Police Officer

Police Officer


10 Years Experience

Around the Way, FL

Male, 40

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but as time went on it seemed all too true.

I spent more than ten years in law enforcement, all of it on the street in uniform patrol. I've been a patrol officer, instructor, sergeant and lieutenant.

Do not report crimes here. Nothing here should be considered legal advice. All opinions are my own.

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615 Questions


Last Answer on October 29, 2014

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Do police check messages received by a person who has committed suicide and contact the senders?

Asked by Frank S. over 11 years ago

Depends on the circumstances.  Are you talking about letters, e-mails, text messages, Facebook posts, tweets...?  Under what circumstances did the death occur?  Is there some indication that the death was not self-inflicted?  There are a lot of variables that go into an investigation.

If I am pull over by a police in the rural area of the city at night , is it okay to ask the officer to head to somewhere with more light before I hand them my ID or roll down the entire window?

Asked by E.L over 11 years ago

I'm not sure what you mean by "rural area of the city."  If you mean out in the country somewhere, how far would you expect to drive to find a lit area?  Don't expect a trooper to follow you for miles just to look for a well lit area.  

If you are in a city, you should probably pull into a parking lot/gas station whenever available to begin with.

You can ask an officer anything, but he/she doesn't have to agree to honor your request.

Is it illegal to be a Christian in the U.S now? Preachers across the country are getting arrested for preaching in public, that's why I'm asking.

Asked by Michael over 11 years ago

I'm guessing this is a rhetorical question.

There is a lot going on in this country that I don't agree with.  Arresting people for peaceably assembling or for exercising their freedom of speech in public is unconscionable.  All law enforcement officers have taken an oath, which includes upholding the Constitution.  Any law enforcement officer who violates his or her oath should be held accountable.

Can I get in trouble if I have a backpack that is decorated with weed all over?

Asked by Santi.. almost 12 years ago

Seriously, who writes these questions...?  If you want to have a backpack with images of marijuana all over it, knock yourself out.  I always like the folks who advertise their recreational activities.  

If you want to decorate your backpack with actual "weed all over," be my guest.  Depending on where you are in the world, that could be anything from completely legal to a capital offense (death penalty).  Laws inside the US vary, and unless the actual marijuana was significant in quantity, you are probably looking at a misdemeanor arrest.


I know the law states that airsoft weapons are required to have an orange tip. My question is this. My orange tip on my airsoft shotgun broke off. Can I use orange tape or paint the tip orange or will I still get in legal trouble?

Asked by Jon over 11 years ago

There are no such laws in my state that require an orange tip.  But, I don't live in some of the overly restrictive states such as New York or California that might require such a silly thing.  You definitely should check with an attorney or local law enforcement if you are unsure of the laws in your state.

Update - It seems federal law requires anyone selling a toy gun to have an orange tip on it.  I don't know that there is anything at the federal law that requires you to replace or maintain the orange tip.  Again, local laws may be more restrictive due to the eagerness of politicians to criminalize all aspects of life.

I mean that they have a history of violence. I know a friend that if she gets pulled over before the officer gets out of the car they have to call backup on her. I don't really understand why it happens. Its just something that made me curious.

Asked by Aleria over 11 years ago

I'm afraid I don't know anything about your friend or the specific circumstances.

If you have no criminal history, but you have at times in your past committed undetected crimes like taking something from a grocery store or driving home after dinner when you POSSIBLY could have been over .08, will this disqualify you in general?

Asked by tobias funke over 11 years ago

Committing crimes like theft and DUI are serious, and will be seen as such by an employing agency.  Your best bet is to be completely honest (any lies will get you immediately barred from employment.)  A department will generally take into consideration the circumstances surrounding the crimes such as how long ago did it happen (were you a 13 year old when you stole from someone as opposed to having done it last week.)

Arrested Development fan, I assume?  Funny show.