Pizza Delivery Guy

Pizza Delivery Guy


Birmingham, AL

Male, 35

I deliver pizzas as a part-time, second job. It's a pretty good way to pick up some extra cash. Ask me anything!

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22 Questions


Last Answer on May 17, 2012

Best Rated

Have you had a customer take the pizza and slam the door without paying? What do you do when that happens? Alert the police?

Asked by Blaine about 12 years ago

I've never had that happen, but it seems unlikely it would. I don't hand you the pizza until you hand me the money. But if it did happen, I guess I'd call the store from their front porch. But that's about it, I'm not getting shot over some dumb pizza.

Do people still play pranks on one another and place fake orders, sending pizzas to other people's houses?

Asked by MikeyMike about 12 years ago

We had a couple kids call in a fake order last weekend. They paid with a credit card over the phone. Geniuses they were not.

How long can a boxed pizza stay hot?

Asked by 40oz to freedom about 12 years ago

Good question. You know the bag that the delivery guy pulls your pizza out of when he gets to your door? It's called a hot bag and it does a really great job of keeping the order hot. They are thermal insulated, so they can keep it hot for a long time - especially handy on busy nights when orders are running a little behind.

What's the biggest tip you ever got? Was it during the holidays or something like that?

Asked by j rocka about 12 years ago

My largest tip was $15 from a guy at a hotel. When he opened the door, I could see and smell the pot smoke in the room. Not sure if he meant to tip that much or not. Either way, he should quit smoking pot.

Was the pizza bomber -- -- big news in the delivery world? Did you guys talk over how you would have handled things in his shoes?

Asked by Erin about 12 years ago

I wasn't delivering then, so I wouldn't know.

Are you yourself just totally sick of eating pizza at this point?

Asked by Xtra cheez about 12 years ago

Let me answer your question with a question. Do you ever get tired of people giving you something for free? I'm eating a slice of the free pizza I brought home with me tonight right now.

A friend of mine delivering pizzas once got robbed by someone posing as a customer. Has this happened to you or anyone you work with?

Asked by marlon79 about 12 years ago

Nobody at my store has ever been robbed. A store in a neighboring city though has been robbed on multiple occasions in the past few months.