Birthday Party Clown

Birthday Party Clown

Rosie The Clown

Toronto, ON

Female, 19?

I've been a practicing Birthday Party Clown for 22 years. What other job is there where you can go to a party, have lots of fun, be the centre of attention and get well paid? I enjoy visiting with all kinds of people, experiencing many different cultures and seeing a variety of places. There's never a dull moment. Well, almost never. In addition to birthday parties, I entertain at fairs, picnics, corporate events, club parties, university parties and at any event that sounds like fun.

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44 Questions


Last Answer on November 13, 2018

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Do you have a trick or routine that never fails to put a smile on the face of even the most miserable of kids?

Asked by DanC almost 13 years ago

Hi, Dan. Just about the saddest thing to see is a kid who’s miserable even at a party. Yes, I do have something up my sleeve for those blessedly rare occasions, or rather, it's around my neck. A child has to be pretty darn morose to resist the opportunity to honk Rosie the Clown’s horn and hear her scream, or to give her a hi-5 and watch her fall over. That gets them every time.

Did you go to school or train professionally to be a clown? When did you realize it's what you wanted to do?

Asked by nhl94 almost 13 years ago

Hello, Nhl94. On-the-job training has been my road to success. I believe in earning while learning. To become Rosie the Clown, I apprenticed at a local clown shop, attended workshops and became a busker. Busking is an excellent way both to acquire and to asses clowning skills – money in the hat is proof of a good performance. The most important clown training I received wasn’t for magic tricks, pratfalls or balloon animals. The most important training I received was how to talk with children. A world-leading instructor of Suzuki pedagogy, Carole Bigler, passed on her skills to me. I didn’t know that I wanted to be a clown until I tried it. By impulsively answering an ad for party performers, I entered the delightful world of clowning. It was so much fun that I decided to stay. Now, I help others to achieve success in this great profession through live workshops, online courses and Skype tutorials. For more information, visit

Have you ever worked in a circus? Do most clowns have a preference between working parties vs being in a circus?

Asked by ryguy almost 13 years ago

Hello, Ryguy. I haven’t worked at a circus, so I can’t say whether I’d like that more or less than working at parties. I’ve seen the clowns perform at the fabulous Cirque du Soleil, whose home base is in nearby Montreal. Their routines are enormous fun and look easy compared to being a party clown. I’d love to try a month under the big top and discover its hidden challenges. Then I’ll let you know if I like it. I might miss the high level of audience interaction possible in smaller groups or weary of the travelling, but it'd sure be fun for a while. If you run into a circus exec who’s looking, Rosie the Clown’s number is +1 416-477-2209.

What's the meanest thing a kid ever said or did to you during a party?

Asked by Maya almost 13 years ago

Hello, Maya. The meanest thing a child ever said to me at a party was, “You sound like a teacher.” It was a wake-up call. I’m a teacher as well and am occasionally tempted to use the Voice of Authority and Knowledge to get my way with kids. Clowns and authority don't mix, nor do clowns and lucid explanations of anything. This comment has long reminded me to use my clown manners and not to take shortcuts that aren’t funny.

OK seriously, how DOES the clown car thing work? I literally saw 17 clowns get out of an old VW bug once. For the life of me I couldn't figure out how they do this.

Asked by Tim L almost 13 years ago

Hello, Tim. Seventeen clowns tumbling out of a VW bug is hilarious because it's so contrary to reason. I've never tried it. I imagine that if Rosie the Clown were involved, the most clowns that could be got into the car is three. Apparently, the vehicle’s interior is stripped out and a passel of flexible performers maneuver themselves into it with great skill. I wonder how many clowns will fit into a modern smart car.

What was your first busking experience like? Did you just set up shop on a street corner? Were you nervous about what reactions would be? Sounds pretty terrifying.

Asked by mom_at_home almost 13 years ago

Hello, Mom-at-Home. The special joy of busking is meeting so many different people. I don’t remember the first time I went busking. I vividly recall a handful of outstanding experiences. I love talking with strangers about the pieces of their lives that make them the happiest. Our fun conversations brighten my day and make the sun shine all over theirs. Before I head to my post on a busy corner, I’m anonymous, which I like. The first step down the street is the toughest one. When I see the big smiles on people’s faces and hear their laughter, I start to feel great. For the rest of my busking day, I’m glad that I came.

Has working as a clown led you into other types of performance like acting or comedy?

Asked by SB almost 13 years ago

Hello, SB. Clowning has led me into many adventures in the line of civic participation. My two favourite adventures are:

(1) Rosie the Clown was an official candidate for a seat in the Canadian Parliament. Ya gotta love Canadian democracy. The citizens and I had a great time encouraging voter turn-out while some other clown got elected.

(2) Rosie rappelled (descended via self-controlled ropes) 37 storeys from the top of Toronto City Hall's East Tower to raise funds for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. Photos are posted at

I’m looking for my next adventure. What have you got?