Bar Mitzvah DJ

Bar Mitzvah DJ


Toronto, ON

Male, 28

I know how to Blame it on the Boogie better than the Jackson 5, point my disco finger higher than John Travolta and Time Warp better than Bill & Ted. I am the party. I am a BAR MITZVAH DJ.

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26 Questions


Last Answer on April 03, 2013

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Have you ever been stiffed on your fee? Or are you paid up-front?

Asked by cameljoe over 13 years ago

I've always been an employee of the companies i work for so i never have to worry. There have been cases where a client wasn't happy with the dance party and put up a fight with my bosses. Because the event scene is tight knit, bad reviews travel quickly; i know they have discounted clients before, but the at the end of the day...sometimes you can't do much with a stiff crowd that just doesn't want to dance

Ever seen the clip of Paul Rudd DJ'ing the bar mitzvah?

Asked by Kunu about 13 years ago

Yes. It’s kinda dated and doesn’t reflect the amount of money thrown into events these days, but it certainly reminds me of some of my earlier gigs. I kinda wish I had footage of myself from way back when.

Have you ever had a client ask if you yourself were Jewish, as a criteria for whether they should hire you?

Asked by Vickers about 13 years ago

Yes. And its a deal closer. "Oh yes, our bar mitzvah DJ is a "nice Jewish boy"" And then they try to set me up with their friends Jewish daughter.

Does a large percentage of your work come from referrals after kids or their parents see you work someone else's barmitzvah?

Asked by MC_Wrench about 13 years ago

Yep. But also I’ve had the good fortune to work with a very reputable company for the past 10 years. A client is happy to hire the company and then when provided with me as an option, having heard of me, choose me to host their event happily.

Is there an age at which you think you'll be too old to DJ bar mitzvahs? Does being the lifeblood of a party require a young person's mindset?

Asked by DRC about 13 years ago

It's all about how you see yourself. You need to go out on the dance floor without any inhibitions. So 18 or 40. it doesn't matter, you just gotta be genuinely excited about what you do and be able to respect yourself while looking at an empty dance floor.

Have you DJ'd any bar mitzvahs where the parents sprung for a celebrity appearance?

Asked by wherezkobe about 13 years ago

I havent personally been there, but my company has done many. Through Magen Boys Entertainment in Toronto, ive seen performances by members of Glee and some rock bands. THeres another company in the city, who shall not be named, who actually had justin bieber show up at the bar mitzvah under the condition that it remained silent, no pics, no videos. The dj in charge couldnt resist and is being hit with several lawsuits

Have you ever seen any barmitzvah kids have complete meltdowns a-la Supersweet Sixteen?

Asked by Mickey_M about 13 years ago

Yah, kids get really bitchy. The sad thing is they don't know any better so it’s hard to hold it against or judge them. I’ve seen plenty of bar/bat mitzvah kids cry at their own party. Its usually because they’re not part of the cool crew and see the "cool kids" snickering at them/not participating or conversely, they are part of the cool crew and something mortifying happens that compromises their credibility and they get incredibly self conscious.