Bar Mitzvah DJ

Bar Mitzvah DJ


Toronto, ON

Male, 28

I know how to Blame it on the Boogie better than the Jackson 5, point my disco finger higher than John Travolta and Time Warp better than Bill & Ted. I am the party. I am a BAR MITZVAH DJ.

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26 Questions


Last Answer on April 03, 2013

Best Rated

If a client tells you not to play songs from a particular artist (read: no Black Eyed Peas), but you know from experience that these songs work at parties, will you play them anyway?

Asked by Rambis about 13 years ago

There's usually enough to pick from that you dont have to...and for the most part, a host is more concerned with her guests having a good if it comes at the cost of a little Boom Boom Pow, generally thats a sacrifice theyre willing to make. Usually they ask not to play a song because they think theyre party doesnt need all the tried and true winning songs ie) OMG no Justin Bieber,....hes so awful. And without fail, if you do play the song, everyone is singing and dancing along. People hire professional DJ's because they know what to do to make the party rock....otherwise they would just plug in an ipod. So to answer your question, we'll try not to....but will establish at the initial meeting that we may need to use said songs to get the party going etc.

Do you still use turntables, or do DJs do everything iPods and computers now?

Asked by proballer about 13 years ago

No tables. It’s all Mac's and mixers. There are virtual turntables that allow you to pass an MP3 onto specialized records that you can fully scratch with, as if you were actually playing the record. It’s pretty cool, and certainly brought a bit of legitimacy back to the DJ’ing industry.

What do you do to pump up a crowd if they look like they're just sitting around?

Asked by Smil77 about 13 years ago

Stop the party, and tell every kid that whoever can bring me back an adult twice their age I will give them a prize. The bribe generally works and when they bring back an older woman quickly follow up with "heyyyy, no cheating, there's no way she’s twice your age". The kid gets their prize, the woman LOVES it and I hit them hard with one of 9 Black Eyed Peas tracks that are consistent winners on the dance floor.

If the bar mitzvah boy hands you a list of songs to play, do you stick to i? Or do you go off-script if you think other songs will work better?

Asked by Ray_C_Slater over 13 years ago

Yah, they often do, and the way to handle these requests is very simple. Often times, a majority of the songs will be ones you would play anyways. For the others, if they are not danceable tunes or you dont want to risk spinning the party in the wrong direction by taking a chance on that new Alanis Morrissette track during peak dance times, you find in between moments to play the songs. So when people are going to take their seats, as background during dinner or at the end of a strong dance set. Sure you want to play all the music that the guest of honour requests, but if you gave them the option between having an amazing party or having an ok party where ALL your requests were played, 9 times out of 10 they will choose the great party....with the understanding that DJ knows best and will steer the party/music accordingly.

Do you ever get your music selection boo'd?

Asked by Raffi about 13 years ago

All the time. It actually kind of hurts. You can never make EVERYONE happy. When people get drunk it’s the worst because they have no filter. I once had a guy try to take over the DJ’ing station. I think he fell over soon after he put on my headphones.

What's your favorite song to play?

Asked by dancedance! about 13 years ago

I've spent the balance of my 10 year career perfecting the dance. I only bust it out if the dance floor is absolutely rocking or if its the end of the night. I always get the dancers in on it with me too to make me look like a stud. "Backstreet's Back" Alright!

How many gigs do you average a week? Is it enough to make a living or do you have another job as well?

Asked by boogieondown over 13 years ago

At my peak I was doing 2-3 gigs a week...netting about an extra $40-$45k a year