Forensic Scientist

Forensic Scientist

LIsa Black

Cape Coral, FL

Female, 49

I spent the five happiest years of my life in a morgue. As a forensic scientist in the Cleveland coroner’s office I analyzed gunshot residue on hands and clothing, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, DNA, blood and many other forms of trace evidence, as well as crime scenes. Now I'm a certified latent print examiner and CSI for a police department in Florida. I also write a series of forensic suspense novels, turning the day job into fiction. My books have been translated into six languages.

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989 Questions


Last Answer on July 21, 2022

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Is there a license required to become a forensic scientist? If so, what type?

Asked by Violet about 8 years ago

No. Depending on where you work and what you do, your employer might want you to be 'certified' in one area or the other.

I want to be a csi but where do I start? I am currently on my 2nd semester at a community college so I am doing my genera ed, I would like to know what are the best classes I should start taking that will benefit me in the long run after I finish GE?

Asked by ali about 8 years ago

You can't go wrong with as many science classes as you can get, and especially anything that's specifically forensics. Programs that have hands-on labs for processing evidence and crime scenes would be great.  Titles and job requirements aren't uniform, so the only way to know is to call the crime labs in your area or whereever you might be interested in working and ask them. At the coroner's office we had to have at least a bachelor's in a natural science (this was before they had forensic science majors). At the police department where I am now, they only require a high school diploma but you get more points in the interviewing process for having a four year degree, so we all have one. You can also go on the websites for professional organizations such as the American Academy of Forensic Sciences and check out their job vacancy postings and see what the various positions require. Good luck.

Is it true that a females DNA can't be used to trace paternal male lines? How would I trace my fathers ethnicity with him gone and no brothers?

Asked by L.Randolph over 8 years ago

I'm not a DNA expert, but I know that half the 23 chromosomes in a person''s nuclear DNA come from one parent and half from the other parent, so part of the father's DNA would have to be present in the child.

Mitochondrial DNA (which is a different substance entirely, a circular structure present in the cell's mitochondria, whereas nuclear DNA is a double helix present in the cell nucleus) is passed from mother to child without recombining, so only the mother's mitochondrial DNA is present in the child. We test for mitochondrial DNA when nuclear DNA isn't available, like when we only have cut hair or fingernails or old bone to work with.

I don't know how to edit my question to fix the photo link. The pic must be seen in order to provide thoughts on mold & debris vs. decomposing carcass. Thanks

Asked by Sleepy over 8 years ago

Sorry I went to the link but it just loaded forever and I coudn't view the picture.

UPDATE: Hey on a whim I tried the link again and could see the picture. Unfortunately I still couldn't make a guess as to what the pile is. Though in my opinion it looks too light-colored to be a decomposing animal.

What is your opinion on te csi effect and what concerns do you have about it?

Asked by Kerena over 8 years ago

It's concerning because juries expect more than is reasonable. Not every case is going to have DNA evidence and you don't always find fingerprints on a surface and eyewitness testimony sounds convincing but can be very unreliable. However an expert can hopefully explain all these issues to make the limitations clear, provided the jury listens.

I am attending Pace University this coming fall with a degree in Forensic Science, any advice for a soon to be Forensic Scientist?

Asked by ssosiak1 almost 8 years ago

You can't go wrong with a lot of science classes. When I was in college they didn't have courses specifically in forensic science, so that wasn't an option. And different agencies will have different requirements, so you might want to go online and check out the different vacancies to get some idea of what requirements are out there. You can also call labs you're interested in and ask, that way you get to 'meet' some people too.

Can extensive bruising be caused by pushing someone with the palm of the hands on the chest area

Asked by Jay almost 8 years ago

I'm not a doctor but I don't see why not. If the flesh and muscle is being crushed between the ribs and the person's hands, that would have to cause damage. Sometimes CPR can cause cracked ribs.