Forensic Scientist

Forensic Scientist

LIsa Black

Cape Coral, FL

Female, 49

I spent the five happiest years of my life in a morgue. As a forensic scientist in the Cleveland coroner’s office I analyzed gunshot residue on hands and clothing, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, DNA, blood and many other forms of trace evidence, as well as crime scenes. Now I'm a certified latent print examiner and CSI for a police department in Florida. I also write a series of forensic suspense novels, turning the day job into fiction. My books have been translated into six languages.

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989 Questions


Last Answer on July 21, 2022

Best Rated

My son died 7 years ago police called it a sucide but here’s my problem he was a left handed man shot at right temporal with mussel imprint but laying supine and gun found on ground by left leg. How is this possible. I feel as if he was murdered

Asked by Linda over 2 years ago


is criminology and biology are good majors to major in to be a CSI?

Asked by Evelyn over 2 years ago


Charge from "Shotgun" entered back of head (occipital bone of skull) and exited out though the middle of forehead. They checked Suicide on death certificate. His wife was in the home with him. Can someone explain how a person can do this alone?

Asked by SM7171 over 2 years ago


how many years of college did it take you to become a forensic scientist ?

Asked by leya over 2 years ago


Body found lying on its back, fatal single bullet wound right skull, semi-auto pistol found under right knee; pistol slide is jammed open with live round stuck in barrel. How could this be ruled suicide?

Asked by over 2 years ago


I am an a level student (In UK) and i am wondering what it is like working as a forensic scientist (day to day activities etc)

Asked by Ethan about 2 years ago


Is there a profession / service to determine, just by physical appearance (for example, facial features), if people are the same person but under a different identity (whether having been officially declared dead or assuming a different identity)?

Asked by Rory about 2 years ago