Former TSA Screener

Former TSA Screener


New York, NY

Male, 29

I worked at the TSA, one of the most despised government agencies in the U.S., for approximately 7 years. Recently, I resigned, and started an anonymous blog about my experiences.

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20 Questions


Last Answer on January 26, 2013

Best Rated

Did you and your TSA co-workers see that South Park TSA episode? Did you find it funny or were you and your co-workers offended?

Asked by Cartman over 11 years ago


What security measures (e.g. removal of shoes, removal of liquids, etc) do even the TSA agents think are ridiculous and unnecessary?

Asked by Str8tLine over 11 years ago


What made you decide to start blogging about your TSA experiences? Is it cathartic? Do you feel like the TSA deserves to be exposed for all it's b.s.?

Asked by Str8tLine over 11 years ago


Hi so can TSA make a arrest (yes I know all about citizens arrests LOL) and why do airports need a TSA, airport police, and local departments all at the airports. As well as flight marshals

Asked by Ndndn over 4 years ago


Did you ever actually see a security threat thwarted while you were in the TSA?

Asked by BOOM over 11 years ago


How would describe the intelligence levels and competency of your former TSA co-workers?

Asked by bellboy over 11 years ago


If I suspect that someone is out of the country (in Panama) and is involved in illegal activity, how would I report this? Who is the appropriate authority to contact, especially if the will be returning to the U.S. via an american air carrier?

Asked by Aliasa about 11 years ago