Forensic Scientist

Forensic Scientist

LIsa Black

Cape Coral, FL

Female, 49

I spent the five happiest years of my life in a morgue. As a forensic scientist in the Cleveland coroner’s office I analyzed gunshot residue on hands and clothing, hairs, fibers, paint, glass, DNA, blood and many other forms of trace evidence, as well as crime scenes. Now I'm a certified latent print examiner and CSI for a police department in Florida. I also write a series of forensic suspense novels, turning the day job into fiction. My books have been translated into six languages.

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989 Questions


Last Answer on July 21, 2022

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Have you ever made a arrest?

Asked by Shelby over 5 years ago

I'm a civilian employee, not a sworn officer, so no.

Please give me details like background, investigation, evidence etc. Of O.J Simpson murder case?

Asked by Hifz Ur Rehman over 5 years ago

Sorry, I wouldn't know anything more about it than anyone else. Try Google. Or watch the excellent miniseries, "American Crime Story: The Run For His Life." It was great.

Assume a swimming pool on a yacht was filled with regular tap water and chlorine. A person drowns in the pool. The body is dumped over board and found within hours. Could lung water be tested chemically to help discern the true facts?

Asked by PT O'Neil almost 6 years ago

As far as I know that is possible. Whether a medical examiner’s office would actually test the water in the lungs in a case of apparent drowning is another matter. There is also the possibility of ‘dry-drowning’ in which the throat closes and no water gets in the lungs. A pathologist told me once that drowning is sort of a ‘negative diagnosis’ in that, if no other cause of death presents itself and the person is found in water, then drowning is assumed. Sorry I can’t be more help!

What is the correct procedure to gather DNA doing a mouth swab and if it's not done correctly is it considered contaminated

Asked by Britni about 5 years ago

I'm sorry, I was sure I answered this long ago! Collecting buccal swabs is very easy--they come in a kit with everything necessary plus instructions for rubbing the swabs on the inside of the mouth and then packaging. Anyone could do it. I've never heard of a case where it was considered contaminated.

Does this job ever depress, upset, disgust, or cause you anxiety? Does this job ever make your life a living hell?

Asked by Cillian over 5 years ago

No. Like any job it can be tiring and tedious at points, but the only time it makes me anxious is always due to bureaucratic issues, which, again, you’re going to have in any job.

Hi Miss, I'm a student from Australia conducting a Research Project and my question is 'how have forensic methods evolved through the last 40 years to improve the rates of crimes solved'. As a professional, would you be able to elaborate on this?

Asked by Kate Flynn over 5 years ago

Wow, that's an extremely broad question. I don't know if the rates of crimes solved have been increased greatly--perhaps in some crimes like rape or murder but perhaps not in other crimes like burglary and theft. But certainly the biggest advances in forensics have been DNA and the connectedness of fingerprint databases. Less specific but perfectly valid analyses like pollen, soil, and other trace evidence examination have gone by the wayside. And digital analyses such as the downloading of cell phones and personal computers are helping solve crimes more and more, but then people didn't have cell phones or personal computers 40 years ago so I'm not sure that counts!

I hope that helps!

What is the education needed? The skills needed? The experience needed?

Asked by JaidenKBCL over 5 years ago

That depends entirely on where you want to work and what you want to do. If you want to do DNA analysis and testify in court about it, you may need a PhD in genetics. If you want to work at crime scenes bagging and tagging evidence, you may need only a high school diploma, with added hireability for advanced degrees. The only way to know is to check job opening notices or call the agencies and ask. Best of luck to you.