


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

Best Rated

Thank you 4 ur service. How can I tell evil from good when anyone can be either 1? Who's really the master of disguise? Every city also has a predominant style, how do I know a faux from friend? Or even what camp I'm joining by what job or dress? ????

Asked by Elle Aime 11 months ago


What does a fire alarm mean when it's not any of the following; drill, medical emergency, pet emergency, flood, or fire?

Asked by Elle Aime 11 months ago


And it wasn't that gas that makes people faint either, carbon monoxide I think it's called. And, if we have a concern about who or what's left behind as we evacuate, should we mention it, or wait? It seems to me like time is of the essence.

Asked by Elle Aime 11 months ago


I can't find my questions or answers. I realize it's in order of upvotes, but could you DM me, or did you erase them? I really thought they were valid. Also, fire is often associated with evil. Nature of alarms when there's no apparent threat?

Asked by Elle Aime 11 months ago


1) in NYC is it required, or at the very least possible if requested, to have fire drills in a High Rise Condominium?
2) If yes how long would the drill be for say 100 floors?
3) Would the building fire panel be off during the drill?

Asked by Pops_Gambit 9 months ago