Union County, NJ

Male, 24

I have been a certified Emergency Medical Technician (E.M.T.) for over 6 years. I am the true "first responder" and have been dispatched to over 1,000 calls including medical, trauma, and psychiatric emergencies. How do I handle the stress and what goes on in my mind when YOUR life is on the line? Find out by asking me anything!

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183 Questions


Last Answer on May 17, 2012

Best Rated

Do u ever want to know what happened in the pass. When I was 18 I want into mini night club an I was sitting down at that time with my drink. My boyfriend want for a toilet and he came back and I flopped to my right hand side on the chair. I dont remember anything apart from being in hospital in A&E and I could hear and feel but could not respond. And next thing I could not hear feel I was gone and I woke up with a tube down my throat but I had 2 drinks and its on my records with unknown.

Asked by Abby over 9 years ago


Do emts just work inside hospitals, or they get to ride along inside an ambulance?

Asked by ivan over 10 years ago


My husband collapsed in street and was taken unconscious in ambulance to A+E,while at in ambulance he was injected in top of left arm,can you tell me what was likely to be please? thank you

Asked by Rachel almost 9 years ago


If I were to attain a ACLS and PALS certification could it possibly increase pay as a EMT?

Asked by Michael 8 months ago


Asked by Evaleen about 8 years ago


when someone suffers from vertigo of the inner ear and come completely dizzy and there is ringing in there ears should a person lay on there bed and go to sleep or ask for HELP

Asked by jennifer over 10 years ago


Hi, i am Evaleen and i am currently a grade 11 student and am wanting to become an paramedic. I was wondering what might be some stuff or advice to learn before hand that could help me before going to school to become an EMT?

Asked by Evaleen about 8 years ago