


6 Years Experience

Somwhere in, IL

Male, 20

I've been a Lifeguard at my local park district for a little over a year now. I have saved multiple lives and handled rude people. Overall, we are there for rule enforcement and responding to emergencies.

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9 Questions


Last Answer on June 17, 2020

Best Rated

Are lifeguards considered peace officers and can they arrest?

Asked by Dnndnd almost 4 years ago

Not where I live. I've heard that some beach lifeguards have more authority than pool lifeguards in states on the coast line. In Illinois (where I work), we have the legal authority to eject any patron from the property for any action we deem "unsafe" if it warrants that. If any further action is needed, the police department is called and they are then trespassed off the property. That's as far as our authority goes though. Thanks for the question!

Are you a hero?

Asked by Mike almost 4 years ago

To some people, sure. To us, we simply do what we are paid to do. When people need help, we are there. We rush towards the danger while others swim away. In lifeguard training, my instructor said, "A lifeguard tube weighs 6 pounds, but it is the heaviest thing you'll ever carry in your life. It represents the weight of responsibility and having someone else's life in your hands."