The IT Guy

The IT Guy

IT 911

New York, NY

Male, 34

"What's wrong with my mouse?" "Why doesn't this website work?" "How do I turn this computer on?" As an IT guy for a healthcare company, I get these and all sorts of other brilliant questions all day. It never ceases to amaze me how smart people can become so technologically 'dumb' as soon as they set foot in the office. But I suppose that's what happens when they know one of us IT guys is there to hold their hands. Ask me anything... and when in doubt, reboot.

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36 Questions


Last Answer on August 28, 2012

Best Rated

I'm pursuing a degree in information systems and I'm torn. I don't know whether to concentrate on business analytics or information security. Any advice would be awesome! Thanks!

Asked by Christopher Gentile over 9 years ago


So I have an ex boyfriend who somehow keeps going through my iMessage/email. I've changed all my passwords so I'm not sure how he's doing it. Any thoughts???

Asked by Susie about 8 years ago


where can I get printer programs for a brother MFC-J6710DW?

Asked by Carla over 9 years ago


Can a person fake an email address? Can a person pretend to be a recruiter from a larger consulting agency or company and fake an email address so that the domain name looks like it came from a larger institution?

Asked by Jai about 9 years ago


i opend a game and i presed the development points a coupl of times can it take money from my phone bill ???

Asked by dzoni almost 11 years ago


What is the nature of a hard wired scanner? Is it connected to a LAN? And if so, does it need an 802.1 or higher certificate?

Asked by Jay over 9 years ago


What is the nature of a hard wired scanner? Is it connected to a LAN? And if so, does it need an 802.1 or higher certificate? I'm referring to a barcode scanner.
Asked by Jay just now!

Asked by Jay over 9 years ago