look at the American Academy of Forensic Science and the International Association for Identification and look at their job vacancy postings to see what they require. As for other degrees with a bio major, there are many private labs for DNA, drug testing, paternity testing, water and food standards analysis, etc. as well as hospital labs that might require. Again, look at job vacancy postings in all these areas--they should be easily found online and they should state the educational requirements. It will also let you see in what areas more jobs are available. 

When does a DOT worker qualify as a Coroner for a Crime scene? Why wouldnt there be a Crime Scene Unit investigating a minor child's Death, who died on Ga state owened property?

Asked by Brandy almost 8 years ago

I have no idea. Do you have a copy of the autopsy report? That should be available fro the coroner's or medical examiner's office.

Hi Ms.Black,I was wondering if you had any advice for a high school junior hoping to get into forensic science?I've been researching colleges and forensic programs in California(where I live) but I hope you can help me understand the process better.

Asked by Brit almost 8 years ago

Most agencies do not have huge staffs like on TV, and people tend to stay in the field. Thanks to the TV shows there is a universe more competition than I faced. On the other hand thanks to the current emphasis on forensics, agencies are always expanding--the federal government will be setting mandates and providing grant money to expand labs and services Check out every level (city, county, state, federal) in your area that you can find and also private labs.  Check the websites for the International Association for Identification and the American Academy of Forensic Sciences.  

Where would an author go if they wanted to ask questions of a forensic scientist in order to get details right for a book the are writing?

Asked by Arillius about 8 years ago

An excellent site is my friend Dr. Lyle's "The Writer's Forensic Blog" -

You also might attend any public events at your local police department, such as a citizen's academy. There you might meet members of the crime lab and see if any might be amenable to you emailing them questions now and then. Feel free to email me as well via my website: www.lisa-black.comBest of luck!

What type of education/training does this job need to be successful in this type of work? What type of education/training have you had?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

See above. I have a bachelor's degree in biology, plus over a thousand hours of continuing education in forensic topics (accumulated over 20 years).

What kind of background is necessary to qualify for this job? (Thank you for your time) advance

Asked by Nate almost 8 years ago

That entirely depends on where you want to work. Each lab has its own requirements. My first job wanted a bachelor’s degree in any natural science. My current job just requires a HS diploma, but it helps to have advanced degrees so we all have at least a B.S. There is no uniform job definition or title for forensic work--your title is whatever your boss says it is, and crime labs can be a small place that only tests drugs and fingerprints or a large, full service place that does everything from questioned documents to DNA. 

Hi! I'm writing a mystery where the murder weapon is a maduvu, a knife with two antelope horns. I'm wondering what would distinguish the wound to make it unique to that weapon, assuming the victim was stabbed in the chest or back. Thanks!

Asked by over 8 years ago

Wow, you'd really have to ask a pathologist. But I would assume a stab wound with a horn would look different than one from a knife, more round and uniform. You might also have a sliver of horn break off in the wound. The round wound in the flesh or bone might make a doctor think it came from a bullet at first, but with no bullet found then they might think icepick or something horn-shaped. Best of luck!