Best Buy Mobile Specialist

Best Buy Mobile Specialist


Vancouver, BC

Male, 22

I worked at Best Buy for about a year in which a learned a whole lot of nothing about sales but I did walk away with lots of free vendor giveaways! I worked in the Mobile Department and no, I don't recommend the iphone.

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5 Questions


Last Answer on October 23, 2013

Best Rated

What's the coolest thing you ever got free from a vendor?

Asked by Winz over 11 years ago

Anything from the blackberry rep. I got gloves that you can touch your phone screen through, backpacks, hoodies, and he even got me and my team invited to special blackberry events though that may have been normal for all store reps. I doubt that is the case anymore though due to the fact that the company is finally pretty much dead, at least in current form.

Do you think it's true that Apple intentionally holds back inventory for their products because it drives up demand when people can't get their hands on a new phone for weeks?

Asked by VickDogz over 11 years ago

Having had many of the same conversations with our district Apple representive I have yet to get a straight answer on this. About a week after a iphone or ipad is launched he always manages to get all his buddies hooked up with the latest device seemingly free to stock constraints. Now that could be because Apple sets aside stock for reps but it seems odd that they wouldn't just send it out to us stores which are swamped with customers pretty much throwing money at us. 

If Apple does hold inventory i'll say it doesn't help at my old store. We normally turned people towards the shining beacon of hope that is Android.

Does Best Buy intentionally understock the things it advertises as "Black Friday Specials"?

Asked by TO5 over 11 years ago


Do you still actually sell ANY blackberries? Will you try to talk someone out of buying one if they really want it?

Asked by Heather over 11 years ago


Can you tell when a customer is show-rooming? What do you do in such an instance?

Asked by BigRedd over 11 years ago