Python Breeder

Python Breeder


Wilmington, NC

Male, 32

I've been working with ball pythons for over ten years now. Two years ago I decided to breed them as a business. I run a small operation. Currently I have approximately 100 snakes in my breeding program and hope to produce over 200 babies in the 2013 breeding season. I've always been fascinated by reptiles, snakes in particular, and being able to work with them every day is very satisfying.

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62 Questions


Last Answer on February 19, 2016

Best Rated

I've heard you can use Cypress Mulch to raise the humidity? But websites say it's not good to use for a Ball python

Asked by John over 2 years ago


My ball Python seems to have virdigo, could it be caused by mites on his ears?

Asked by Earlbob over 8 years ago


we hav just built a snake rak 4 R snakes & 2 breed them & it is a enclosed room. my fiance wants 2 make sure tht the room is completely DustFree & wants 2 put a HEPA filter 2 intake air, when the snakes R finally exposed 2 unfiltered air will it harm

Asked by Jess over 6 years ago


I have a 40 gallon tank with a 9 month old ball python what watt do I need for the light bulb ?

Asked by Gabby over 7 years ago


I bred a super pastel male to what was sold to me as a normal female, she is dark with lots of speckling... There seems to be something in her genes that lead me to believe she's more than just a normal. I would like help figuring it out. Can I send.

Asked by Jonny over 8 years ago


I have several ball pythons I want to breed. One set that I would really like to beed is my female Spinner Blast and my male Pastel Genetic Stripe. Do you know what this morph would be?? And what price should I be asking for?

Asked by Colton almost 7 years ago


If you had a mystic potion female what male would you breed it with?

Asked by Kobe over 4 years ago