Union County, NJ

Male, 24

I have been a certified Emergency Medical Technician (E.M.T.) for over 6 years. I am the true "first responder" and have been dispatched to over 1,000 calls including medical, trauma, and psychiatric emergencies. How do I handle the stress and what goes on in my mind when YOUR life is on the line? Find out by asking me anything!

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183 Questions


Last Answer on May 17, 2012

Best Rated

Hypothetical Situation: If a 14 year old girl had slit her wrists, taken pills, and was going to jump off a bridge, what kind of stuff would you do to save her life? What would you do if she wouldn't tell you what kind of pills she took?

Asked by Kiley about 8 years ago


Hello! I am not in the medical field, but I do have a couple questions on this topic. I am writing a book and one of my characters happen to be a parametric. I need to have very accurate info and make it realistic. I would appreciate ANY help....

Ok, here's one scenario:
During a domestic dispute, the EMTs are called to and respond to a domestic call. It is taking place near an alley outside a parking lot. When the call comes in, they are basically 2 blocks away away from the scene and obviously gets there in seconds. The crew sees that a woman is being brutally attacked by a demented man. No weapon is visible. ( or if there was, please give me info on that too). There are 2 EMT's and one parametric in the ambulance... is that how they usually ride? The parametric jumps out the back of the door of the truck and slowly walks over to the scene... yeah, this parametric is a bad ass.. ????. The other two follow protocol and stay in the car to wait for police. Anyway, long story short... they man goes after the parametric, there is a struggle, the parametric is being choked vigorously when the police arrive and take care of it.... everyone is fine... Im not sure if the man gets shot and killed or not. I didn't get that far.
I need for this parametric to be somewhat penalized for this action from her (yes, the parametric is a woman) supervisor. Her supervisor is trying to rid of her because she doesn't listen or follow her rules most of the time.
What could she have done or did that could question protocol?

How many levels of a parametric are there? ... and please explain.

I have some more questions also but I want to see how many responses I get before I ask them.

Thank you in advance,


Asked by Sue over 7 years ago


My husband is a bike commuter and also happens to be a type 1 diabetic. He wears an insulin pump. As an EMT, would you know what to do if you found him unconscious? He has a card in his wallet but no medic alert bracelet.

Asked by EUE almost 12 years ago


I am trying to become an EMT at this moment i am working on college applications. Do you know of any good colleges for ems in Texas ?What is the program i need to apply for? is it two or four years?

Asked by Chance over 9 years ago


Can two 18 year old emts go on an emergency call by themselves or do they have to have someone 21 years of age or older with them?

Asked by RPD about 12 years ago


For my anatomy and physiology class I need to know how EMTs differentiate between fingers and toes? And which finger or toe?

Asked by Beccafatscher about 12 years ago


Can you wear nonprescription glasses during the job?

Asked by Can you wear nonprescription glasses during the job? almost 10 years ago