Fine Dining Server

Fine Dining Server


Ocean Springs, MS

Female, 31

Graduated with a Bachelor's; I worked my way up into the fine dining industry in 6 years. My next position will be in management. I'd like to help people understand the daily stresses of the restaurant industry. As well, I'd like to help remove the stigma attached to being a server. You have a set of skills that most 9 to 5 companies require. You are a team player, a salesperson, and most importantly an elite guest relations manager. Make it a career track. Prove everyone wrong.

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21 Questions


Last Answer on June 01, 2013

Best Rated

How much are you paid in fine dining compared to other servers, waiters, waitresses, and other restraint staff like that?

Asked by Justin over 4 years ago


I've been working at a fine dining place for 8 months as a busser/runner and have extensive contact with and can sell to customers. I want to get hired as a server at a top or higher end place. What would you advise to increase my shot? I know wines.

Asked by Frank almost 10 years ago


How many waiters and runers should i have for a 300 pax fine dining rest ? is there any format of the roaster if am planing to open from 8am-2am ?

Asked by thara almost 11 years ago


Why should waiters at high-end restaurants receive greater tips (in the absolute sense) than those at lower-end restaurants? Sure, the food may be different, but isn't it the same amount of work?

Asked by shogunn1 over 11 years ago


I just staged at a fine dining restaurant with an excellent reputation. I think it went well. Do I wait for their response or send a thank you email?

Asked by Nic over 8 years ago


What's the male to female ratio among servers at high end restaurants?

Asked by Nils over 11 years ago


I heard a study that showed that merely by SMILING more, a server's tips went way up even when the service was bad. Are there other small things you noticed that would affect your tips?

Asked by ducks over 11 years ago