Movie Theater Employee

Movie Theater Employee


Boston Area, MA

Female, 21

I work at a movie theater. I work the concessions but I've worked long enough to know a little something-something about ushering and cashiers. And a little bit of what managers do. Ask me anything!

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96 Questions


Last Answer on October 23, 2014

Best Rated

I plan on applying to work at the movies. When I'm asked "Why do you want to work here?" What should I say? What shouldn't I say?

Asked by Kat over 10 years ago

Well, why do you want to work there?

A job there isn't exactly a carreer job and they know that. Don't worry about it too much. If you're really concerned, you can say you love the entertainment business and love to serve and make people appy.

How crazy was the theater for the first couple premiers of the fault in our stars?

Asked by Lilli over 10 years ago

Hmm,  not too bad.  This movie mostly appealed to young teens so many couldn't watch the Thursday night premiers seeing as it was a school night.  They rarely have their own money so they tended to stay away the stands and gravitated more around the 22 jump Street cardboard cutouts and took selfies as they stroked Channing Tatum's 2d muscles. 

... did I answer the question? 

Can the satellite see people be sexual while the movie is on

Asked by hi over 10 years ago

... What?

Satellites? Like in space? Or do you mean cameras? There are no cameras in the theaters. And stop being sexual. You're in public and people are trying to watch a movie.

and hi :)

instead of my mum supervising me in a movie im too young for, can she talk to the manager on the phone and tell him its ok for me to see the movie

Asked by Nicholas over 10 years ago


rules be rules

Are there cameras in the auditorium and do they watch the people?

Asked by Wondering over 10 years ago

No and no