Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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I have a young son interested in becoming an officer. What are some of the steps I can take as a mom to point him in the right direction?

Asked by sweetbutsassy over 10 years ago

Keep him in school. Ensure he learns self discipline. Get him involved in things like Boy Scouts and martial arts. Teach him about the Constitution and what the underlying principles of freedom are.

It sounds like you are a concerned mother, and that goes a long way to ensuring he is on the right track.

To possess either probable cause or reasonable suspicion, an officer must be able to cite specific articulable facts to warrant the intrusion. Please explain to me how a citizens complaint of underage drinking can jeopardize my 4th amendment right?

Asked by i'm 19! over 11 years ago

As I explained, it is a totality of the circumstances.  Sometimes a single fact/observation can amount to RAS or PC.  Other times, an officer may have to build a series of facts/observations to meet the legal burdens.  I'm afraid you cannot present a general scenario and get a specific answer.

I'm meeting with a lieutenant to tell him about some upsetting experiences with some officers. The only time he can meet is at 6:45 a.m. in front of the station, which doesn't open until 8 a.m. Is there video surveillance in front? I'd feel better.

Asked by Carolyn almost 12 years ago

No idea what department it is, or what equipment they have in place.  The agency may have recorded video, but it is impossible for me to know.

If this lieutenant works midnights and gets off at 7 am, the time is pretty reasonable for his/her schedule and doesn't suggest any nefarious activity. 

My husband is going to court next week for his 5th oui arrest. We are in MA, he did not take the breathalizer and his defense is vertigo, and poor police work. If the jury does notknow about prior arrests/ jail time,how likely will he be convicted

Asked by tortured wife over 11 years ago

It would appear that your husband has a serious addiction, and is not taking responsibility for his actions.  Hopefully he hasn't killed or maimed anyone yet, and will not have to opportunity to do so in the future.

Ask his attorney for legal advice, not me.

Sorry about that. What kind of tests do they go through when the are in the academy?

Asked by mauisheriff@gmail.com over 11 years ago

There are written and oral tests that cover everything from law to criminal procedure to firearms to first aid.

There are performance tests where the recruit has to demonstrate their ability to perform specific tasks such as firearms proficiency, physical fitness, defensive tactics, and medical techniques.

Then there are larger performance tests that measures the students' ability to handle complex scenarios such as investigating a traffic accident, processing a crime scene, investigating a domestic violence incident or responding to a spree killer.

Additionally, the entire academy is a test of the students' mental, emotional and physical ability to complete a long and demanding course of instruction.  Many students quit because of the pressure.

Many states have a comprehensive written test at the end of the academy the student must pass for state certification.

I own a MTD garden tractor and sometimes drive it down the dirt road! I have a drivers permit and I added all the flashing red and orange lights, horn and reflectors and a slow vehicle sign in front and back..am I legal to use as a small tractor?

Asked by Franky over 11 years ago

Most states have allowances for farm vehicles being used temporarily on the roadway when in accordance to your normal agricultural activities.  It sounds like you have probably met most/all of the requirements that many states have.  I would suggest contacting the local sheriff's department or highway patrol to make sure there isn't anything else you need.

I have a sentry safe in my home that contained 2000dollars. The money was stolen which means the safe was broken into but there's no sign of it being broken into can the nypd come and dust for fingerprints

Asked by Sikeisha over 11 years ago

They can, but there are a lot of variables that go into lifting useable prints.  There are no guarantees the officer(s) will be able to recover a print, but they can certainly try.