Best Buy Employee

Best Buy Employee

Ron Mexico

Vienna, VA

Male, 36

I worked at the Westwood, CA Best Buy, just long enough to qualify for the employee discount, buy a bunch of stuff for me and my friends, and then bail. I worked in the "Digital Imaging" section (think: digital cameras and assorted accessories). I can't complain too much...the discount was meh. Working in this Best Buy meant I got to see two celebs in the store (Alan Alda just off his West Wing Emmy nom), Ryan Phillipe, and a pre-HIMYM Neal Patrick Harris at the Harris Teeter.

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43 Questions


Last Answer on November 16, 2016

Best Rated

I heard best buy employees get a discount with most major cell phone companies, is that true?

Asked by Fly over 11 years ago


I'm a BB employee and I want to know how I am able to view if an item is open box online. I saw how to do it once by copying and pasting the sku number, but I forgot which site to paste it to online. I want to buy an open box laptop. Can you help me?

Asked by Mystery. over 10 years ago


Do you still or do a campaign from mac to a pc

Asked by Mikael over 9 years ago


How long does a finally last?

Asked by Windy about 8 years ago


HI, I have a question. I bought a phone at best buy a couple days ago. I don't really like it. I am still in the 14 day return policy. But I dropped it yesterday and the screen cracked a little. Will they take it back?

Asked by Amanda over 9 years ago


i want to order something from the website because we dont have the item in the store but i wanted to use my employee discount how could i use? would i have to call customer service and order it through there?

Asked by elizabeth over 11 years ago


I just hit 90 days working for Best Buy Mobile. How do I get a concession line on either AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon?

Asked by Drew almost 11 years ago