Best Buy Microsoft Consultant

Best Buy Microsoft Consultant


New York, NY

Male, 19

I have been a computer sales consultant (more recently, a Microsoft Consultant) at the iconic big box store Best Buy. I have seen the company at its lowest points up to current day, with the current Renew Blue policies in place. I love my job and I would love you to ask me anything you'd like to learn about the Blue Shirts of Best Buy.

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10 Questions


Last Answer on January 06, 2014

Best Rated

Did you see the SNL spoof of punk Best Buy employees from a couple weeks ago, and were people in the store talking about it afterward?

Asked by 11121 over 10 years ago


How much are you payed?

Asked by diego over 10 years ago


How long after initial training do you receive your seeded device and is that received directly through your store or some other channel?

Asked by Arazius about 10 years ago