


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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488 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

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Discuss what you consider to be the most significant achievement in the fire service over the last 100 years and provide an example of why it is a significant achievement.

Asked by paula about 10 years ago

Thats pretty simple- Smoke detectors. With all of the materials involved with construction of houses and especially furniture we are finding the smoke contents more lethal than ever in the history of this country as we continue to decrease costs in the construction alone of buildings, which are increasing the collapse time to full involvement. With the current statistics from 2000-2013 we are continuing on a decreasing slope of deaths. Prior to smoke detectors there was very limited ability for victims of fires to escape before the bi-products of the fire take their lives.

How many women work within your fire station?

Asked by Chels about 10 years ago

1 at this time out a force 44

How do you break a door/window and then enter a burning building? Wouldn't the fire be attracted to the fresh air and cause a flashover or whatever that's called?


Asked by Rescue over 10 years ago

First off you feel the door for heat and before we enter we make sure that we are ready to begin our attack. Windows are broken from the bottom corner so that the glass does not fall on you if possible. Backdraft occurs when the building has a tight seal,]which is common with new construction these days looking at energy conservation. With that said rapid entrance of fresh air with a fire that has been smoldering can create a backdraft. I should clarify there is a difference between flashover and backdraft.

Flashover occurs when the building contents reaches a temperature where everything catches fire at once. Very few firefighters come away with out serious injury or death when caught in a flashover. Backdraft is the rushing in of air into a smoldering fire and it causes in essence a smoke explosion that blows debris out of the building.

How many people are on a truck with your FD? You said 10 FF's in your HQ station. How many units operate out of that station? Thanks.

Asked by Rescue over 10 years ago

We operate 2 stations, soon to be three next year. 

St. 1 Staffing is 10 guys- 1 Captain, 1 Engineer, 3 Paramedics and 5 FF EMT's

St. 1 mans a 4 man Engine Co, 4 Man Rescue Company and an ALS Medic unit with 2, They also operate a Squad that takes 1 man off each unit to handle additional EMS calls.

St. 2 1 Captain, 1 Engineer, 1 Paramedic and 1 FF EMT.

We run over 4000 calls a year with an average of 10 calls a day for a community of 36,000 people. We handle Fire/EMS/Rescue.

how do you remove smoke from A ceiling

Asked by norma almost 9 years ago

we use positive pressure fans that basically forces the smoke out of the home through specific openings.

Hi! I have a 15 month old little girl, and I've recently gotten into a few arguments with people regarding forward facing vs rear facing. I'm wanting to rear face as long as possible. Which do you find to be the safest?

Asked by Caitie A. about 10 years ago

I prefer to see forward but if you look at it when it comes to accidents with apparatus rear facing seat should over more protection from head on collisions but it basically is up to individual preference. My vote though is forward facing

I just joined my fire department , I was thinking of also join'n my local ambulance department to get a more medical background and knowdlge do you think that would be wise as of right now since they are both voulnteer ? or should I just foucus on FD

Asked by ... about 9 years ago

You can do both since they are connected. Fire Depts are no running more EMS calls these days. So take advantage of both.