


25 Years Experience

Austin, TX

Male, 46

I've been a locksmith since 1998. I did automotive residential & commercial work from 1998 to 2008. From 2008 to 2018, I did some residential, but mostly commercial work. I have been project managing & estimating since 2018. I used to locksmith in the Chicago area, now the Austin area.

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329 Questions


Last Answer on June 11, 2024

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mailbox key ?? need a copie or a picture please for 92585 92544 area

Asked by mail man helper over 10 years ago

Not quite sure what you're asking. If you need a copy of a key, try your local walk-in locksmith shop. Just because it says USPS doesn't mean it's restricted or anything. A local shop should have it or should be able to get it. 

Have you seen the new phone-based remote locks like August.com? Those things have to be the future, right?

Asked by jailbrake about 11 years ago

This is the 2nd 1 I've seen like this. They're definitely going to get more popular, but I think we still have a ways to go before a majority will move away from a standard key. I have found that most people don't care about the few extra seconds they'll save by not having to use keys, & it's not worth the extra cost for a small convenience. Personally I love it & can't wait to see what's next! 

Could you tell me if a flat key with cuts on only one side of the blade would be used for lever locks or warded locks?

Asked by nimcor3@gmail.com about 11 years ago

Lever lock. ????

Hi. Could a locksmith create a lock for my license plate gas door on my car? My gas keeps getting stolen- spent lot of money on locking gas caps. Thanks.

Asked by cindy over 9 years ago

Hmm I feel like if they're breaking/bypassing your locking gas cap, why wouldn't they just break the lock on your plate? I've personally never seen someone put a lock on the plate, but I suppose it would be worth going to a walk-in shop & getting an opinion.

I lost the key to my.sentry safe v330. It has since been discontinued. Can I pick the lock or should I take it to my local locksmith. I need important papers out of it asap!

Asked by Vicki over 10 years ago

You local locksmith might be able to pick or drill it open. You might have to buy a new safe after that. Luckily it's a cheap safe. 


I've got a key I need copied, but I've never seen any key like this before. Can you tell me what kind of key this is and who might be able to copy it? I've posted a pic here: http://imgur.com/yoMmk0B


Asked by Pedro almost 10 years ago

It's made by an Israeli company called Mul-T-Lock. They are restricted keys & are proprietary to the individual lock shop that bought the rights to that keyway. The lock shop's name on the key is the only place you can get it copied, & usually you have to be an authorized person who originally purchased the key system from that locksmith.

IF I cut an AR1 key on a KW1 blank will it work? Are they compatible, they look quite similar?

Asked by Aaron almost 11 years ago

They are not compatible.