SWAT Team Commander (Retired)

SWAT Team Commander (Retired)

Captain Nick

Menlo Park, CA

Male, 58

I served as a Police Officer, Corporal, Inspector, Sergeant, Lieutenant and Captain from 1980 to June, 2011 in the SF Bay Area. In 1994, I was assigned to a regional SWAT Team as a Team Leader and Sniper. I became a Team Commander in 1999. When I retired, I was the senior Commander and Sniper Team Commander for the largest regional team in California. I now teach Administration of Justice at Skyline College and I'm the On-Screen Team Lead for www.GuardAmerican.com, a firearms training website.

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47 Questions


Last Answer on September 10, 2013

Best Rated

Is there such a thing as a full-body bullet proof suit that will protect even the head and eyes?

Asked by Tonia over 11 years ago


A full body suit (like what bomb squad people wear) weighs a ton and you can't move very fast in it. Dexterity is severely hampered. It's just not practical for a team that must move quickly. There are leg and arm coverings and helmets with bullet-resistant face screens, but again, they are very cumbersome and heavy. 

We try to find a balance between good protection and high mobility, which is not easy. A good alternative is the pointman carrying a bullet resistant shield that everyone can stay behind in a single file team movement.  It can be dropped when and if it is no longer needed and won't slow down the team. 


Is there a technology under development that, once perfected, will change the face of SWAT ops? For example, the gas that was used in the Russian theater hostage-taking would have been amazing if it knocked everyone unconscious WITHOUT killing them.

Asked by GuessWhat over 11 years ago

I agree completely...good gas that could knock everyone out without killing them would be great. The problem with that approach, however, even if the gas is perfected, is that it is not instantaneous, and as soon as the bad guys figure out they are being gassed, they will likely start to kill as many hostages as they can before they pass out. Russians might be OK with that kind of collateral damage, but we are not. Finding a technological answer to defeating an evil human with a weapon and bad intent against hostages is a very hard nut to crack. Maybe some kind of Taser-like room flash device that renders everyone's central nervous system instantly limp? That could work, theoretically. But even though the Taser has saved countless thousands of lives, once in a while a suspect, with the right combination of other factors present (bad heart, on heavy drugs, etc)  doesn't make it.

How can I help my husband deal with his grief and feelings of hopelessness from a forced retirement from the team?

Asked by katee over 11 years ago


Wow...that is a tough one. I feel for him (and you) more than you can imagine.  I retired from the PD and the team after a full career; it was not forced, but I still miss my job very much, especially the SWAT team and my brothers. I still haven't gotten over not being part of it anymore. One day, I was on-call 24-7, looked to for leadership and decision making, and the next day I was a civilian. It was (and is) very difficult for someone dedicated to this elite profession.

i guess what I'm saying is that I really can't offer any good advice, especially without knowing more about the circumstances  of his retirement.  You can reauch me at Nickgottuso@guardamerican.com if you feel comfortable sharing more personal background info with me. That might help me in assisting him. 

Very sorry for his loss. I feel his pain. 


What tasks that you currently do "manually" are we on the verge of being able to do with robots? For example, we still see cops clearing houses by kicking in doors and storming in. Are we really that far away from just sending in a Roomba instead?

Asked by GuessWhat over 11 years ago

There are some jobs that machines can do very well. UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, or drones, are a good example) but there are other things that require human mobility, judgment and compassion that robots don't yet have. Drones will never replace human pilots for certain missions, for example.

We already have plenty of gadgets that we use to reduce the risk to SWAT operators. Throw phones, parabolic microphones, bomb robots, remote-controlled video vehicles, etc., all have their place in certain scenarios and can often provide good intelligence on what's happening inside a crime scene. But current police robotic devices cannot run up stairwells, climb fences or jump over furniture in pursuit of a suspect.

I'm not saying this will never happen, but I don't see it becoming an operational reality anytime soon. I know I'm old-fashioned, but I hope machines never replace humans for such things.


Have you ever engaged in an operation that you knew was certain to kill innocents, but was still approved as necessary to prevent greater casualties?

Asked by tony v over 11 years ago

Hi Tony,

The job of all cops, SWAT or not, is to save innocent lives at all costs. The safety of innocents is absolutely number one. I can only think of one type of situation like the one you are asking about: Let's say SWAT has cornered a known terrorist group in a van all set up to deploy a chemical or biological weapon via spraying it while driving down a freeway. Let's say a hostage (innocent victim) is being directed at gunpoint to drive the van and it's about to begin its attack. A sniper may be authorized to take out the driver to prevent the van from moving. Even in this extremely unlikely scenario, a sniper would first try to disable the vehicle by shooting the tires and/or engine block. Most high-end sniper teams have .50 BMG rifles for this exact purpose. Needless to say, the chances of something like this happening are extraordinarily remote.

I'm thinking about becoming a policeman for a large department (LAPD, NYPD, CPD). Should I just do patrol or should I join SWAT?

Asked by AZlift over 11 years ago

Regardless of where you work, you have to start your career as a patrol officer. If, once you've been on patrol for the minimum required number of years (this varies by department, but is usually 2-3), and your department has an opening on SWAT, you can apply. Big cities like the ones you mentioned have full-time teams, so that would be your daily job if you make it. On the other hand, you may love patrol and want to stay with it. 

I work for a 50 man department who has the capability of sending a patrolman to swat school for the regional team. Do you have any ideas i can throw at my administrators to let me tryout. They don't seem completely opposed to it.

Asked by Mike about 11 years ago


This is my specialty. Please email me at moaoperator@gmail.com and I'll lay out the justifications for your boss for taking this step. I may not be able to respond until tomorrow afternoon PDT.
