Solar Panel Installer

Solar Panel Installer

Mr. Solar guy

4 Years Experience

Coachella, CA

Male, 21

I've been a solar installer for quite a while now and like most people i love what i do. My main goal is to make the customer happy by all means necessary even if i have to spend a couple bucks out of my pocket to complete the job. Ask away!

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5 Questions


Last Answer on February 12, 2016

Best Rated

I don't hear much about solar energy these days, but is that industry growing faster than ever?

Asked by Bern over 8 years ago

Yes this industry is booming like never before. Another reason why it's so big is the 30 % tax credit

How much of a role is solar going to play in the country's attempt to get completely off oil / fossil fuels? I feel like what I hear most about wind/solar is that while they "work" they'd only provide a tiny fraction of what we currently get from oil

Asked by Alex about 8 years ago


Do they make camouflaged solar panels? I like them in concept but won't ever get them if it means making my house look like a huge mirror.

Asked by Homer1 about 8 years ago


Why do solar panels still cost so much? I know there are gov subsidies, but when I got a quote for my house, it was well into the 5 figures.

Asked by Olyyad almost 8 years ago


Does air temperature matter at all how well solar panels work? Like if there's just as much sunshine in Alaska as in Mexico, does the fact that its way colder in Alaska even matter as far as generating solar energy?

Asked by Bear about 8 years ago