


32 Years Experience

Goose Creek, SC

Male, 54

Currently serving Jasper County Fire Rescue in south Carolina along with Charleston County EMS.

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482 Questions


Last Answer on June 29, 2022

When your a firefghter what dose black smoke mean

Asked by erica taylor over 10 years ago

Incomplete combustion, Fire is not at its maximum potential

My moms house caught on fire in monroe county and the fire fighters knew that we could not find my mom and they refused to go into my moms house to look for her why? she ended up burning to death and i am only 13 and have no mom can you tell me why?

Asked by Jolene over 10 years ago

This has given me very limited info and can be very personal in nature. If you want you can contact me at to privately discuss this.

I accidentally spilled about 1/2 cup (maybe a bit more, but not a cup) of gasoline down the bathtub drain. Windows are open. Water running a couple hours. Is there anything else I should be doing? Everything I find online is about large spills.

Asked by Beth over 10 years ago

You are fine, just make sure to clean the tub and don't do that again. You can create health issues by exposing others to these fluids in the water system.

There is a push by some in our company to use a door fob system to detect when employees enter and leave. The claim is that this will help first-responders? But with both computer and human errors is this really true?

Asked by michael over 10 years ago

I am assuming that you are to the station. security is the reason. You do not want a bunch of keys to your building out there so yes this is a good idea. We use combination key pads. If you are using fobs it can create a log of who is going in and out of the building so if you are up to no good it is easier to track.

I am interested in becoming a firefighter, i am 19 years old and graduated, only thing is i had surgery on my shoulder and i was wondering if that hinders me from becoming a firefighter.

Asked by Josh Sanders over 10 years ago

Did surgery correct the issue and is their any limitations from that surgery. Majority of Departments have a physical agility test and you can look up firefighter agility test for what is involved. Smaller departments may not. But as long as there is no complications than there should be no reason to not be considered. I do recommend getting your EMT it will put you one stap ahead of others.

How do I put in a station request? I need to change crews. Need a change. Thank you.

Asked by Jon over 10 years ago

Dependant on the size of department you would go to Human Resources at a minimum. Unfortunately you may find your self having to address the issues that create a bad environment with your command staff. Some people have had to resort to seeking employment elsewhere. This question has many answers that could be given but with little information this is the best that I can suggest.

What is the typical rank system in a career FD vs. a VFD? Are there ranks such as corporal that do not lead a unit but are still ranked? Thanks.

Asked by 123 over 10 years ago

Starting from the bottom to the top.

Firefighter- Private

Senior Firefighter-Corporal

Engineer- Sergeant- Driver Operator



Division Chief

Battalion Chief

Assitant Chief


Fire Commissioner.


This is a standard but can be listed as a different title.