McDonald's Crew Trainer

McDonald's Crew Trainer

Lola R

Auckland, NZ

Female, 18

I've been working at McDonald's part-time for over a year. My job involves the basic obligations of a crew member, while also training new staff and assisting managers to execute shift goals and targets for the store. Despite the drama, the stress, and the general annoyances of customer service - I love my job, and the opportunity to develop as a leader is what I love the most.

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163 Questions


Last Answer on April 02, 2014

Best Rated

Hi, I've just recently been asked to become a crew trainer, and was given a crew trainer application form. However I am stuck on a few questions..
Could I get some help with the questions please?

Asked by au about 11 years ago

Sure, what are the questions?

What's the general progression (and how long is each stop) from entry-level to assistant manager to manager etc? And what are your own aspirations?

Asked by Kellman over 11 years ago

Completely depends on each person, how hard you work, and the needs of the restaurant. If you work hard as a Crew Member, I think the average amount of time it would take to move up to a Crew Trainer would be about one year. Most managers I know only became managers after a few years, however there are always exceptions. If you have a great management team looking out for the crew's best interests, then they will most likely put your development as their top priority. It's not really that desirable to move up too quickly - there's a LOT to learn, and you need to know everything if you want to be able to effectively run a restaurant - but jobs like this have high turnover rates, and waiting until your staff are 100% ready to be promoted isn't always possible. Crew Trainers exist as an "intermediate" stage between Crew and Management because it allows crew to take on minor leadership roles in a restricted way.
If the restaurant has a McCafe, then being a barista is probably a step up from a standard Crew Member. I don't know much about the selection process for cafe - I got my cafe uniform after working for about 5 months, and at that point I barely knew how to make coffees. Pretty sure I lucked out there because we just needed baristas.
After management, you can become an Assistant Restaurant Manager, and then like, a legit Restaurant Manager, if you're good enough and they need one. If that's not enough pure power for you then you can get snatched up by Head Office after that, but that's a whole other barrel of fish.
My own aspiration would be to become a part-time manager, gain a little more experience, and then quit. I love McDonald's, but I don't see myself here forever. I've seen far too many managers who stayed too long and regretted it. It can be a great career - but the key word there is career. If you want to stay, go all the way to the top. Our current franchisee started as a Crew Member, and now he's like, a millionaire or something. It can happen. But don't get stuck in the middle.
The best advice I've ever received from a manager was this: "Don't stay in this job too long. Do you know what happens to fries after their 7 minute holding time? They get old and gross. That could be you." 

Do some people come in with horrible attitudes and think they're "above" working at McDonalds?

Asked by Dela1 over 11 years ago

Yeah, absolutely. It's a first job for many people, and although there are a lot of people who take it seriously and understand that it can be a great stepping stone to whatever career you really want, there are lots of kids who think they're "too cool" for it, and just think of it as something they have to endure to get their paycheck at the end of the week. It's immediately obvious when someone has this attitude - it's disrespectful to the customers and to your other employees. Yes, it's not exactly a dream job for most people - it can be hard work with seemingly little payoff - which is exactly why your attitude towards it is a total reflection of your character. Luckily we don't have many people like this at our store anymore - they've all moved on to bigger and better things *cough* leeching off their parents *cough*. Good question! :D

What do you think is the grossest thing on the McDonald's menu?

Asked by warbly over 11 years ago

Personally, I find chicken nuggets disgusting. They make me feel sick. They sit around in the UHC for ages and they're all greasy and don't even taste like chicken and ugh. I also never eat fries - they're covered in an insane amount of oil and salt; once you prepare them yourself they won't look appetising to you anymore. 

Is it ever embarrassing to tell people that you work at McDonald's?

Asked by Lee over 11 years ago

Sometimes. It has a lot of negative connotations and when you say you work there, people tend to assume the worst about you straight away. Let's be honest here, McDonald's doesn't always attract the best and brightest employees - however, I do work in New Zealand, and the attitude towards fast-food places is a little different than it is in America. Actually, if you went to Australia, heaps of people would be proud to say they worked at there - their pay rate for crew is incredibly high, their service is amazing, and their staff actually look geniunely happy to be there. Weird. 
It doesn't bother me much these days to say I work at McDonald's. It's a part-time job while I pay my way through school and it doesn't have to define who I am in the slightest.
When I first started working, I tended to avoid serving customers who went to my school. Even the most ratchet little pricks look down at you if they see you in uniform, and I preferred to just not get involved with that. But one day, I was sweeping the lobby, and this chick a couple years younger than me walks in. I knew of her because she was kind of infamous for being a heinous bitch. She was particularly infamous as of late, because she had some kind minor violent outburst in class with her craft knife. Anyway, she looks me up and down apprehensively, then scoffs and says, "You work at McDonald's? Wow." 
Without missing a beat, I'm like: "Didn't you stab someone last term?"
She never came back. lol 

What is it like to be in a high pressure environment where everybody is dependant on you?

Asked by Sid over 11 years ago

It's a high pressure environment sometimes, and people are dependent on me occasionally. I'm not going to talk up McDonald's like it's the most stressful job in the world, because it really isn't - it can be stressful, and difficult, but most other jobs can be too. Something which was hard for me to get used to was the idea that every second counts. Cars need to be out of the drive-thru within 210 seconds, fries have to be thrown out after 7 minutes...everything is supposed to be really precise, and that in itself is stressful. The pressure can come from managers, but customers, too. No offence, but customers can be assholes. I mean, I'm usually pretty nice to customers. If you didn't like your coffee, I'll make you another one. If you're a dollar short, I'll pretend I'm mathematically incompetent. But a large part of the pressure comes from customers who find it necessary to constantly berate and degrade our crew. If a customer complains to your manager, you're screwed. Even if the customer is lying, you could absolutely get a written warning. I can't even count the number of times I've been yelled at by a manager for something I didn't do. But we have this thing, that if a customer is unhappy, you have to do your best to suck them off- I mean, transform them into a loyal, happy consumer. So often you'll get a situation where a manager yells at you in front of a customer to prove that they're on the customer's side, regardless of what you did or did not do. Pretty sleazy. 
I'm not that of person. I understand it's a business but it's obvious when a customer is being disrespectful on purpose. There are many places you can go be a dickhead for free. McDonald's should not be one of them. As a customer of any store, you have the opportunity to take some of that pressure off the staff. Just smile and be polite, and you'll make everything much easier.
As for dependence, I kind of like it. Crew trainers are the backbone of the management team. Feels good to be valued.

Have you ever had to fire someone? How about firing someone OLDER than you were, and was that hard?

Asked by bayless over 11 years ago

Nope, I don't have the authority to fire someone or seriously discipline staff in any way, and I would never want to. If Crew Trainers see crew who aren't following procedures in some way, we have the right to tell them what they're doing wrong and how to fix it, but actual serious discipline is usually left to managers. I have occasionally had to "train" crew who are older than I am, or tell crew who have worked here longer than I have that they're doing something wrong - it can be difficult, because I don't want to come across as obnoxious. I'm a little different to many Crew Trainers because I avoid telling crew what to do -  instead I tell them what needs to be done, and then help them to do it.
But back to the firing thing...if a crew member was ever in serious trouble, I would be standing by their side. Crew Trainers are your allies! :D

Do we get free food?

Asked by Will moores about 11 years ago

Employees get a 50% discount if they buy food just before or after a shift, or during a break (excluding combos). If you're not working, it's 10%. Filter coffee/tea and standard drinks are free. 

You're from New Zealand? What do McDonald's workers get paid over there? Here in the US it's a big controversy because they get paid min. wage (like $7 / hour), and they're protesting to get paid, like, double. Everyone wants more money but sheesh!

Asked by TZ90 over 11 years ago

So the starting rate for new crew is about $13.75 (NZD). I think that's about $11.50 in USD. Your pay gets reviewed every six months, and is also subject to performance - so if you work hard, they will increase your pay. Personally I think the starting rate should be at least $14.50NZD, and larger increases with promotions. I can't really comment on wages in the US because I've never worked there or even been there, but I've heard a lot about strikes for higher wages, like $15/h. This seems a little ridiculous to me but yes, $7 an hour is definitely not enough and it's sad to me that people wonder why McDonald's employees are so miserable. 
We have a retail outlet here in NZ called The Warehouse (similar to Walmart), where they recently adopted a policy in which employees could earn well over $20/h after working for more than three years - these are retail positions. Even new staff are paid fairly generously. The Warehouse says they hope this will lower turnover rates, increase productivity, and change the public's perception on choosing retail as a career.
Seems impossible until someone does it. 

How do you get to be a 'crew trainer'? Does every McD worker have to train new employees, or do you have to apply / get picked?

Asked by regbush over 11 years ago

I can only speak from personal experience, but in my case, you had to apply. I started at a new store where a majority of the crew were new to McD's, and after about 6 or 7 months, the management team was starting to look for crew trainers. Anyone could apply - you would just sit down with the restuarant manager and explain why you wanted the promotion - an informal kind of interview. There were originally about 5 people picked to go to CT classes, but many more who weren't chosen. It also came down to the recommendation of the managers. Anyway, it's not too hard to become a crew trainer, honestly. It's obvious straight away which people suit the role, and if they want it enough, it will basically be thrown at them. 
As for actually formally training new employees, this should be done by just crew trainers and managers. Not every McD's worker has to train new employees, and getting promoted to a crew trainer isn't like, a natural progression. As with any other job you have to work hard for a promotion. Some people stay crew members for years, it's totally up to you if you want to try and move up or not. Personally I find that it makes the job much easier if you're working towards a goal, otherwise you will be miserable. Trust me. 

If you become a crew trainer do you get a pay rise?

Asked by Jimmy almost 11 years ago

Yes, but how much of a pay rise you get is dependent on your performance and your particular franchise.

Do you have any idea how profitable it is to own or run a McDonald's franchise?

Asked by homey about 11 years ago

Definitely not qualified to answer this, but our franchise owner is pretty well off. He started as a crew member and now owns about 5 different restaurants. 

what do you mean by prepare,present,try out and follow-up?

Asked by jaime almost 11 years ago

These are the procedures crew trainers use when training employees on particular stations, and is mostly related to completing SOCs.q
Prepare - get all your resources, SOCs, training cards, etc. 
Present - this is where the training actually happens - explain to the crew member what their role is at the station, how things should be done, etc etc.
Try Out - leaving the employee alone for a little while to let them work without you holding their hand the whole time. This step is important because they won't learn/remember what you told them if they don't have the opportunity to make their own mistakes.
Follow-up - coming back to your trainee to see how they're doing, give feedback, and answer any questions they may have. 

how quickly are you expected to be good enough to take orders and make them up without help

Asked by duane almost 11 years ago

It's different for everyone, and there's lots of things to learn. I would say most crew members know the basics after a few weeks. As a new employee, you won't really be assigned to any station without any help for at least a month or so in my experience 

What is the Mcdonalds Brand Promise

Asked by Kenya over 9 years ago


What are trainers notes used for ?

Asked by Cedric almost 8 years ago


Which production course does every new trainer learn during their first shifts

Asked by Eva almost 7 years ago


How and why will coaching crew help to promote a positive work enviroment

Asked by Yandy about 6 years ago


How and why will coaching crew help to promote a positive work enviroment

Asked by Yandy about 6 years ago


I just got promoted to crew trainer and was just wondering how much of a raise comes with me promotion?

Asked by Lacey about 10 years ago


When should you demonstrate a procedure to a crew member as part of the feedback process?

Asked by Angie almost 10 years ago


Which tool is used as a checklist to verify station or on the floor trainig

Asked by Jenny over 9 years ago


So I only just turned 15 yesterday, and I really want a job this summer and would like to work at a McDonalds near my home, but realize I know nothing about working here...can you help me?

Asked by Lillian almost 11 years ago


how long do trainees train for?

Asked by as about 9 years ago


How do you prepare to train a crew member

Asked by o.m almost 10 years ago


What tools do you use to prepare to train a crew member?

Asked by Brad over 10 years ago


What are service reminders

Asked by Dawn about 8 years ago


What is a secondary hold time?

Asked by Heidy over 8 years ago


When should you demonstrate a procedure to a crew member as part of the feedback process

Asked by gaynell about 9 years ago


What do I need to know to become a trainer I have done all of the work I am going to the meeting in a few weeks what should I expect, know before going into the meeting I'm really scared

Asked by Kenny 2 months ago


As a crew trainer how will I use station guides

Asked by Cheyenne about 8 years ago


How do u demonstrate step 3: try out when u train a crew member

Asked by kylie about 10 years ago


Hello I work at McDonalds and my head manger and 2nd manger and my supervisor wants me to be a crew trainer but i do not know how you change the milk in the mocha machine. So how do you change the milk in the Mocha machine?

Asked by Maurice over 10 years ago


I have an upcoming meeting with my supervisor, and I'm terrified. Some of the questions are "What does our customer service mean to you?" And "Why is it important to have experienced crew working?" Any advice/ possible answers

Asked by Trainee Crew Trainer over 8 years ago


Which Which took is used as a checklist to verify station or on the floor training?

Asked by Alisha about 10 years ago


Which tool is used as a checklist to verify station or on the floor training?

Asked by Alisha about 10 years ago


As a crew trainer, how will you use each of these training tools?
E-learning, station guided, service reminders, SOCs, trainer's notes for the 4-step training method & training tools and tips?

Asked by Pookie over 8 years ago


How do you prepare to train a crew member

Asked by kk about 9 years ago


Which tool is used as a checklist to verify station or on the floor training ?

Asked by Tommy about 9 years ago


What tool do you use during Step 2: Present of the 4?Step Training Method if e?Learning is not available?

Asked by Tommy about 9 years ago


how and why will coaching crew help to promote positive work environment?

Asked by chibi almost 7 years ago


How do you prepare to train a crew member

Asked by maywood almost 10 years ago


Which tool is used as a check list to verify station or on the floor training

Asked by Reva almost 9 years ago


How do you think coaching crew will help to promote a positive work environment?

Asked by Js almost 9 years ago


How do you think coaching crew will help to promote a positive work environment?

Asked by Vishwas about 9 years ago


As a Crew Trainer, how have you coached Crew Members on their opportunities?

Asked by Fareen Bhatti about 10 years ago


How do you train a crew member if e-learning does not exist for a particular station or on the floor

Asked by net over 9 years ago


Im a crew trainer , i recently got two warning sheets for helping a crew out ?
Is that even allowed ? Both warning sheets were the same reason ?

Asked by Zj almost 9 years ago


How do you prepare to train a crew member?

Asked by Pam almost 10 years ago


How do you prepare to train a crew member?

Asked by pam almost 10 years ago


When should you demonstrate hey procedure to a crewmember as part of the feedback process

Asked by Tj almost 10 years ago


Hey I've been asked to become a crew trainer, which is very nice but... I feel like I'm not ready yet. I know myself really well, and I'll pretty sure I don't have the patience to train trainees. Should I accept it or turn it down?

Asked by Jenny almost 9 years ago


what are current times for drive-thru

Asked by AS over 9 years ago


why is your preparation important?

Asked by lei over 5 years ago


why is your
preparation important?

Asked by lei over 5 years ago


How do you prepare to train a crew member

Asked by terra almost 10 years ago


How do you prepare to train a crew member

Asked by kl almost 10 years ago


What tools do you use to prepare to train a crew member?

Asked by Gstever almost 9 years ago


What is a service reminder, Socs, trainers notes for the 4 step method, and tips and training tools?

Asked by Claire over 7 years ago


is there a way I can train at home when im not working at mcdonalds to better my progresssion especially the drive thru?

Asked by candice almost 11 years ago


What is slc

Asked by bianca over 9 years ago


I've been a crew trainer myself for a little over a year in McDonald's, but it's only recently come to my attention that I am meant to have a email, I was never given one, do you know where I can find it?

Asked by aj about 4 years ago


How will you use each of these training tools e learning, station guides, service reminders,SOCs, trainer s notes for the 4 step training methods, training tools and tips

Asked by ch over 10 years ago


What dose prepare mean in the 4 step training method

Asked by Queengirl almost 9 years ago


I have been working at McD for 4 months.Am working casual hours but over 30+ hours on school holidays and 10 hours+ during school weeks.I am heavily relied on in kitchen and well known by all the managers. The store needs crew trainers is it to soon?

Asked by Mitchell almost 11 years ago


What tools do u review to prepare to train a crew membe

Asked by ladyl over 9 years ago


Do I have to train if I'm not a crew trainer?

Asked by jj about 10 years ago


Hi, I was offered a crew trainer position and have an interview tomorrow! I am NOT prepared and would love some advice. Im not even sure if Im ready because I have so much more to learn. HELP!

Asked by Manukau needs advice! almost 10 years ago


how do you train a crew member if e-learning does not exist

Asked by alex over 9 years ago


Describe a time when you had lots of different things to do. Tell us how you prioritise these things to make sure that customers receive great QSC.

Asked by Duduuu about 2 years ago


What tools do you review to prepare to train a crew member

Asked by Jasmine over 9 years ago


As a crew trainer how will you use each of these training tools?

Asked by sarah over 8 years ago


I want to know about food safety

Asked by Irshad over 7 years ago


I just finished my three training days, and I'm really nervous. I was trained as a store opener, but I've only seen how to do most thigs once and I'm afraid I won't remember what to do at my next shift. I'm dreading going back because of it. Advice?

Asked by Opal about 10 years ago


I just finished my three training days, and I'm really nervous. I was trained as a store opener, but I've only seen how to do most thigs once and I'm afraid I won't remember what to do at my next shift. I'm dreading going back because of it. Advice?

Asked by Opal about 10 years ago


Which production course does every new trainer learn during their first shifts

Asked by Shardae over 7 years ago


Hi,I'm gonna take the crew trainers test this week and I was wondering,what is the test based on?

Asked by Ashley over 9 years ago


Service rermimder

Asked by Pamela over 8 years ago


How do you train crew member if e-learning does not exist

Asked by bob over 9 years ago


i have been surprised by my manager saying i am to be a crew trainer and this is only to be my 4th month working there... i feel very nervous and i admit a little scared. what is your advise to me?

Asked by arci over 10 years ago


i have been working in mcdonalds for four months now and have been surprised by my manager saying i am becoming a crew trainer. i am very nervous and a little scared. what is your advice to me?

Asked by arci over 10 years ago


i am a crew trainer i really to do an activity that would help improving crew skills during the shifts can you help me with choosing the right activity that could be best i really any idea that's good

Asked by soumaya almost 11 years ago


does Alabama McDonald's pay crew trainers equally even if working for the same owners

Asked by cb about 10 years ago


how and why will coaching crew help to promote a positive work environment?

Asked by joy over 6 years ago


Does an assistant store manager have authority over a swing manager the way the swing manager has over crew? And if so, does that change when the swing manager is running the floor?

Asked by Danc about 9 years ago


how do you train a crew member if e-learning does not exist

Asked by toni almost 10 years ago


How to evaluate french fries

Asked by Joven over 7 years ago


How do you evaluate french fries

Asked by Joven over 7 years ago


4 gold standard

Asked by Joven over 7 years ago


I got hired at mcdonalds about a month ago and still haven't received my uniforms. I've called and they just simply tell me they haven't come in. How long does this usually take because I went to mcdonalds because I'm in desperate need of a money now

Asked by jessica over 10 years ago


high ive been asked to become a crew trainer, and was given an application, but im stuck on a few questions. could i get some help please

Asked by sione over 4 years ago


I applied for a crew member job and got an email after interview saying congratulations, I am a customer care assistant! Should I tell the manager on welcome day next Saturday there has been a mistake? I want to be a crew member

Asked by Rose almost 11 years ago


Which tool is used as a checklist to verify station or on-the-floor training?

Asked by Cassandra almost 10 years ago


can you describe a situation when your communication skills helped make a difference

Asked by any almost 7 years ago


What are the benefits of using a Participative Leadership approach impact on your floor control?

Asked by Peter over 7 years ago


If you had 3 crew; one at the fry station, one at the front counter, and one is making a mc cafe but walked away instead of staying with the beverage which would you atend to first?

Asked by rosebud about 10 years ago


I was given my uniform today but it won't do up over my bust. What size do the uniforms go up to?

Asked by Worried over 10 years ago


I am about to become a crew trainer, and i have to have my packet in by tomorrow, but I don't know if i have to answer the 3 page nuts and bolts part of the packet? If so, where would i find the cooking time for each of the food items they ask for?

Asked by New Trainer in Training over 9 years ago


Any difference between the McDonalds' in NZ and ones elsewhere in the world? Different menu? Better/worse reputation?

Asked by over 11 years ago


I was wondering if there is an age restriction at mcdonalds to become a crew trainer. Is there one?

Asked by Zack almost 9 years ago


What told do you review to prepare to train a crew member

Asked by dm about 10 years ago


As a crew trainer, how will you use station guides as a tool?

Asked by P.B about 9 years ago



Asked by nancy over 9 years ago


What are the 7steps to drive thru

Asked by jlj almost 9 years ago


How do you prepare to train a crew member?

Asked by Mr Manager about 9 years ago


which of the four roles of a crew trainer will be most difficult for you

Asked by Ruth almost 10 years ago


As A Crew Trainer,how will you use each of these training tools.. E-Learning,Station Guides,Service Reminders,Socs,Trainer's Notes for the 4-Steps Training Method,and Training Tools and Tips

Asked by Michelle Knox over 7 years ago


Can you help me with my crew trainer book?

Asked by Louis almost 9 years ago


what is the standard turnover of the crew in the counter

Asked by gine about 9 years ago


When should you demonstrate a procedure to a crew member as part of the feedback process?

Asked by Trainer about 9 years ago


Which tool is used as a checklist to verify station or on-the-floor training?

Asked by jana over 10 years ago


What is the maximum holding time for fries?

Asked by Tiffany over 7 years ago


I have been working at mc dees for over 2 months only worked 4 days my manger says I don't know everything they have only showed me fries and to do lobby and play room I have asked for hrs and am told am not trained enough there not helping me

Asked by Honeypot about 10 years ago


As a crew trainer, how will you use each of these training tools?
E-learning, station guided, service reminders, SOCs, trainer's notes for the 4-step training method & training tools and tips?

Asked by Becky about 7 years ago


As a crew trainer, how will you use each of these training tools?
E-learning, station guided, service reminders, SOCs, trainer's notes for the 4-step training method & training tools and tips?

Asked by Becky about 7 years ago


How do you prepare to train a crew member

Asked by Kayla almost 10 years ago


what are the school requirements as working as a crew member at the west olympia mcdonalds

Asked by austin flahaut over 10 years ago


What is the station guides?

Asked by Brittney about 8 years ago


Which tool is used as a checklist to verify station or on the floor train8ng

Asked by Shanah about 9 years ago


As a crew trainer how will you use each of these training tools? Service reminders, trainer notes for 4 step training method and training tools and tips

Asked by Brittany about 8 years ago


What tool is used as a checklist to verify stations or on the floor training

Asked by Cj about 9 years ago


How do u demonstrate Step 3 :Try out when train a crew member

Asked by Fran about 9 years ago


Describe a time when a team you have been part of has had to work together to achieve a goal or a difficult task

Asked by Tara almost 9 years ago


How long will I be put on fries for

Asked by Keely over 8 years ago


Hiw and why will ciaching crew help to promote a positive worj environment?

Asked by Div almost 7 years ago


how long does it take to receive feedback after an interview if i had applied online.

Asked by Lucy over 10 years ago


How do you prepare to train a crew member?

Asked by alondra over 9 years ago


How do you train a crew if e learning does not exist for a particular station on the floor

Asked by bri almost 10 years ago


1,what are the specific duties of a crew person?
2,Does a crew person has to do the dish washing?
3, Dose a crew person have to come with his own uniform or uniforms are provided by Mcdonalds?

Asked by Patty about 10 years ago


What is a service reminder?

Asked by about 9 years ago


Where are the crew training materials kept in the restaurant?

Asked by Shay over 5 years ago


Who do I go to when new materials need to be ordered?

Asked by Shay over 5 years ago


Who are you suppose to contact if you cannot do your crew online training ?

Asked by Sammy over 9 years ago


Station training cards

Asked by Wew about 9 years ago


how long do apple pies cool for

Asked by sara about 8 years ago


how often does an average crew member get paid

Asked by britanny over 10 years ago


How long does it take for background check to come back

Asked by Michelle about 9 years ago


As a crew trainer how would you use each of these training tools relearning station guides service reminders and SOCs

Asked by Lisa almost 9 years ago


How do you train a crew member if e-learning does not exist for a particular station or on the floor

Asked by Mr John Scott over 10 years ago


I am about to be promoted as crew trainer what do I need to know an what should I expect doing the meeting

Asked by Sound over 10 years ago


What tool do you use during step 2 present of the. 4step training method if e-learning is not available

Asked by Mr John Scott over 10 years ago


What tools do you review to prepare to train a crew member

Asked by my about 9 years ago


Crew trainers assist shift managers and people managers to meet performance targets. True or false

Asked by Mr John Scott over 10 years ago


I would like to do some reference with the crew trainerror workbook.

Asked by over 8 years ago


Which tools is used as a checklist to verify station or on the floor training

Asked by Mr John Scott over 10 years ago


What is an example of building teamwork?

Asked by Mr John Scott over 10 years ago


Which took is used as a checklist to verify station or on the floor training?

Asked by Lexis over 9 years ago


How do you prepare to try train a crew member ?

Asked by Mr John Scott over 10 years ago


if my manager told me that he needs to talk to me as soon as possible and its about policy and procedure should i be scared?

Asked by aces about 9 years ago


What time do you leave you to prepare to train a crew member

Asked by Erica about 9 years ago


Im trying to get crew trainer and my managers know that im aiming for it I've also trained new staff and ran a shift while the manager was on a break but im wondering what I need to do to increase my chances off it.

Asked by jordan over 6 years ago


can you describe a time at maccas on shift whenyou needed a problem solved, what you did and the result?

Asked by Tazza almost 11 years ago


which tool is used as a checklist to verify station or on the floor training?

Asked by phia over 9 years ago


What is an example of building teamwork?

Asked by Fabian over 9 years ago


How long should a crew member work before asking for a transfer to another mcdonalds? and can a new hired crew member ask for transfer to another mcdonalds once he or she has just finished her training?

Asked by MJ about 9 years ago


What is an example of building teamwork?

Asked by Fabian over 9 years ago


How to demonstrate step 3 try out when you train a crew member

Asked by luisa over 10 years ago


Ho do. U prepare to train crew member

Asked by Fabian over 9 years ago


Describe a time when a team you have been part of has had to work together to achieve a goal

Asked by Johnny over 6 years ago


Three tools that u can use to train the crew

Asked by Lu over 8 years ago


Three tools that u can use to train the crew

Asked by Lu over 8 years ago


I’m supposed to work at a new McDonald’s just built but they not open yet s they sent me to a nearby store for training but the people at the store was rude af I asked if I could go to the other McDonald’s by my house and train there is that possible

Asked by Andy 6 months ago


How do you demonstrate step 3.try out when you train a crew member

Asked by dallas over 9 years ago