Private Detective

Private Detective


10 Years Experience

Anaheim, CA

Male, 40

Been a private eye for 10 years. The job's not for everyone. If you love odd hours sipping coffee in a dark parking lot waiting for something to happen you should definitely jump at this job immediately. I get hired by spouses, employers, insurance companies, and you name it as well. Oh...and I field a lot of very interesting phone calls that even the most seasoned defense attorneys would raise an eyebrow at.

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84 Questions


Last Answer on March 01, 2015

Best Rated

I working on domestic software as HCM Consultant, I have received an offer from a partner of oracle netsuite in middle east to work on netsuite, but to be honest I haven't heard about netsuite before and I don't have infromation about the netsuite H

Asked by Information about oracle netsuite ? about 3 years ago


Can a private investigator look at crime scene evidence once it has been collected by the police? I am writing a story about a p.i. and this may be a key plot point.

Asked by Paul about 3 years ago


I bet you had cases where one of the family had gambling problems, how did they react afterwards?My brother is one of the addicted, he always play here

Asked by RickSlot over 7 years ago


I know my husband has been messing with my mental health he put speakers inside the walls and broke into my phone with his girlfriend @ I used the radar apps from my phone I sound crazy but I'm not! What should I do

Asked by Liz about 5 years ago


How did you get skip tracing resources after getting a certification

Asked by Edwin 9 months ago


Hi, writer here. If a respectable/connected man alleged that a limping woman asked for help during a hike, only to kidnap his niece at gun point after the child disappeared on his watch, would cops ever believe him? (Child is permanently missing.)

Asked by Laurel about 4 years ago


Does anyone have an idea where i can get a decent gaming laptop on Cyber Monday Sales?

Asked by Mike Gardez over 6 years ago