


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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482 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

What kind of physical fitness component is there for the firefighter certification exam, and do most candidates have to train in preparation in order to pass?

Asked by dan79 about 11 years ago

The larger depts utilize physical agility test which gives you about 5 min to complete the course which involves climbing ladders, pulling hose and dragging a weighted dummy which is all incorporated in the job. Getting yourself physically fit usually gets one through just fine.

How badly have you been burned in a fire? What kind of protection from heat do standard firefighter suits provide?

Asked by emily_kessler about 11 years ago

I have managed to stay burn free utilizing my gear, but most of my and our injuries are back injury, falls, of the such.

In movies and TV, firefighters run directly through flames, like when they're running in or out of a burning house. Is that realistic? Does your gear allow you to do that?

Asked by slowburn about 11 years ago

No it isnt realistic. Imagine in the summertime during the middle of the day you throwing on a parka put a blindfold on and put a helmet on and go into a perfect stranger house and find the remote control in the living room. Not going to able see much. gonna be hot and stumbling over stuff. Any firefighter that says he doesnt get nervous going in is not a smart firefighter and will get him or others hurt.

After 9/11, did your department get an avalanche of applications?

Asked by tr3 about 11 years ago

yes nationwide but there is always surplus appicants at all times. Most wanted to join the military to support our country.

When you show up to a burning house, how do you decide whether priority #1 will be putting out the fire, or going into the house to rescue people?

Asked by LeahChass about 11 years ago

Risk vs Outcome. As you arrive you are looking at several things especially at night. Cars in the driveway? Toys in the Yard? these thing will increase the potential of having to put life risk first. But if it is a vacant home and it is significantly involved is the risk of injury equal or greater that the outcome of saving a fire damaged building. We are trained to look at many things from reading the smoke? You can read several things from the smoke. This video link will show you the signs that we look for specifically smoke puffing out of the building. It takes a lot of consideration determining your choice of attack. But it all comes down to it night time fire are more of a initial rescue before suppression.

Stupid question but, why is the fire department responsible for getting cats out of trees?

Asked by Grizmatic about 11 years ago

Who else is going to do it. Believe it or not cats will usually come down by themselves. When was the last time you saw a cat skeleton in a tree.

How do you figure out if a fire was arson?

Asked by Gordie30 about 11 years ago

Numerous ways. We can look at the area of what we suspect being the location where the fire started and can usually see a burn pattern which looks like a upside down triangle as the fire spreads upwards. Chemical samples of the debris, Detection K9's are many of the tools that we use. But sometimes due to the amount of damage you can't always tell.