Court Reporter

Court Reporter

The Record Keeper

Arlington, VA

Female, 30

I have been a working court reporter in the D.C. Metro area for 5 years. I record legal proceedings via stenotype --also known as shorthand -- to create a verbatim transcript for later use at trial or in the appeals process. I primarily take down criminal proceedings, but I have also done my fair share of civil proceedings such as family law cases and medical malpractice cases.

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17 Questions


Last Answer on September 18, 2014

Best Rated

Does typing speed decrease with age, and are there older reporters who find they can't keep up with how fast people are talking anymore?

Asked by ERic about 10 years ago


I got a phone as a gift for my mother before she passed away and it was stolen from me can I sue off of the person that stole it in jail but I don't have proof that I had the phone

Asked by darlene over 9 years ago


If you're late for work, will the judge hold up the entire trial until a reporter is there?

Asked by Damion almost 10 years ago


What are most judges you work with like? Are the ones who are known for being jerks actually nice outside the courtroom?

Asked by Turtle about 10 years ago


Do you ever have a hard time keeping a straight face if testimony is funny or just ridiculous?

Asked by Leah22 about 10 years ago


If there are a limited number of courtrooms in the country, then how do job openings to be a court reporter actually come up? Only when current reporters retire? Or are there always jobs for new graduates?

Asked by nightmark about 10 years ago


What kind of jobs are popular for court reporters who want to switch careers?

Asked by annabanana almost 10 years ago