


6 Years Experience

Somwhere in, IL

Male, 20

I've been a Lifeguard at my local park district for a little over a year now. I have saved multiple lives and handled rude people. Overall, we are there for rule enforcement and responding to emergencies.

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9 Questions


Last Answer on June 17, 2020

Best Rated

Has there ever been two emergencies at once and what is proper protocol if that happens if you're the only one on duty?

Asked by BTH about 8 years ago

This has not happened where I work. If it did, we have protocols in place for that situation. At the pool I work at we have this thing called a "turtle". It is a small orange device that we wear in our rescue tube. As soon as we jump in the water it sends a loud alarm to mutiple people working the front desks. They are all trained in back boarding and CPR. So in this situation, I would get one out first; have the desk staff deal with that. Then get the other one and call the paramedics depending on the situation. Thanks for asking!

Did you get a lot of dates from sitting shirtless all day?

Asked by Brett almost 8 years ago

This is actually asked quite alot. The the aquatic center I work at we have to wear shirts. Most pools and waterpark make guards wear shirts becuase it is more professional. We still get a really nice tan though. Thanks for asking!

Are you ALWAYS paying attention to the water, or do you sometimes find yourself getting distracted even though you're not supposed to?

Asked by Dan79 about 8 years ago

As lifeguards, we sometimes find ourselves zoned out for short periods of time. However, I work at a pool where we switch zones every 15 minuites. We are also required to be standing for 5 out of the 15 minuites. So, we are only sitting for 10 minuites. That doesn't really give us much time to zone out. Especially with 30-40 kids that we're responsible for in our zone.

Did you ever have to give anyone mouth to mouth? If someone takes in too much water and is unconscious, what are the odds that mouth to mouth will revive them?

Asked by das_dotz about 8 years ago

First, mouth to mouth is a part of CPR. It goes with the chest compressions. I have never had to do CPR on a human. We practice constantly for just that situation even though we will most likely we will never need to use it. When someone needs CPR they are legally dead. CPR brings them back to life. The chance of someone being brought back outside of a hospital is a 5-10% chance. Thanks for asking!

Do more serious accidents happen in the shallow or the deep end?

Asked by Jill almost 8 years ago

That depends. It is much more dangerous to be in the deep water. Obviously, because it is harder to touch the bottom. Therefor, you must have some swimming ability. Children are around shallow water a lot more than they are in the deep end. So, to answer your question deep end is more dangerous. That being said, surprisingly about 25% of drowning incidents happen in water 1 meeter deep or less! Thanks for asking!

What's the max capacity for your pool and when it's completely full is it honestly hard to keep an eye on EVERYTHING and EVERYBODY?

Asked by Brian almost 8 years ago

Our pools maximum capacity is 126 people for our indoor pool. Our outdoor Aquatic Center has a capacity of 500 people. For the second part the short answer is yes. When you are the only one ad you are watching 50 kids in one area of the pool. It is virtually impossible. We usually have more than one guard but for the sake of your question I will say this. We are trained to scan our zone (section of the pool). We must scan that zone in 10 seconds. We must see everything and everybody in that 10 seconds. That also includes the area outside the pool in our zone. So, it is hard to do, but MUST be done. Thanks for asking!

Has anyone ever died in your pool?

Asked by Alli over 5 years ago

No, thankfully no one has ever died at the facility I work at. There are several nearby towns that have had drownings at their pools, and it is our worst nightmare. We have had older people fall, or having chest pain, so we have had to call the ambulence several times. But, no one has ever past away. Thanks for asking!

Are lifeguards considered peace officers and can they arrest?

Asked by Dnndnd almost 4 years ago

Not where I live. I've heard that some beach lifeguards have more authority than pool lifeguards in states on the coast line. In Illinois (where I work), we have the legal authority to eject any patron from the property for any action we deem "unsafe" if it warrants that. If any further action is needed, the police department is called and they are then trespassed off the property. That's as far as our authority goes though. Thanks for the question!

Are you a hero?

Asked by Mike almost 4 years ago

To some people, sure. To us, we simply do what we are paid to do. When people need help, we are there. We rush towards the danger while others swim away. In lifeguard training, my instructor said, "A lifeguard tube weighs 6 pounds, but it is the heaviest thing you'll ever carry in your life. It represents the weight of responsibility and having someone else's life in your hands."