I worked for the California state system, starting as a Correctional Officer and retiring as a Lieutenant in 2005. I now write for the PacoVilla blog which is concerned with what could broadly be called The Correctional System.
Should have nothing to do with it unless you go to work for a law enforcement agency and even then it might not. You would have to report that your spouse is in custody. That could represent a security issue for some agencies, especially depending on why he is in prison and what gang affiliations he might have. For instance, if he has a fraud conviction and you would be working where you have access to ID information that might be an issue.
Yes. There is no prohbition against the family of a felon becoming a peace officer in California. They may look at you a bit sideways, especially if he/she is heavily gang involved as they may suspect you are a mole. There is, however, no prohibition against it. If that person is still under the jurisdcition of the department you must report the situation however.
The training will not alter your basic outlook on life. Expsoure to criminals might. If you have a tendancy to feel sorry for those "poor people who just made one mistake" you will have a hard time in this job. If you feel sorry for their victims you will do better. Professional detachment is the way to go. In fact it is the ONLY way to go. If you can't do that, don't go into that line of work.
Not my field. I dealt only with convicted felons already in prison. The matter never came up.
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Fashion Model
First I ever heard of it. Virtually all inmates parole. They are required by law to return to their county of commitment and check in with their parole agent within 24 hours. You are no more or less likely to meet a former inmate if you live two miles from the prison that in you live 50 miles away. Sounds bogus to me.
First sign is he wants you to marry him just before he goes away. He will then very probably try to guilt trip you for not sending him enough money, not coming to visit him enough, not sending you nude photos of yourself, try to ensure you accept lots of very expensive collect calls from him, etc. He may try to get you to get your girl friends to do likewise for his buddies, who are just poor, lonely misunderstood people. If he has an EXTENSIVE record and is still doing crime, he will almost certainly continue to do so until he dies or is too old to continue. If you want to retain any level of self esteem you should walk away, politely but FIRMLY.
I have no idea what the statute of limitations is on escape. I am guessing it is three years, though I suspect they will make a decision much sooner than that.
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