


jersey city, NJ

Male, 54

My job is not as easy as you think. I work with textiles stones and many many chemicals. I do sloped , flat, domed, roofs from 1 story to 150 stories. I can help you find out the good the bad and the ugly of being a roofer. For me I feel I could never find a better occupation. Let's talk about it.

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3 Questions


Last Answer on October 24, 2014

Best Rated

What's the worst accident you ever had while up on a roof?

Asked by dan79 over 9 years ago

I have never had an accident but I have seen many. Sadly I saw Leszek Przinski wall over an area that was covered with isulation. The area unfortunately was an open skylight over a staircase. It later turned out theat he was drunk. I recommend the legal use of breathalizers especially on Monday mornings. i cannot help but have a pit in my stomach and feel the tears in my eyes thinking of the pain that this man went through. It could have easily been avoided. i think of Leszek daily.

Do roofers still get nervous when working very high up or does any fear of heights thing go away pretty quickly?

Asked by sox over 9 years ago

If you are going to ask me question s I want your real name . My name is Mark Nejmeh you can find me @realroofer on twitter. Now to answer your question. I am afraid of heights. I have a saying that you have to go where God wants you. For whatever reason I have either been bored , or absolutely hated most of my other jobs. I am nervous all the time on the roof. I am afraid to fall.

If a customer's roof is leaking, how do you go about pinpointing the source or is it usually pretty obvious?

Asked by joshua.levine over 9 years ago