Hairstylist and Makeup Artist

Hairstylist and Makeup Artist


Richmond, VA

Female, 30

I work as a hairstylist and makeup artist for anything and everything you could imagine. A typical work-week can be special events, photo shoots, commercial production, makeup & styling lessons and more. Ask me anything!

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35 Questions


Last Answer on April 18, 2013

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As an entrepreneur, are you enjoying the business side of your job as much as the creative side?

Asked by GeoffM almost 13 years ago

For the last three years, I have been both an entrepreneur/business owner and an artist. That is a tough combo to manage. While I enjoy some aspects of running a business, there are parts that are more difficult. I would say my least favorite parts are probably the most important, like negotiating rates, getting payment, book keeping, etc. Of course, I would prefer to do just do the fun stuff but that is the trade off when you are an entrepreneur. Right?

Does it bother you when clients play on their phones during an appointment?

Asked by Loueez almost 13 years ago

No, it is your time to use however you like. I do need you to keep your head up (especially if you want a straight haircut or want me to be able to do your makeup) and still. Since I am working on the head and face area, holding the phone to your face is not a great idea since that would be directly in the way of me doing what you have made the appointment for.

What is the typical percentage that a hairstylist gets for each haircut? Is it true that it is not necessary to tip the hairdresser if he/she is the owner of the salon?

Asked by LuckyLady almost 13 years ago

Every salon does it a bit different. When I first started in a salon I made 30% commission for the first 90 days then it went to 40% after that 90 day trial period. Then once I was there for a year, the percentage was based on how much money I brought it. For example (I can't remember exactly), if my sales were under $1500, I made 45%. Once my service totals were over $1500 per week I made 50 or 55%. The more you bring in, the more you keep. There was a 10% commission on retail (shampoo, styling products) sold. The owner takes all financial responsibility for expenses like products for retail, backbar, advertising, electricity, water, etc. The stylist just shows up and does the work. I no longer work in a salon but only do on location jobs for styling and makeup. So I am the owner and get 100% of what I charge but also pay out 100% of advertising and other expenses. I don't expect a tip but always appreciate the little something extra when clients add it on.

What types of clients are the worst to deal with?

Asked by Monica almost 13 years ago

When I meet with a client and I see that they are super disorganized, emotional or indecisive, I know that I am in for a rough one. Typically, these are stressful situations so we need to go into things with a plan. I can help with the plan, but it’s important for them to share their vision with me so I can make it happen. I may be a lot of things, but a mind reader is not one of them.

When choosing which styling product (e.g. gel, pomade, hairspray) to use at the end of a haircut, does the stylist choose what she actually thinks will work best, or whatever product the salon is pushing that month?

Asked by Jason almost 13 years ago

That would depend on the stylist. I always kept my clients best interest my priority since that is a more valuable long term relationship than whatever I would make off a short term promo. Good stylist/client relationships are based on trust. I am going to be honest with my client and only recommend what they need or what will work well for them so that I remain the expert and they continue to see me.

How do you deal with clients who just can't make up their minds and are never pleased no matter what you do?

Asked by JSweets almost 13 years ago

After 9 years, I feel like I am finally getting better at handling that challenge with a little more grace than I used to. I’m hoping as time goes on, I get a little better every year. For now, when I encounter this type of client, I start by getting as much clarity as possible up-front. Then I will go over what the results would be so that we all go into this with clear expectations. I do not make a move until we are all clear on the time and financial investment involved and what the maintenance will be like. If we can't reach a clear understanding, then sometimes it is best to remove yourself from the situation. This is honestly the hardest part. I want to tackle any challenge, but as I’ve grown and matured as a stylist, I have come to understand that I am not the "right fit" for every client and I cannot meet everyone's expectations. It’s better for me to help them find another person who can make them happy than for me to try and try and fail. And, if you we are really being honest- MEN- are the most particular, less likely to embrace change and most difficult to make happy. BUT once you gain their trust, they are the most loyal.

What was the largest tip you've ever received? Had you done something extra special to earn it, or was it just a wildly generous client?

Asked by JaimeJay almost 13 years ago

I’ve been lucky to receive some pretty fabulous gifts and cash tips around the holidays when I worked in a salon. Now that I’m a freelancer, about half of my clients will add a little something extra on top of what they pay for the event. It’s not expected but always appreciated. The best "just because" tip I have ever gotten was from a male client, who I had been doing monthly haircuts only ( no color, etc) for about a year. One day for no reason, it wasn't my birthday or any other major holiday, he left me $100 in cash. On the envelope he wrote, thank you for all your hard work." It’s nice to be appreciated.