Geek Squad Agent/Supervisor

Geek Squad Agent/Supervisor


Unknown, TX

Male, 22

I am a BestBuy GeekSquad agent and the supervisor for computers at an American BestBuy. I've worked here for a little over a year now. I fix computers as well as motivate my team to sell them.

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14 Questions


Last Answer on October 07, 2014

Best Rated

Have you ever found something on someone's camera or hard drive that you had to report to the police? Does Best Buy even have a policy for that?

Asked by Stu1 over 10 years ago


I have a problem with a geek squad member. Can you discuss with me?

Asked by Keith E. Glading over 3 years ago


I have a problem with a geek squad member (or so he claims) in WashingtoCan you help.

Asked by Keith E. Glading over 3 years ago


Will you ever just tell a customer that a service is easy and would probably be better to just do themselves instead of having Geek Squad do it, or do they discourage you from doing that? (even though it's true 95% of the time lol:)

Asked by Robb over 10 years ago


Have you ever accidentally ruined something that was brought in to be fixed and what happened?

Asked by Paizen over 10 years ago


Does it ever make sense to buy the extended warranty they try and push on you, even on like a $10 mouse? I always thought that was some sort of scam.

Asked by DDDDD over 10 years ago


Are there policies about privacy and just what you can / can't look at on a customer's computer? I mean, for some problems I'd imagine there's no way of fixing it without taking a look through their personal files, right?

Asked by steamers over 10 years ago