Union County, NJ

Male, 24

I have been a certified Emergency Medical Technician (E.M.T.) for over 6 years. I am the true "first responder" and have been dispatched to over 1,000 calls including medical, trauma, and psychiatric emergencies. How do I handle the stress and what goes on in my mind when YOUR life is on the line? Find out by asking me anything!

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183 Questions


Last Answer on May 17, 2012

Best Rated

What are the roles of each person in the ambulance? Are you usually the driver, or does your crew alternate who does what?

Asked by Sal about 13 years ago

First off, this policy varies by organization. State law requires at minimum a certified EMT and a certified EVOC (emergency vehicle operations course) driver per ambulance. My squad requires at least TWO state certified EMT who are also EVOC certified per crew. Thus, both members are able to provide medical care and drive the ambulance. To answer your question, I can either drive the ambulance or provide patient care. Usually, my partner and I will simply take turns driving. We alternate. There is often a "probationary" member who is either certified or not certified. This member just observes and acts as an extra pair of hands to help lift the patient and transport equipment. The idea is that this "probationary" member will become a regular member after receiving state certification and passing the squad's training program.

How many persons are allowed to ride in an ambulance with the patient? Have you ever had any serious drama with a person who wanted to ride along but was not allowed to?

Asked by phxwhat! about 13 years ago

Legally, every person riding in the ambulance must have a seat belt. This means that we technically have capacity for 5 more people besides the treating EMT and patient. We have no official policy on how many chaperons can ride along. However, we usually just allow one extra person to keep things simple. When we deal with special populations (kids or psychiatric patients), we usually allow two or more chaperones to take the ride. I have never had any serious drama or fights with a person who wanted to ride but was not allowed to.

Has your ambulance ever gotten into an accident with an emergency in progress?

Asked by Sylvio about 13 years ago

Luckily, this has never happened to me. However, when it does happen, the consequences tend to be grave. The fact that ambulances run red lights and disobey the rules of the road make driving an ambulance a very difficult task. I encourage everyone who is reading this to PLEASE pull over for an ambulance, fire truck or police car even if the vehicle is on the other side of the road. You wouldn't believe how many cars won't yield to me! It's dangerous and drives me crazy. I actually responded to an ambulance accident once, which is ironic. A car in front of the ambulance stopped short and because of momentum, a small fender bender occurred. Fortunately, no one was hurt. We transported the original patient to the hospital.

What's the maximum weight of a person an ambulance can carry? If there was emergency for a 700-lb man, for example, would EMTs pick him up, or is that something that requires more crew and a larger vehicle?

Asked by Sy's Matters about 13 years ago

Good question. This problem is unfortunately much more common in society now-a-days (the obesity rate rose in EVERY SINGLE STATE last year with a few states having around 30% of their population qualifying as obese). Our squad just purchased new, electronic stretchers that can accommodate up to 700 pounds. Now, I'm not exactly sure if a 700 lb. person can fit in the ambulance. I'd guess that would be quite difficult. I would guess that the biggest person we could transport in the ambulance comfortably would be about 500 pounds. Again, just a guess. Now if we had an emergency for a 700 lb. person, we would be calling the fire department for a lift assist. This is often an important role for firemen. When we need "muscle" for heavy lifting jobs, we call our fire department. If we needed to transport a 700 lb. man and he couldn't fit in the ambulance. I would think that we could try to transport him in the fire truck. This vehicle has much more room.

Have you had a lot of patients die in your ambulance? How did you feel the first time this happened?

Asked by zacharyQ about 13 years ago

I have never had a patient die in front of me. I have, however, responded to patients who are DOA (dead on arrival). This has only happened a few times to me and each time I was responding to a nursing home. Each person deals with death as an EMT differently. However, if the situation was particularly traumatic of difficult (death of child) we are required to attend a small group counseling session. Personally, I am not bothered by these types of situations.

Has your crew ever sounded the sirens to get through traffic even though you had no patient or emergency to tend to?

Asked by Grimlock about 13 years ago

While it is tempting, I have never done this. I would imagine we would get in trouble with the police. Interestingly, there are no rules on when you should or shouldn't use the siren. Many times if I am transporting a patient who is not having an acute medical emergency, I will drive to the hospital without lights or sirens. Driving with lights and sirens is the most dangerous thing I do as an EMT. While it is fun and exciting, I care more about transporting my patient and my crew to the hospital as safely and securely as possible. Furthermore, when responding to psychiatric emergencies, we do not use the lights and sirens as to not agitate or scare the patient. One time, after picking up food, I accidentally turned the emergency lights on without knowing it. I was confused as to why the cars in front of me were all pulling over. I then realized what I had done and quickly shut them off. This was during the daytime when its hard to see the lights from inside the ambulance.

Will an ambulance pick up someone even if he's uninsured?

Asked by JFF about 13 years ago

Yes, we treat anyone and everyone. We are a volunteer squad and run entirely off of tax-deductible donations. The real issue is with the MICU (Mobile Intensive Care Unit) Paramedics. These are emergency health care providers who are dispatched by the hospital and can provide a much greater level of care than the EMT. As soon as the Paramedics begin an examination, a large bill (around $1,000) is generated. Now, Paramedics would never deny treatment based on insurance needs in the field. To the best of my knowledge, the patient is billed and must pay out of pocket. The patient could apply for charity care or work something else out.

Do you think age 18 is too young to become an EMT? While I'm sure there are many smart and responsible teens out there, I'm not sure I'd want a teenager handling me if I were in life-threatening situation.

Asked by Shel-B about 13 years ago

No, I do not think 18 is too young to become an EMT. To tell you the truth, I've met a few 40- or 50-year-old EMTs who I would be a little hesitant to let treat me in a life-threatening emergency. Being a "smart" or "responsible" EMT comes down to one thing, EXPERIENCE. How can an 18 year old be experienced in anything? Let me explain. In New Jersey, one can obtain a provisional EMT license by taking taking a course and passing the state exam as young as 16 years old. This allows the 16-year-old EMT to join volunteer squads and "ride-along" as a probationary member. Once this EMT turns 18, he or she will have had two years of experience, which is a good amount in the volunteer business. Furthermore, there's no reason to believe that an adult can't come to a mature and independent decision better than an 18-year-old. This is what the EMT course teaches: acute medical decision making based on signs and symptoms. During training, the student needs to pass both didactic and practical examinations many times. This prepares anyone who passes the state exam to handle life threatening emergencies. Finally, my volunteer squad requires at least two certified and experienced EMTs per ambulance. Any member who joins my squad needs to pass our own training process which lasts anywhere from a few months to a few years before they are allowed to take calls with only one other riding member. This policy varies between organizations but the fundamental nature is still the same. The idea is to make sure the member has enough experience and is trusted by the other members before they are allowed to handle a life-threatening emergency by themselves. In conclusion, I encourage anybody older than 16 to apply to become an EMT with confidence.

What was the most gruesome trauma you witnessed while on the job? Did the person survive?

Asked by Mangoria about 13 years ago

This is a question I am always asked. Generally, I would say burns or car accidents are pretty horrific and gruesome. However, my most traumatic call involved a construction worker putting up a ceiling fan in a new house. The worker lost his balance and fell off his ladder. He managed to catch his wrist on an jagged piece of porcelain sink. He cut through both his radial and ulnar arteries (the arteries in the wrist suicide victims use). He literally was pumping blood out of these arteries every time his heart beat. I quickly elevated his arm and applied direct pressure to the wound. However, the injury was so severe that we could not control his bleeding. At this point, the floor of the ambulance was covered in blood, as were my pants. I could actually smell the iron from the hemoglobin as the blood clotted on the floor. That's how much blood this guy was losing. On the way to the hospital, the paramedics started two IV fluid bags and I still was squeezing the patients forearm. We drove him to the state level 1 trauma center and rolled him right into the OR for the vascular surgery team to begin to save his life. Unfortunately, I never found out if this patient lived or died. This is the nature of EMT work.

If you get a call and once you arrive, you realize the patient is not actually in a state of emergency (perhaps they're a hypochondriac), do you still have to take them to the hospital? Gotta think this happens occasionally with nervous parents and/or the elderly ...

Asked by gregg about 13 years ago

Yes, you are absolutely correct in your last statement. We get many 911 calls from nervous parents or elderly patients who are not having an acute medical emergency. This certainly doesn't mean that they don't need treatment. It's just that they don't need the ambulance to transport them immediately. Here's how transportation works. We cannot legally force someone to go the the hospital with us. This would qualify as kidnapping or false imprisonment. Note, this does not hold true for minors without parental consent or psychiatric patients. Any patient who is over 18, coherent and not a threat to themselves/other can sign an RMA (refuse medical attention) form. This form states that they would not like to be transported with us the the hospital. We can still treat the patient and the patient has the right to call us back whenever they fell the need to.

How much does a fully-outfitted ambulance cost? (I mean the ambulance itself, not a ride in the ambulance).

Asked by Steiny about 13 years ago

Let me put it this way. You could either be riding around in fully stocked, state-of-the-art ambulance or a mid-range Ferrari. Although, I don't think patients would appreciate a Ferrari showing up during their heart attack. Don't quote me on these numbers but the ambulance body itself costs about $70,000. The real cost is all the expensive equipment which makes it a life saving vehicle and not just a van. A fully stocked ambulance includes a high powered radio system, lights/sirens/air-horns, oxygen delivery system and a high powered vacuum for airway suction to name a few. Next, we need to decal the ambulance with our town colors and name. Finally, we need to add all of the medical equipment such as cardiac defibrillator, portable oxygen tank and radios, portable suction, stretcher and tons of bandages, band-aids, gauze etc..... When it's all said and done you're looking at a cost of $175,000 to $250,000 per ambulance. One more thing, these things are fuel guzzlers!

Are all EMTs volunteers, or are there paid EMTs as well?

Asked by go ducks about 13 years ago

There are opportunities for both paid and volunteer EMT positions. The distribution varies by state. Let me give you an example of how it usually works in New Jersey.... In the state of New Jersey, most squads are volunteer based. In my town, when a call comes in and we don't have a crew to respond, a county EMS squad is dispatched. This county EMS squad is paid to respond to any town in the county who is short on EMS crews. There are also EMT companies, MONOC and On-Time in NJ, who hire paid EMTs. These companies mostly do transports of patients to and from private residences and between hospitals. These companies don't do emergency calls. MONOC is contracted by the state to provide EMS for large scale functions, such as concerts at PNC Bank Arts Center.

If you arrive on the scene and the patient is DOA, or if the patient dies en route to the hospital, do you still have to speed to the hospital as fast as possible?

Asked by Flaco about 13 years ago

EMTs cannot pronounce a patient dead. There are, however, two exceptions. These exceptions are when obvious death (decapitation) occurs or severe rigor mortis is seen. Therefore, if we think a patient may have just expired before our arrival or en route to the hospital, we will continue life saving measure (CPR, cardiac defibrillation, mechanical ventilation) until we arrive at the hospital. This scenario changes when we are working the the MICU (mobile intensive care unit) Paramedics. The paramedics have a much advanced level of training and are certified to pronounce death in consultation with a physician over the phone. If the paramedics pronounce a patient on scene, we are not allowed to transport the patient in the ambulance. The medical examiner must come before we are released. If a patient expires while in the back of an ambulance, we would either continue on the hospital or pull over and wait for the medical examiner to claim the body.

How long does it take for an ambulance to arrive?

Asked by Andretti about 13 years ago

I don't have statistics on this (even though they certainly exist). Off the top of my head, I'd say our average response time is between 5 and 7 minutes. This would obviously vary based on the location of the call and traffic. Yes you heard me correctly, traffic. Even though we have the red lights and sirens, traffic still requires us to slow down and navigate it slowly and safely. Luckily, our squad building is right smack in the middle of town. This cuts down on average response time across the whole town. When a call comes in, I'm immediately out the door! You wouldn't believe how many of my EMT colleagues take their time out the door. Sometimes, we are dead asleep, or in the shower or in the middle of dinner. On any given call, we make take a little longer to get going but this usually doesn't grossly effect our response time.

Does a female EMT have to work with a male EMT in an ambulance?

Asked by Jacquelyn about 5 years ago


I'm taking an EMT course and was wondering if you have any study tips for the state test. Also, should I go straight to paramedic after the EMT class, or wait a bit?

Asked by Kailey 6 months ago


I do an investigation

The subject = could a victim survive a gun shot wound in the upper forehead by a 50AE Desert eagle gold 24k at 15 feet with very fast and good medical treatment?????
I can not finding any clear evidence so I hope you could answer my question????


Asked by Jeffrey over 7 years ago


What kind of training do you guys have to have?

Asked by Dalton Roux over 6 years ago


if your heart starts pounding and your chest is hurting but you're not on the floor is this a heart attack

Asked by Elijah almost 9 years ago


If there is a big fire inside an apartment in the third floor and there's only one person inside the apartment who is about 40 years old and cannot run ,the paramedic arrived quickly and broke the door and found the man unconscious ,what are the typical steps the paramedic must to do to save the man's life , please be as detailed as you can because we are trying to make a scene in a movie about that ,thank you.

Asked by Ph85696 @gmail.com about 7 years ago


How big is the problem of cars not moving over for approaching emergency vehicles? Our high school engineering team is exploring this issue. Answer this survey as well to help our engineering project

Asked by Artur about 7 years ago


Using a pelvic binder is a contraindication on a fractured Neck of Femur. If there was a NoF fracture AND a pelvis fracture, would you still use a pelvic binder despite the contraindication?

Asked by Amy over 7 years ago


You have tried to gain simple access to a crashed vehicle but the doors are all jammed. What is your next step

Asked by melody almost 6 years ago


You have tried to gain simple access to a crashed vehicle but the doors are all jammed. What is your next step

Asked by melody almost 6 years ago


would you restrain someone with (a 220bpm, bp 78/64 and in and out of concioussness) if they decided they attempted to avoid being cardioverted (rolling over, crossing thier arms in front of thier chest, not attacking you) would you use restraints

Asked by 220girl over 8 years ago


if an emt is tranferring a patient to a hospital and witnesses anouther accident on the ride what do they do?

Asked by emtb trainee almost 12 years ago


Hello sir!

I do a kind of Research about a Golden 50AE Desert eagle if someone is shot in the forehead at 10 feet is there any chance to save him? They jused a 300grain HollowPoint bullet 1475 fps!
Would you give a good answer with many details?

Asked by johnny over 8 years ago


EMTs handle the basic management of the injured and ill patients, but are EMTs allowed to work with IVs? Such as emergency blood transfusions or basic medicines?

Asked by Kaitlynn Lambert almost 7 years ago


in a case of something exploding in a persons hand and the hand is badly mangled/blown apart, but there was no bleeding. Should a tourniquet be used? And if so, how do we know how tight to make it?

Asked by 2bshoshana over 5 years ago


Would a person who did not have any overdose from any drug be given Narcan for any reason when emts arrive on sceen thinking this was an overdose but the victim did not take a drug to overdose

Asked by Liz over 4 years ago


What is the name of the law where a paid town emt can't work for the same volunteer town ems

Asked by Kim over 11 years ago


I am looking into being an EMT. I am 18 years old. I have Non Epileptic Seizures and cannot drive, but I really want to work in an ambulance and answer calls. I live in Utah. Is this possible?

Asked by Morgan about 4 years ago


Can a person who went into cardiac arrest caused by copd ,but is receiving cpr and ventilation from the bag , still get brain damage? Or would this prevent brain damage?

Asked by Lauren about 8 years ago


Suppose you respond to a call where an infant (approximately 1 year old) is reported as having a seizure. What protocals do you follow? And how would you transport the infant to your ambulance? Many thanks.

Asked by FactChecker about 11 years ago


I am helping my folks clean and organize their house. How much clearance "egress" is needed for landing at the top and bottom of stairs to safely help someone out of a house?

Asked by OLA over 4 years ago


Hypothetical Situation: If a 14 year old girl had slit her wrists, taken pills, and was going to jump off a bridge, what kind of stuff would you do to save her life? What would you do if she wouldn't tell you what kind of pills she took?

Asked by Kiley about 8 years ago


Hello! I am not in the medical field, but I do have a couple questions on this topic. I am writing a book and one of my characters happen to be a parametric. I need to have very accurate info and make it realistic. I would appreciate ANY help....

Ok, here's one scenario:
During a domestic dispute, the EMTs are called to and respond to a domestic call. It is taking place near an alley outside a parking lot. When the call comes in, they are basically 2 blocks away away from the scene and obviously gets there in seconds. The crew sees that a woman is being brutally attacked by a demented man. No weapon is visible. ( or if there was, please give me info on that too). There are 2 EMT's and one parametric in the ambulance... is that how they usually ride? The parametric jumps out the back of the door of the truck and slowly walks over to the scene... yeah, this parametric is a bad ass.. ????. The other two follow protocol and stay in the car to wait for police. Anyway, long story short... they man goes after the parametric, there is a struggle, the parametric is being choked vigorously when the police arrive and take care of it.... everyone is fine... Im not sure if the man gets shot and killed or not. I didn't get that far.
I need for this parametric to be somewhat penalized for this action from her (yes, the parametric is a woman) supervisor. Her supervisor is trying to rid of her because she doesn't listen or follow her rules most of the time.
What could she have done or did that could question protocol?

How many levels of a parametric are there? ... and please explain.

I have some more questions also but I want to see how many responses I get before I ask them.

Thank you in advance,


Asked by Sue over 7 years ago


My husband is a bike commuter and also happens to be a type 1 diabetic. He wears an insulin pump. As an EMT, would you know what to do if you found him unconscious? He has a card in his wallet but no medic alert bracelet.

Asked by EUE almost 12 years ago


I am trying to become an EMT at this moment i am working on college applications. Do you know of any good colleges for ems in Texas ?What is the program i need to apply for? is it two or four years?

Asked by Chance over 9 years ago


Can two 18 year old emts go on an emergency call by themselves or do they have to have someone 21 years of age or older with them?

Asked by RPD about 12 years ago


For my anatomy and physiology class I need to know how EMTs differentiate between fingers and toes? And which finger or toe?

Asked by Beccafatscher about 12 years ago


Can you wear nonprescription glasses during the job?

Asked by Can you wear nonprescription glasses during the job? almost 10 years ago


I'm writing a book and need to do some fact-checking. What would happen if 911 was called for a man not breathing due to accidentally drinking alcohol mixed with pills (he was murdered).How would paramedics/police respond upon arrival?

Asked by Paula about 5 years ago


I am in my last year in High School. What is it like being an EMT? Is the College time worth it?

Asked by Danielle Haynes over 4 years ago


My bf was punched on the vegas strip, he fell back and hit his head on cement, it caused bleeding/concussion, he was out for 20-30 seconds, i called 911, he was intoxicated i sober, we refused transport, and were told NO options. we were forced?

Asked by nataly almost 12 years ago


Will narcan/naloxone work on kratom overdoses?

Asked by kyle almost 5 years ago


I am in my last year of high School. I want to be an EMT. What steps did you have to take to become and EMT?

Asked by Danielle Haynes over 4 years ago


OK so I am about to start EMT-B 1 school at my Junior College in Redding, CA. Do you have suggestions on what to expect or what i will need.

Asked by sam over 8 years ago


Do hospitals each have their own fleet of EMTs and ambulances? Are there private ambulance companies?

Asked by Solidad about 12 years ago


does an emt need to be physically strong or mentally
how do your decisions affect your life

Asked by crazytaco257 over 8 years ago


I’m starting EMT-Basic soon, and was wondering, are practicals done on manikins or on each other? There was one I seen where we have to put an Oropharyngeal Airway in and I have a very bad gag reflex. Just want to ask and see. Thank you.

Asked by Andrew over 5 years ago


Hello I currently have a Bachelors in Accounting, after some time thinking about a career change I want to peruse EMT and then eventually paramedic. Will having my BA help in the time achieving a Paramedics degree?

Asked by Mike over 9 years ago


I'm considering getting a medical bracelet. What is your opinion on them? I don't have any specific allergies, but would listing my blood type be helpful?

Asked by G. Hunt almost 11 years ago


My job is trying to tell me i can still drive an ambulance with expired emt as long as i have EVOC

Asked by rock1989 over 9 years ago


Is it possible to become an emt while having a full time job?

Asked by Jason over 9 years ago


Does medical Oxygen from ambulances have a smell/taste?

Asked by Liam about 8 years ago


Is licensing to become an EMT/Paramedic public record?

Asked by Anna almost 8 years ago


How do you stay calm during a crisis?

Asked by Kennedy Buchan over 8 years ago


I am working on a creative writing project...would you be open to correspondence through email? If not, totally understandable. TY

Asked by CarmineScarpaglia over 9 years ago


I'm an amateur writer, and currently I'm working on a car crash scene. If you were sent to help two girls with minor injuries in a very major accident, step by step what would you do? I need to know it like I'm doing myself.

Asked by Ellie over 6 years ago


What was the worst emergency Andthx for your service ????????

Asked by Rowan about 4 years ago


How many COVID-19 cases have you dealt with?

Asked by asdf almost 5 years ago


After completing of emt course are their online colleges that will accept it for credit out of area

Asked by Kyle over 4 years ago


If my staircase is too narrow for a stretcher how will they get my girlfriend downstairs if she's having a seizure

Asked by Sarah over 7 years ago


Do you recommend people who have pacemakers or take blood thinners wear that info on a med alert bracelet?

Asked by CMORSE about 4 years ago



I live in NJ and have a 16 year old son with special needs. He is currently in 11th grade and is obsessed with being an EMT. I want him to have some kind of volunteer experience but so far, every squad has turned me down. What to do?

Asked by Judi about 12 years ago


many schools won't accept me if i'm 16 for EMT training. can i do it if i am an emancipated minor?

Asked by young save. over 10 years ago


What are the hours like? Are they flexible and can you choose day or night shifts? I am a female interested in becoming an EMT but am worried about my own safety. How often do you feel like you are putting your own safety at risk while saving others?

Asked by kate over 11 years ago


Should you get a bachelors degree, even if you just want to be an EMT-Basic?
Because the requirements are a high school diploma and an associates degree, but I keep being told by someone that I need to get a bachelors so I can do well.

Asked by Banaffle over 7 years ago


Are EMT's allowed to give patients medications enroute to the hospital?

Asked by gordon about 12 years ago


Hi there!
Which step in emergency management of cardiac arrest has the greatest mortality benefit? (Quality chest compressions? Early defibrillation? Rescue Breaths? Fluid Resuscitation)

Asked by Josh about 8 years ago


If you have a conscious and competent patient who refuses to give consent for treatment how do you get consent ? 1. From a family member 2. From authorities 3. From the court 4. From past psychology documents

Asked by Mike over 3 years ago


Arrive to trauma scene get a radial pulse of 100 strong your partner gets 48/34 bp what should you do? 1. Accept the reading 2. Suspect it and retake it 3. Ask your partner to retake it after 15 minutes 4. Treat for hypertension

Asked by Mike over 3 years ago


What are the steps to become an EMT? Like do I have to go to college? Medical school? Do I take a course in a program to become an EMT and then take the test to see if I pass?

Asked by Samantha about 8 years ago


how many dumb calls and false alarms do you have to respond to?

Asked by Jake about 6 years ago


Do you get to choose who you drive with? My husband and I both want to become EMT's and we're wondering if we could work together.

Asked by Melissa over 11 years ago


Hi Everyone, my name is Adam and I am a final year design student at Loughborough University.
I am designing a product which aims to aid first responders to treat casualties more effectively upon arrival at the scene of an incident.

With this in mind I have thought of some questions I'd like to ask and would be very grateful if you can give me your views and thoughts.

In order to better understand the scenario of a paramedics role at a casualty scene, can you describe the routine you would go through upon arrival.
- What is most important?
- Why do you do what you do?
- What are you trying to achieve? How do you go about achieving this?

What essential kit does a paramedic carry with them at all times?
- Do you have any know problems with any of the kit? What are your key frustrations? Why?
-- Awkward to carry
-- Hard to use (Complicated)
-- Counter Intuitive
-- Wasting time
-- Hard to find things
- Is there anything you wish you could do that you currently can't related to your kit?

What is the most critical moment in the event of an emergency?
- How do you go about addressing this?

Where/When are the most mistakes made?
- Why/how do they happen?
-- Can these be prevented/helped with the aid of a new product?
-- What goes wrong with existing products?

When was the last time you had any frustrations in the process of treating a casualty?
- Why did this occur?

I appreciate this is a lot to take ask so please don't feel rushed to reply. I will be appreciative of any feedback on these questions.

Many Thanks

Asked by Adam over 9 years ago


Who comes out at an E.R. to receive someone from an ambulance, and what medical information do they need from you?

Asked by CW123 over 11 years ago


Hi I am writing a scene where the EMTS are treating someone that have a weak heartbeat and is not breathing what are the procedures?

Asked by Katie almost 9 years ago


Why do you ask for medical history to patient

Asked by Angel shaw about 7 years ago


I have realized that being a paramedic is what I want to do with my life, I am graduating next spring with a Bachelor's degree. Am I able to still go into EMT services because everything I find online is for people right out of high school?

Asked by Sam almost 7 years ago


I have a school project where I have to interview someone in the career field I want to go into and was just wondering if there was any way I could get in contact with someone

Asked by Christian about 10 years ago


What if someone over dose on there meds what should they do

Asked by Rayder over 9 years ago


If having severe asthma or steroid resistant asthma can you exercise like normal people? Or do gym activities?

Asked by Hope over 4 years ago


Can you become an EMT with two misdemeanor larceny charges on your record?

Asked by Tara over 4 years ago


Do ambulances carry blood?

Asked by slowgrind about 12 years ago


I need a medical bracelet but not sure how can I use the space on it effectively? Asherson's syndrome (aka Hughes); On Coumadin &Enoxaparin; Allergic to Latex; what would you want to see? how worded? other info?

Asked by Butterfly over 6 years ago


How do you help a patient get their breathing under control and their heart rate down and back to normal after they have been crying or have had a panic attack?!

Asked by Jess about 5 years ago


Hi my name is Jess and I was wondering how you get a patients heart rate down to normal and breathing under control after they have had a panic attack. Please let me know. Thx.

Asked by Jess about 5 years ago


Some ambulances have blue lights but most of the time are never used why do they have them?

Asked by Eric almost 5 years ago


you are dispatched to an elderly male with chest pain what do you dowhile enroute

Asked by toni over 9 years ago


So i work for a ems company and we startes transporting 2 patients at a time on 1 ambulance with on 2 emt's. Ordered by the big wigs of the company because we dont have enough ambulances to make all the runs. Does this sound right

Asked by Texas over 7 years ago


If a woman falls and her legged go numb , what is the proper procedure for lifting her on to the gurney?

Asked by Timothy almost 11 years ago


What do you do while you are not responding to a call or filling out care reports?

Asked by Leah about 8 years ago


Job Training

• What college or university did you graduate from? 
• What were your key courses for your teaching degree?
• What type of professional development courses helped you to become a better EMT ?  

Asked by Danni almost 2 years ago


What is a BLS Surge Shift?

Asked by EMT over 6 years ago


Earnings Potential

• What is the salary range for emts with your experience? 
• What are the health benefits?  
• What are the retirement benefits? 

Asked by Danni almost 2 years ago


In your opinion, do you think that most EMTs, emergency personnel and doctors stop resuscitation efforts way too soon? I am hearing more stories of people dying and coming back after resuscitation efforts weren't stopped for almost an hour afterward

Asked by Nona Dy over 11 years ago


What is the most challenging responsibility of a emt?
• What is the least challenging responsibility of a emt? 
• What are the liabilities of this job? 
• Who is your immediate supervisor? 
• How does your supervisor help you with your job?

Asked by Danni almost 2 years ago


I have family moving soon to north Carolina or Nebraska im currently in school for advanced emt what do I need to do to work in another state right out of school

Asked by lissa over 7 years ago


I'm a writer, and need some information on a ballistic injury in order to tell my story effectively. If a 15 year old got a bullet to the hand, a small .9mm at a yard away range, what is the more likely thing to happen to the kid's hand?

Asked by Jazzy about 10 years ago


I have family moving soon to north Carolina or Nebraska im currently in school for advanced emt what do I need to do to work in another state right out of school

Asked by lissa over 7 years ago


How long have you been an eat?

Asked by Kira almost 7 years ago


ispatched for an unconscious male who is bleeding. Arrived on scene and found a male patient in his 20's unconscious with a single gsw to the left anterior neck. Approx 3 liters of blood on the ground. The wound is not actively bleeding. No pulse is

Asked by tofx almost 8 years ago


Dispatched for an unconscious male who is bleeding. Arrived on scene and found a male patient in his 20's unconscious with a single gsw to the left anterior neck. Approx 3 liters of blood on the ground. The wound is not actively bleeding. No pulse is felt. Monitor shows a organized rhythm at a rate of 42. No other wounds found. Patient's airway is filled with copious amounts of vomit, blood and other fluids. Protocol states traumatic arrest with a PEA of 40 or above get worked. As the crew start cpr you evaluate the airway. Neck tissue is swollen and suction tank is almost full with no end in sight you look with your scope but there is too much tissue swelling and damage to intubate. Bagging with OPA does nothing. You now have a can't ventilate can't oxygenate situation what will you do? What can be done for this patient? DOA or load and go?

Asked by tofx almost 8 years ago


Hello, I'm considering getting a medical bracelet, but I'm not sure what to specify as allergies. I'm allergic to Penicillin, and therefore, Ammoxicillin - and also Keflex.

Would it be necessary to list all three, or would Penicillin be sufficient?

Asked by Kristin almost 11 years ago


not a medical question but im a paramedic student and in clinicals i have been highly assaulted from two different charge nurses as well as a doctor with anti Semitic insults and hate doing them at the only hospital i am able to go to for my clinical

Asked by MR.F over 10 years ago


Can you be a pramedic with a tattoo on the back of your hand

Asked by Liam over 6 years ago


how does an EMT use math?

Asked by brianna almost 12 years ago


Is being a paramedic good job

Asked by Cortez over 8 years ago


I have been experience a sickness that lasted 5 days and today around like 6pm it came back and I don't have any idea what is wrong

Asked by Dean Henschke almost 4 years ago


How do you feel about subdivisions adding speed bumps?

Asked by heretic almost 5 years ago


So many medical alert products on the market. W of all the ways to get the most important info to emts which are the best and the worst options?, any I should avoid? Like me being adrenal insufficient. If crisis happened to me. What would emts do?

Asked by Cait almost 4 years ago


Follow up. Using your phone to store your medical history encase emts need my allergies and history. Does having it in the phone make things easier or is it a pain in the butt.

Asked by Cait almost 4 years ago


I have a friend that was trying to save his father with a chainsaw cut to the throat, how long does it take to stabilize victim. In car, victim is on Eliquis how long does it take to get him into the ambulance once the car has stopped?

Asked by PaulStandford about 8 years ago


I have a rose tattoo on my hand could i still become a emt

Asked by Jason hall over 6 years ago


Should someone wait until a person's seizure passes to ask a them if they want an ambulance, or call immediately? And is there a certain amount of time a seizure could occur that would acceded an okay amount of time to wait for responsiveness?

Asked by Preparedness about 8 years ago


Is it possible to still become a emt in California with a rose tattoo on my hand

Asked by Jason hall over 6 years ago


If people were to walk out alive from a car crash into a ditch and someone called 911 and told them they walked out somewhat fine. Would the ambulance still go up and check on those people from the crash?

Asked by Colin almost 4 years ago


Is it a stressful or emotional job sometimes?

Asked by Jaymie almost 7 years ago


How much did it cost to take your state and national certification tests

Asked by scott over 11 years ago


I'm currently working as a BLS full time emt and part time emt with a higher volume but strictly ALS, so I mainly drive all the time but see more things.Got offered a BLS full time job, but lower call, That'll work around other BLS job. What to do?

Asked by Charlie almost 8 years ago


Why would an EMT not start driving for an hour after receiving a patient? Would it be because they are stabalizing a patient?

Asked by Jose Benzaquen over 7 years ago


Im almost completely deaf in my left ear since birth but i feel like i hear just fine. Would that disqualify me from a career as an emt/paramedic

Asked by Mattmorris about 9 years ago


I recently became a certified EMT, in order to obtain a job at a hospital I need a year experience of 911.What do you recommend better transport agency or volunteer?

Asked by lin over 11 years ago


I am completely deaf in my left ear and im wondering if that would prevent me from a career as an emt/paramedic

Asked by Mattmorris about 9 years ago


have someone ever died in your ambulance?

Asked by joshynae brantley over 10 years ago


I'm getting a health response system and they recommend I have a "Medical List" for paramedics. Beyond the obvious medical conditions and medications what less obvious or non medical related details would EMT's find most useful on an emergency call?

Asked by miles w almon about 3 years ago


When is it acceptable to interrupt a primary assessment?

Asked by Johnny Rose over 6 years ago


Are you on call when your out of work? Do u still respond to emergancys even though your not at work?

Asked by mari reyes almost 10 years ago


I am deciding my career path. My dad says that being a paramedic is probably the worst job I could pick. I want to be a medic with every ounce of my being. Is it really that terrible? Not that I won't fight for the job. I just want to make sure.

Asked by Taylor about 8 years ago


what knowledge of chemistry do you apply when you are on the job? what makes being a paramedic difficult?What knowledge of chemistry helps you the most when you are on the job

Asked by adam over 9 years ago


what does an EMT mean when they tell you that your situation is not an emergency, but they can take you to the hospital if you would like?

Asked by John P about 12 years ago


For the EMT class I am taking I will have to lift 125 pounds with out assistance at a height of thirty three inches for ten feet. I am 5'6" where ony body would I lift them to to carry them?

Asked by Cheyanne over 7 years ago


what level of education was needed to become an EMT

Asked by Franky Joe Henson almost 12 years ago


On average, how many calls do you get a day?

Asked by angela over 11 years ago


Do EMTs ever transport the deceased if the medical examiner is not on the scene?

Asked by EmperorCommodus27 over 11 years ago


Say a civilian witnesses an accident that leaves a person in the car injured, in pain, and panicked. You call 911 but should you do anything to calm the victim down or comfort them?

Asked by James over 5 years ago


I'm interested in becoming an emt, but have a chronic pain condition that is controlled by prescribed narcotics. Would this prevent me from becoming certified?

Asked by Tammy about 4 years ago


If it is a serious ischemia do i skip vitals and give the nitro for it to be effective in time? Would vitals matter in this instance?I would waste getting her on the stretcher, buckling her in, setting up the monitor and applying spo2, right?

Asked by jennifer over 10 years ago


In the book I'm working on a character gets shot. Help is on the way but he's about to black out. Would it be smart for him to roll over so that his body weight keeps pressure on the wound or would gravity work against him causing him to bleed faster

Asked by Turner (writer) about 5 years ago


I am 16 and have a sincere interest in joining the EMS. I don't know the restrictions in my state, but as a 16 year old, would my volunteer duties or hours be limited?

Asked by CP over 11 years ago


After applying a vented chest seal(s) to a GSW sucking chest wound should the victim be placed on their side with the punctured lung side down? Even though the vented seal allows for blood to escape, placing the patient on the damaged side would prevent any blood from migrating to the good lung. My experience is now many years prior to vented seals and training had us lay them damaged side down as medevac could take several hours to overnight. I solo hike Wyoming wilderness areas and would face a long delay in getting a patient to an ER.
Thank you
Tom Packard

Asked by Tom Packard over 8 years ago


After applying a vented chest seal(s) to a GSW sucking chest wound should the victim be placed on their side with the punctured lung side down? Even though the vented seal allows for blood to escape, placing the patient on the damaged side would prevent any blood from migrating to the good lung. My experience is now many years prior to vented seals and training had us lay them damaged side down as medevac could take several hours to overnight. I solo hike Wyoming wilderness areas and would face a long delay in getting a patient to an ER.
Thank you
Tom Packard

Asked by Tom Packard over 8 years ago


If you were responding to a person who was suffering from anaphylaxis, what would information would you want to know ahead of time in order to help them? (height, weight, dosage of epinephrine, etc.)

Asked by Joe about 8 years ago


How is your environment you work in?

Asked by Adrian almost 6 years ago


I'm thinking about starting emt classes this summer but when i was 14 i got arrested and it was a adjudication withheld felony, but i compleated my probabtion and i'm 20 now no further trouble. Can i still become a emt?

Asked by Dairo almost 8 years ago


Hi, I'm currently training to be an emt but I'm 16 .. Is there a way for me to be able to ride in the back of the ambulance(not including clinicals) but as a full time emt @amr being 16 could I get parental permission?

Asked by Monkey85 almost 11 years ago


It is my dream to be EMS (currently business major and licensed real estate agent). I was denied entrance into EMT-B program because of 2 theft charges when I was 18 (now 26) what can I do about this? can I still become EMT?

Asked by Jake about 7 years ago


Medical alert bracelets: better to have to information engraved on the bracelet or a QR code/usb to access the medical information?

Asked by Stephen Murphy almost 6 years ago


Why is the general idea that you don’t stabilize/immobilize a possible wrist fracture in a kid? Is that because paramedics are not authorized/licensed to make the decision of a neurovascular stability of the joint?

Asked by amolpeddoc over 5 years ago


My partner was having a psychotic break, drifting in/out of consciousness. You punched him in the chest and threatened to cause him pain if he didn't respond. I thought I could trust EMTs but this seemed abusive. Why did you do this?

Asked by EJ over 5 years ago


If someone had a misdemeanor charge and had to spend a couple nights in jail can they still become an EMT and eventually paramedic in California?

Asked by Zach about 12 years ago


As a ride along what are we allowed to do?

Asked by Hope over 8 years ago


If you get called to an accident where the casualty is not breathing and suffers from severe bleeding due to multiple lacerations, what gets addressed first - bleeding or asphyxia?

Asked by Kristyna over 7 years ago


if EMT is dispatched and upon arrival is told by the PT that they do not wish any treatment multiple times, then restrain and take Pt to hospital, what could be the PT then do?

Asked by john over 11 years ago


I have a few emt license in a few different states... I only live in one of those states. Should I renew my license even though I don't live there? Pros and cons?

Asked by Anna about 9 years ago


Can a former EMT who is not certified, treat patients?

Asked by Sharon over 8 years ago


Planning to get a med ID bracelet and want to know the best wording. I have cervical fusions from c4-t2 that make my neck more fragile and intubation would be difficult? What info. is most helpful to EMT's? Would a flash drive in the bracelet help?

Asked by Lmm almost 9 years ago


Im interested in becoming an emt in California. hat is required?

Asked by Eric over 5 years ago


What position is it called when an injured person is holding an injured limb?

Asked by spener over 10 years ago


Whats the diffrence between asthma and steroidal resistant asthma?

Asked by Hope about 4 years ago


when did you first become interested in becoming a paramedic?

Asked by ebony about 11 years ago


I'm writing a book, and one of my characters has collapsed and is unconscious. The paramedics have arrived, and I want to know what a paramedic would do in that situation, in detail. She is breathing and her heart is still beating.

Asked by Mandy over 8 years ago


I am an high school student going to school through a f-1 visa. I want to become an EMT in the future. Can noncitizens become EMT without green card. If possible how can I get it and what should I prepare? Should I go to college and study medicine?

Asked by international student over 6 years ago


Im a high school student and i want to take paramedic but Im only 5 foot. with my height, does it matter?

Asked by Mariel about 10 years ago


A defobrillator has settings what are the lowet settings for between 1 and 10 joules

Asked by Johb about 6 years ago


How many hours of training do you go through per year?

Asked by kelsey almost 11 years ago


Do u ever want to know what happened in the pass. When I was 18 I want into mini night club an I was sitting down at that time with my drink. My boyfriend want for a toilet and he came back and I flopped to my right hand side on the chair. I dont remember anything apart from being in hospital in A&E and I could hear and feel but could not respond. And next thing I could not hear feel I was gone and I woke up with a tube down my throat but I had 2 drinks and its on my records with unknown.

Asked by Abby over 9 years ago


Do emts just work inside hospitals, or they get to ride along inside an ambulance?

Asked by ivan over 10 years ago


My husband collapsed in street and was taken unconscious in ambulance to A+E,while at in ambulance he was injected in top of left arm,can you tell me what was likely to be please? thank you

Asked by Rachel almost 9 years ago


If I were to attain a ACLS and PALS certification could it possibly increase pay as a EMT?

Asked by Michael 8 months ago


Asked by Evaleen about 8 years ago


when someone suffers from vertigo of the inner ear and come completely dizzy and there is ringing in there ears should a person lay on there bed and go to sleep or ask for HELP

Asked by jennifer over 10 years ago


Hi, i am Evaleen and i am currently a grade 11 student and am wanting to become an paramedic. I was wondering what might be some stuff or advice to learn before hand that could help me before going to school to become an EMT?

Asked by Evaleen about 8 years ago


do you get to pick who you want to work with ?

Asked by Destiny 6 months ago


When you pull up to someone
What are the first things you want t o know?

Asked by Russ almost 9 years ago


If someone was convicted of possession of cannabis and attempt to distribute do they have any chance of becoming a paramedic?

Asked by Alex over 7 years ago


How much blood for transfusions is the average ambulance equipped with at any given time?

Asked by Tyler Minus almost 12 years ago


Do you always check for a medic alert bracelet before proceeding (even one that may be less traditional looking)? Do you always honor DNR requests?

Asked by agastache almost 10 years ago


What is your opinion on dog tags

Asked by Russ almost 9 years ago


how long does it take to become an emt?

Asked by juliana about 7 years ago


You arrive at an unconscious patient with a metal bar impaled through their diaphragm, protruding from both their back and chest. It’s been 20 minutes since 911 was called, a civilian performs first aid. What are the ambulance procedures?

Asked by Ender the Writer over 3 years ago