Mailman (City Letter Carrier)

Mailman (City Letter Carrier)


17 Years Experience

Long Island, NY

Male, 43

I am a City Letter Carrier for the US Postal Service in NY. I've been a city letter carrier for over 17 years and it is the best job I've ever had. I mostly work 5 days per week (sometimes includes a Saturday) and often have the opportunity for overtime, which is usually voluntary. The route I deliver has about 350 homes and I walk to each of their doors to deliver the mail. Please keep in mind that I don't have authority to speak for the USPS, so all opinions are solely mine, not my employer.

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1236 Questions


Last Answer on February 18, 2022

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I got a letter from MA with a self addressed return envelop inside, which I'm sending from NY. But it's pre-stamped with postage that says "mailed from zip code 01107" which is the MA code. Should I put a new stamp on it to send it from NY?

Asked by Lisa over 11 years ago

I would suggest that you can put that letter with pre-paid return postage in the outgoing mail. Technically I suppose you should put on a new stamp to send it from NY, but it's probably not necessary. mail processors generally don't look at each piece of mail to See if a metered letter was mailed from the correct zip.

I sent a letter with two stamps that I bought, but they were sore off wet with oil I think, it looked like oil, it wasnt wet , it looks wet. But they are stamped perfectly, can the post office still mail my letter ?

Asked by Shannon over 11 years ago

I think if you put the letter in the outgoing mail with the stamps looking perfectly in place and that they don't come off, there shouldn't be a problem. I don't know that I've ever seen what you are writing about.

I just shipped a package (USPS Priority w/tracking #) & realized (2 late 2 intercept @ my post office) that I wrote 1 digit in the house # incorrectly on address label.
How can I notify the receiving post office? Don't want wrong person to get it

Asked by Elizabeth over 11 years ago

I would call 1800AskUSPS to see if you can get the phone # to the destination PO or at least get the message to them about the errant address. It is possible that the letter carrier who sees the package at the receiving PO knows where it's supposed to go and will deliver it accordingly. That depends on the carrier's familiarity with the names on their route and/or if they even receive the errantly addressed package at all. That would occur if one street is broken up into 2 or more carriers which is common based on the route layout and size of the street.  I hope it works out for you

what do you do when mail is being delivered to someone who never lived at that address- a relative, and former tenant did- in violation of now expired lease, former tenant allowed persons to occupy apt, and now mail comes in the relative's name-

Asked by arverneny14 over 11 years ago

I have to be honest in that I don't really understand your question entirely. If you mean whether its okay or not okay for someone to receive mail at an address where they don't reside, I would generally say that is okay as long as those who actually occupy the unit/house agree to accept mail for that person. That is common for automobile insurance. One may physically live in high risk neighborhood for auto theft or vandalism, but tell the insurance company that they reside somewhere else. That other place, in this example, will have agreed to receive mail on behalf of the policy owner. It is prety unethical on the part of the automobile owner, but I can't comment on the legalities of it.

How do I sign up for Postal Exam? I made an profile on I called the post office and they told me to do it online. Do I take the exam before applying for any jobs??

Asked by cjz over 11 years ago

I Don't know when and how frequently the postal exam is given. you did the thing to create an online profile at I just have no idea what happens after that. Most employees hires today are considered Postal Support Employees or City Carrier Assistants. Good luck. We are definitely hiring City Carrier Assistants in the NY area. 

An Express envelope came to my door which was supposed to go to my PO Box. The man who came to my door was not dressed in USPS attire. He asked me if there was anything hazardous in it and had me open the package in front of him. What's up with that?

Asked by David P over 11 years ago

It does not sound legitimate for someone to ask you to open a package or Express envelope in front of them. The employee should have at least identified themselves as a supervisor or postal inspector. It is possible maybe thought there was something hazardous in there, but I don't know the procedure for what is to be done. There are legal rights that come with protecting the contents off Express Mail or First Class Mail.

are mailman allowed to hand mail stay to a person or is he suppose to put it in the mail box

Asked by jbo over 10 years ago

I believe it is fine to hand the mail to a person if they are reasonably sure that is the person who lives at the address where the mail is going to or authorized to receive the mail. We are advised not to hand mail to young children or if there is a dog present who could possibly lunge at the mailman's hand as it is being given to a patron. That is mostly for safety reasons.