Union County, NJ

Male, 24

I have been a certified Emergency Medical Technician (E.M.T.) for over 6 years. I am the true "first responder" and have been dispatched to over 1,000 calls including medical, trauma, and psychiatric emergencies. How do I handle the stress and what goes on in my mind when YOUR life is on the line? Find out by asking me anything!

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183 Questions


Last Answer on May 17, 2012

Best Rated

Hi there!
Which step in emergency management of cardiac arrest has the greatest mortality benefit? (Quality chest compressions? Early defibrillation? Rescue Breaths? Fluid Resuscitation)

Asked by Josh about 8 years ago


If you have a conscious and competent patient who refuses to give consent for treatment how do you get consent ? 1. From a family member 2. From authorities 3. From the court 4. From past psychology documents

Asked by Mike over 3 years ago


Arrive to trauma scene get a radial pulse of 100 strong your partner gets 48/34 bp what should you do? 1. Accept the reading 2. Suspect it and retake it 3. Ask your partner to retake it after 15 minutes 4. Treat for hypertension

Asked by Mike over 3 years ago


What are the steps to become an EMT? Like do I have to go to college? Medical school? Do I take a course in a program to become an EMT and then take the test to see if I pass?

Asked by Samantha about 8 years ago


how many dumb calls and false alarms do you have to respond to?

Asked by Jake about 6 years ago


Do you get to choose who you drive with? My husband and I both want to become EMT's and we're wondering if we could work together.

Asked by Melissa over 11 years ago


Hi Everyone, my name is Adam and I am a final year design student at Loughborough University.
I am designing a product which aims to aid first responders to treat casualties more effectively upon arrival at the scene of an incident.

With this in mind I have thought of some questions I'd like to ask and would be very grateful if you can give me your views and thoughts.

In order to better understand the scenario of a paramedics role at a casualty scene, can you describe the routine you would go through upon arrival.
- What is most important?
- Why do you do what you do?
- What are you trying to achieve? How do you go about achieving this?

What essential kit does a paramedic carry with them at all times?
- Do you have any know problems with any of the kit? What are your key frustrations? Why?
-- Awkward to carry
-- Hard to use (Complicated)
-- Counter Intuitive
-- Wasting time
-- Hard to find things
- Is there anything you wish you could do that you currently can't related to your kit?

What is the most critical moment in the event of an emergency?
- How do you go about addressing this?

Where/When are the most mistakes made?
- Why/how do they happen?
-- Can these be prevented/helped with the aid of a new product?
-- What goes wrong with existing products?

When was the last time you had any frustrations in the process of treating a casualty?
- Why did this occur?

I appreciate this is a lot to take ask so please don't feel rushed to reply. I will be appreciative of any feedback on these questions.

Many Thanks

Asked by Adam over 9 years ago