School Bus Driver

School Bus Driver

The Bus Driver

15 Years Experience

South, ..

Female, 37

I have been a bus driver since late 2006. I know the inside story, the scoop, the down low dirt of what it takes to be a bus driver, how to handle kids and adults, and how to survive on the "streets" so to speak. I used to have a blog, feel free to browse it or ask me a question here.

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1007 Questions


Last Answer on February 07, 2021

Best Rated

Has your district went back yet?

Asked by Wondering about 4 years ago


How do I stop the politics with COVID? So there are three types the YOURE NOT DOING ENOUGH IM GOING TO SUE and THIS IS ALL AGINST MY CIVIL RIGHTS IM GOING TO SUE then there are people who just just tired of it all. Please, how can this a end? ever I know bus driving alwuas has had more pollitics then.i ever expected picking and dropping would. but how do I avoid jt becuase it seems trying to stay out of it all is into a third gorup whixh ja just STFU ready like every other yesr

Asked by Smamsm over 4 years ago


If so then that answers it but if not what are you doing? I saw a lady on YT who was cleaning and working in the library but I think she took a new job or something

Asked by Wondering about 4 years ago


Ignore the spelling I must have had a stroke. No I’m not going to fix it. I’m already had a rough morning having to hear supervisors talk about how they are doing everything they can to keep everyone safe but also how they have lines to keep.both sides happy

Asked by Smamsm over 4 years ago


Hey you’re back lady! Do you think any of these reasons would be the same for Bus Drivers? If so could you elaborate and if not what’s going good or how’s it irrelevant

Asked by I’m not pooping about 4 years ago


I don’t see what a meeting with three groups that could kill eachother is going to do any good anyways? I heard it since February, you’re not protecting us to this is tyranny and aginst my civil rights. I would rather take us out or eat or a cold beer that might help better lmao

Asked by Snsns over 4 years ago


So I have a question and I fully understand you have a lot of pending questions right now.

But why is it some districts

Allow drivers and companies they allow them to pick their routes. Their stops. How to do the route. What time come how early or late they want to be.

While other districts give no leeway whatsoever. We got another transportation coordinator and on top of COVID related stuff we lost almost all of our drivers. I mean the shortage was bad as it was. But we even had a surplus of applicants and more subs then we knew what to do with.

The lady used to allow drivers to do their routes how they wanted and was also generally great. She never got onto drivers unless she has to and took her drivers side of things when problems arose unless the driver legitimately did something.

A number of years ago when she retired this all changed. Even she left when she came back as a sub and couldn’t believe how bad it was.

She was a long time driver herself which must have been why she was so great. Not that I hate the new guy… But he wants to control everything anymore and drivers are just leaving

Asked by JAWN over 2 years ago