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Employment Lawyer

NYEmploymentLaw (New York, NY)

I am a labor and employment attorney for a large New York law firm that represents employers in various areas of litigation,... 2 / 28 / 12 2 / 28 / 12 13
Family Advocate

Family Advocate (Bronx, NY)

I work in an income-based Early Childhood program, which services the children of high-risk families who meet the poverty... 8 / 24 / 12 8 / 22 / 12 4
Federal Lobbyist

DClobbyist (Washington, DC)

I've been a Federal lobbyist since 1998. During that time, I worked with Members of Congress, their staff, key Federal agency... 3 / 04 / 13 1 / 10 / 13 27
Forensic Scientist

LIsa Black (Cape Coral, FL)

I spent the five happiest years of my life in a morgue. As a forensic scientist in the Cleveland coroner’s office I analyzed... 7 / 21 / 22 5 / 16 / 13 949
Former IRS Revenue Officer

Michael Raanan, EA (Santa Ana, CA)

My tenure with the largest and most powerful collection agency in the world, the IRS, began fresh out of college and with... 5 / 16 / 17 5 / 06 / 13 48
HR Executive

HRChick (Seattle, WA)

I'm the head of HR for a leading digital media company. I'm responsible for making my company an amazing place to work -... 1 / 11 / 15 8 / 07 / 12 46

Ottawa Law Guy (Ottawa, On)

I've been a lawyer for ten years. I own a small law firm in Ottawa, Ontario. I have practiced in family law, civil litigation,... 3 / 17 / 14 6 / 20 / 13 11
Manager of Information Security

HaxforJustice (Los Angeles, CA)

I've spent the last ten years working in information security. Everything from penetration testing (ethical hacking) to... 2 / 20 / 13 11 / 03 / 12 20
Personal Injury Lawyer

litiGator (New York, NY)

I represent all types of accident victims who have suffered injuries through the fault of others. Whether it's a motor vehicle... 4 / 24 / 13 2 / 21 / 12 27
Police Officer

BlueSheepdog (Around the Way, FL)

Cheating death and fighting communism: that is how a fellow officer once described our job. It was meant to be funny, but... 11 / 05 / 14 6 / 21 / 12 607