Border Patrol Agent

Border Patrol Agent


Charleston, SC

Male, 31

Spent a bit over four years (2006-2010) serving as a Border Patrol Agent in Tucson Sector, AZ: the busiest sector in the country. Worked numerous positions, and spent the last year and a half operating/instructing ground radar installations. Duties included: field patrols, transport, processing, control room duties, transportation check, checkpoint operations, static watch duties, etc.

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Last Answer on November 08, 2016

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What happens to an illegal if he's caught on the US side of the border? Is he always deported, and how soon does that happen?

Asked by LeahChass about 12 years ago

The answer to this question is two-fold: theory and reality. The theory is that illegal immigrants will be intercepted/apprehended within 25-50 miles of the international border. If they make it into the country, we "hope" that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (I.C.E.) will manage to apprehend some. Most police departments/sheriff's offices in the U.S. will attempt to contact their local I.C.E/USBP office if they have an aggravated felon who is an illegal, etc. For the most part, once an illegal enters the country and is not apprehended, his chance of deportation drops immensely. Most police departments/sheriff's offices do not have the money/manpower/capability to actively transfer/hold illegals etc. When illegal immigrants are caught by the Border Patrol they are assembled at a processing station, finger-printed, recorded and their information is entered into an immigration database. If they have a previous criminal history, they are held for proper deportation/prosecution. About 80% of illegal immigrants have no criminal history within the United States. These individuals are processed and returned to Mexico (or their country of origin) within 24 hours. That is our requirement. It is not uncommon in some sectors that an illegal can be apprehended, processed and returned to Mexico through a designated Port of Entry (P.O.E.) within 12 hours or less. It is important to note that an immigration removal for a normal illegal immigrant is referred to as a Voluntary Return - or a VR. This means, that the illegal immigrant is not entered into the U.S.'s FBI database as a criminal (even though they have broken a federal law). This would overload the entire FBI system. These illegal immigrants are only entered into our immigration database so we can monitor the number of times they have been apprehended, and keep tabs on them. Illegal immigrants from other countries are referred to as O.T.M's (Other Than Mexican) and are processed differently. They will be processed and held until a plane is available to take them to their country of origin. I've caught Greeks, Chinese, Pakistanis, Indians, Guatemalans, Ecuadorians, El Salvadorians etc. The process for O.T.M's can take several weeks - as we often wait for a plane-load of illegal immigrants to be assembled. Obviously we can not afford to be flying planes into other countries with only a handful of passengers. Illegal immigrants from distant countries I believe are transferred to I.C.E. who manage long-distance removals.

If the worst thing that can happen to an illegal you catch coming in from Mexico is that he gets booted back home without any criminal charge, what's to stop him from just trying to enter illegally again the next day? Do you jail repeat offenders?

Asked by Aroid about 12 years ago

You've hit the nail on the head.  There is little to no real consequence to entering the country illegally.  In fact, quite the opposite.  Our country bends over and actively pursues business/hiring/employment etc. of illegal immigrants.  I've interviewed thousands of illegal immigrants and they readily admit they come here because it's easy and welcoming.

The USBP does have the discretion to deport anyone that enters the country illegally.  While this enters you into the FBI system as an actual criminal (with an actual criminal record to go along with it) we simply do not have the time/manpower to do this.  It takes 12-15 forms, and 2-4 hours of paperwork per person for a proper deportation.  To put things in perspective my station covered only 10 miles of international border.  We used to catch upwards of 700 people per day.  You can see the impossible scale of the problem.

Even someone who is deported can still enter into the U.S. again within a few hours.  It was very common to apprehend people with paperwork and baggage tags from the previous day.  The common practice was the simply cross as many times as possible, until you got through.

Long story short, there are no real genuine consequences.

What's the best idea you've heard about how to stop the revolving door of repeat offenders who get deported and just try again because they're never incarcerated?

Asked by pinkypink4 about 12 years ago

There is one, and only one real solution - and once again, something we'll never do.  America needs to stop supporting illegal immigrants.  End of story.

No credit cards.  No houses.  No apartments.  No jobs.  No social programs.  No medical care.  No driver's licenses. Close/arrest any shop and any employer who employs/houses/supports illegal immigrants.  It would require the entire country to turn it's back on illegal immigrants.

Unfortunately the American way is cheaper, easier...regardless of the future cost or the country's well-being.

Remove the incentive to come to the U.S., and you solve the illegal immigration problem.  Make the only option: legally becoming a citizen the correct way.  Couple this with immigration reform which makes becoming a citizen more streamlined, easy, and accessible and you have a chance.

Think about the average American.  They'd rather save 20% on their vegetables than pay an American a decent wage to work on a farm.  We've tainted the "working man's" jobs here in the U.S.  Taken jobs which were once a respectable way to earn a living, and made them into jobs that only illegal immigrants should or would do.  All in the aim of saving a buck.


What's the training to work with border patrol? Do you have to be a police officer first?

Asked by BOT about 12 years ago

This has changed several times since I was in the Patrol.  When I applied, it took approximately 6 months from application to arriving at the USBP Academy at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in Artesia, NM.  During those six months you do a physical, an initial test, a foreign-language suitability test, an oral interview, background investigation, additional paperwork etc.

Once at the FLETC, our academy was 20 weeks (5 months) long.  During this time you had 3-4 hours of classes per day, 2+ hours of physical instruction, practical exercises, etc.   The Patrol is very paramilitary, so you march around as a class etc.  You take a huge course load ranging from immigration law to terrorist detection etc.  Most of your classes are based on immigration and naturlization law.  Your PT instructors will run you through all of your physical-based training, such as handcuffing techniques, stacking drills, even a week spent in the pool (in case you end up along the Rio Grande or somewhere with water).

It's a very lengthy academy.  It's not overly difficult though you have numerous pass/fail instances while there.  You train for about 14 weeks on firearms handling manipulations, emergency and non-emergency vehicle operations, including high speed pursuits, felony stops, and off-road vehicle handling.  You'll learn radio operation and proper communication techniques, deportation paperwork handling and processing etc.

It's a rather extensive academy.  You also spend three hours a day learning Spanish.  Each BP class (appproximately 50 trainees) is divided by level of Spanish.  The fluent native speakers have it very easy, whereas people who don't have to work rather hard to catch on.

Once you pass the academy and return to your assigned station you enter an additional 7+ months of trainee status.  You'll spend one day a week doing more training, and will be assigned to your stations Field Training Unit (FTU).  You'll be quizzed and tested on law, proper field procedures, Spanish etc.  When I was in, we had a 7 and a 10 month exam.  Each of these tested law and Spanish.   These were pass/fail and were really stressful.

After all of this, you'll work as a normal field agent...albeit on probation (I believe a two year probationary status is normal).

Since I was in the Patrol much of this has changed.  They shortened the academy and cut several classes.  I'm not entirely sure what the system is right now.

Regarding prior law enforcement training: this is now taken into account when you apply to become a Border Patrol Agent.  While you do not skip the academy, you can take a test or interview I believe to start as a GS9 (higher pay grade).  This means depending on your experience and resume you can join the Patrol as a GS5, GS7, or GS9 (different pay scales).


Do Mexican authorities provide any help on THEIR side of the border? What could they even do...tell someone "hey, get back here, you're not allowed to walk in that direction"?

Asked by Broseph about 12 years ago

They do very little.  In fact, sadly almost every form of Mexican authority is plagued with a large amount of corruption.  It was more common for Mexican police to extort bribes out of Mexicans...and then send them on their way.  They would also abuse/harass O.T.M's very often.  There is no real Mexican border patrol on the U.S. border, except around larger cities/P.O.E.'s.

Mexican police were not trustworthy.  Mexican military were equally questionable (they often patrol the border, battling the cartels).  Mexican customs is a joke.  In addition to this, there are the cartels (who effectively run/coordinate everything), and then "bandidos" or bandits - groups of thugs who'd sneak into the U.S. but only to prey on groups of illegal immigrants heading North.  They would jump them in the mountains or distant areas, stealing their money and supplies etc.

Mexican police and military units frequently cross the U.S. border into our country.  In one instance they actually seized one of my station's agents along the border road.  They claimed he was a fake agent, preparing to assist in a smuggling operation.  This ended up in a tense standoff between their police/military and our agents (including our SRT/BORTAC units).

We would occasionally contact the Mexican police when we spotted something fishy on their side of the line.  We would occasionally see dead bodies, or in one instance an SUV (which turned out to be loaded with chopped up bodies).  They would begrudgingly respond and investigate.

We would also contact them if we had criminals heading south (we often had U.S. citizens committing heinous crimes and trying to flee South to Mexico, murderers and kidnappers etc.).  Occasionally they would respond and try to assist finding them.  In general though, very little cooperation between our two countries.

Do you think the Mexican cartel violence is creeping into the US? Haven't there been many murders recently, even far North of the border, that police think are related to drug activity in Mexico?

Asked by Davies almost 12 years ago

It's not "creeping", it's here.  The drug cartels are extremely large, powerful organizations and their reach expands throughout all of the U.S. and Canada, albeit not nearly as distinctly as in Mexico.

If they don't run it, they have some say in it - or want to have some say in it.  Keep in mind these are organizations who are going toe-to-toe with the Mexican federal police and military...and winning.

The death toll along the Mexican border (thankfully, mostly on the South side) is something beyond 60,000 people in five years.  That's more civilians/cartel/police dead than soldiers we lost in Vietnam.  The violence down there is shockingly bad.  Luckily the cartels are just smart enough to go very subdued in the U.S.

In border areas you will see a lot of cartel vs. cartel violence.  In the desert, in run-down towns, and even places like Phoenix and Tucson.  It's direct and violent, but rarely covered by news, and even more rarely attributed to cartels.  There have been instances where cartel hitmen have dressed up as fake Phoenix and Tucson PD SWAT teams to raid each other's stash houses.

Cartels battle each other in the deserts of Southern Arizona pretty often.  We'd happen upon shooting sites fairly often.  There are many places in Texas where landowners have abandoned their own land because cartel operations and traffic are too heavy.  In my station's AOR we had areas where you simply did not go unless you had backup (preferably in force).

So the cartel presence is definitely within the U.S.  As much as they can they're trying to keep mass violence to a minimum because they know it will draw too much attention.  They know if they start dumping truck-loads of dismembered bodies on the highways here it might actually make the news and people would start paying attention.

As far as murders and violence deeper within the U.S. (and yes, into Canada) - if it's drug related it could very well be cartel related.  There are many gangs and small criminal enterprises who work heavily with the cartels or on their behalf etc.

We're a long way from having a situation as bad as Mexico, though it does cross the border sometimes if you have a small town really close to Mexico.  I sat in a truck one night with a buddy of mine who's Mexican girlfriend was on the phone with him for two hours while a huge gun battle was raging around her house.  On speaker phone we could hear the constant automatic weapons fire, and boom of grenades (possibly RPG's).  She only lived about 20 miles into Mexico.  Luckily we're not "there" yet.  I hope we never are.

From the public's perspective, the Fast and Furious scheme to sell assault rifles to drug cartels and follow them seems beyond insane. As someone with more intimate knowledge of the unique cross-border challenges...just how crazy was it in reality?

Asked by e2e4 about 12 years ago

The Fast and Furious scheme is one of the absolute worst violations of public power I've seen.  If this were a different legislation, heads would roll.

While we didn't have any direct experience with it (from an operation standpoint) we suffered the penalties for their idiocy.  No knowledgable law enforcement official in the country would ever support a program which allows strawman purchases of firearms.  Those firearms have ended up in several dozen crime scenes in the U.S., including the death of BPA Brian Terry.

Unfortunately there is a huge political component to this, which is aimed squarely at criminalizing U.S. gun owners - blaming them for guns ending up in Mexico, etc.  That's the most infuriating part.  This was an example of some politicians and some stupid agency officials pushing their own agendas...with American citizens (and other agents) paying the price for it.  An absolute shame.


Did you ever discover any drug tunnels? What's the most creative way you saw cartels getting drugs across the border?

Asked by olemiss2013 about 12 years ago

Our area of responsibility (AOR) was extremely busy because of the lack of cities on the border.  The open desert and no wall made it very appetizing to the cartels.  The tunnels you hear about tend to be in more built-up areas, namely cities which span the border (Nogales, AZ etc.).

Tucson Sector is responsible for something like 70-80% of all of the intercepted drugs coming into the country.  Most common: vehicles and backpackers ("mules").  It was very common to find groups of 10-20 backpackers, each carrying between 40-70 lbs. of marijuana on their back.  Trucks would routinely be loaded with 1500-2500 lbs., depending on size.

When possible, you'd also see convoys of cartel trucks, 2-3 at a time (yep, up to 5-7,000 lbs of marijuana in a single lump).  Marijuana is the bread-winner of the cartels.  The cocaine/meth etc. is much more discreetly smuggled/handled.

In some places you'll intercept entire big-rig trucks with massive 10,000+ lb. loads.  During the "busy season" of the drug smuggling, we'd catch around 25-35,000 lbs. a month, all catches combined.

The most ingenious method is probably the single biggest threat: ultralights.  This is the most concerning development in cartel operations.  They have a rather large armada of ultralight aircraft, capable of carrying 200-600 lbs. of cargo across the border, quietly in the air.  Running radar trucks I would occasionally get calls from our massive air traffic radars in California - I'd scan up into the sky with my FLIR camera and I could see the small aircraft coming across the border.

We had no real way of tracking/engaging these ultralights.  Occasionally we'd have a Blackhawk helicopter who could catch them.  One National Guard F-16 accidentally forced one to crash when checking it out.  These little tiny ultralight aircraft would fly into the U.S. as far as Phoenix.  One actually flew through the Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport's airspace --- causing them to place all commercial aircraft in a holding pattern.

The concern here is of course not marijuana (I support the legalization of that anyway - it's a farce); but the other potential cargo.  An ultralight could carry a couple of people (terrorists or other undesirables), or even a small weapon (a dirty bomb, chemical weapon etc.).  The ultralights were almost never properly intercepted or caught.  There are far too many intel reports about Al Qaeda and other organizations in Mexico and South America seeking to use the cartel's infiltration expertise.  This means that people or weapons could come in here very quickly, simply, and without detection.

So, personal opinion: ultralight aircraft are a serious problem.  Now, from a defensive perspective we could simply shoot them down - unannounced foreign aircraft crossing into U.S. airspace, etc. but the kinder/gentler modern U.S.A. would likely not abide such actions and would cry foul.

If you want info on drug tunnels, look into Nogales, AZ.  This place was so bad a few years before I joined the Patrol that we used to call it "Nogadishu", an homage to Mogadishu.  There was a time when cross-border shootings etc. were an every day occurence.  It was a bad place.

I know it was your job, but did you ever feel sorry for the illegal immigrants you caught, when they were just trying to find a better life?

Asked by StephTX about 12 years ago

No. I only ever felt bad for the kids and children (especially those who died in the desert) because they didn't have a choice in the matter. Considering that 70% of the USBP was hispanic, "we" didn't have much sympathy for those coming across. Every illegal immigrant is a slap in the face to the 10's of thousands of people who bust their butts to enter the country legally through the correct channels. The USBP is pro-immigration...just legal immigration. We all agree there should be reforms to the current process, but taking the easy way out and breaking the law won't garner any sympathy from me.

How easy is it to forge a US passport? Even if you could get the look and feel right, isn't it basically impossible to embed the scannable barcode part? And wouldn't you have to hack the passport database to add a record so that it swiped properly?

Asked by smithy about 12 years ago

Forging a U.S. Passport would be very difficult.  Now, everything can be done at a certain price, so high-level criminals could likely swing a pretty convincing copy.  However, with the advent of barcodes/scanning techniques this has now become incredibly difficult.  Anyone can reproduce some watermarks, type, and photos...but to pass a scanning machine is extremely difficult.

I wish I had more opportunity to work a P.O.E. with Customs guys as this was something I had little experience in.  More common were fake Mexican ID cards - carried by people from other countries, trying to pass as Mexicans.  These were almost always cheap copies and easily detected/exposed.

What was the most clever or inventive way you've seen illegals attempt to cross the border? How about the dumbest?

Asked by Elle C. almost 12 years ago

Most clever that I personally encountered was a Mexican man who made his gown Ghillie suit (a camouflage suit that military snipers make out of netting/branches/grass etc.).  He had made it about seven miles into the country but surrended when a USBP horse patrol unit came so close they were about to step on him.

The dumbest was likely one of the many counterfeit vans which they tried to sneak across the border.  Mexicans occasionally try to recreate USBP vehicles.  They never do a very good job and you can pick them out almost immediately.

This particular van was painted up as a USBP van, had a cage inside etc.  However, about 1/4 mile into the U.S. the driver decided to bail out and run back south.  Because they'd taken so much time to replicate a USBP van, the inside of the van had a locked cage.  Units following the van saw the drive flee - and he left 30 other Mexicans locked up in the van.  Easiest apprehension those agents ever made.

What statute gives Border Patrol the authority to detain suspected illegal immigrants found near the border? IOW, even if you spot a group of obvious illegals in the desert, why don't they have the right to simply walk around you and refuse to talk?

Asked by 5678 about 12 years ago

While this question is purely political/agenda driven in nature, I'll provide a short response.  There are numerous pieces of legislation which provide USBP and Customs officers various forms of authority within a certain radius of an international border (and by extension international airports which are technically also P.O.E's.).  As the distance increases from the border we have different levels of authority.  You can google and wikipedia the relevant laws and pieces of legislation which provide for this authority.  A similar number of restrictions apply to USBP checkpoints.

USBP Agents are also often assigned additional Customs authority depending on their job location. 

PS: If you happen to live near a USBP station they actually have all of this information available in handout pamphlets etc.  We always had boxes of them at our vehicle checkpoint. 

Those ultralight aircraft are pretty crazy! Are we that far away from cartels using unmanned drones?

Asked by penang.rui almost 12 years ago

Remember ultralights are little flimsy aircraft run by lawn-mower motors etc.  I don't know how soon we'll be seeing unmanned drones from the cartels.  Now, cheap little camera-helicopters you can fly from your iPhone?  Maybe.  Maybe even some of the smaller, cheaper propeller driven ones eventually (the kind you can deploy as a single person, and control with a little control box from a backpack).  But genuine, long-distance, heavy duty drones with sophisticated cameras/weapons?  I wouldn't worry about that anytime soon.

Can you still join the Border Patrol if you have tattoos or is it not allowed?Thank you for your time!

Asked by Sam over 11 years ago

Tattoos are not a concern, unless you have obscenities or graphic content displayed on your neck/face/hands etc.  If you have "normal" tattoos which are reasonable it is not a problem.

I know there's a good bit of bull played up for the cameras when following patrol officers for the purpose of making a t.v. show. Are agents really forced to check their weapons out at the start of every shift and in prior to heading home?

Asked by L.E.O. 504 almost 12 years ago

Depends on the weapon.  Agents are issued a service handgun (currently an HK P2000 in .40 S&W).  Shotguns and carbines (M4/M4A1's) are checked out during shift if you think you'll need one.

Special units may be issued "take home" carbines/shotguns and even secondary handguns (for clandestine/undercover tasks).  So, carbines/shotguns are kept in the armory (our station did not have nearly enough for everyone to have an issued longarm.). 

You keep your handgun at all times.  It is your assigned firearm.

so i entered the USA as an illegal immigrant as a child with my uncle and the border patrol caught us and let us in the US when i was 12 i can back to my homeland and now im going 2 turn 18 can i apply for a visa and not get denied 4being ilegal once

Asked by Andy coleman almost 12 years ago

That would be a question for your consulate and the Immigration authorities.  Normally if you were brought into the U.S. as a child it should not hurt your application process, but I can not state one way or the other.

You may be able to contact the office of a federal immigration judge for a proper answer.

Just wondering I have a felony could I still be come a US Border Patrol?

Asked by Brett over 11 years ago

That's a question for a BP recruiter.  I think it would depend entirely on the type of felony.  My gut instinct says "nope", but I could be wrong.

As a rule, when you went out on patrol, what did you take with you? How many BP agents would be on the ground at one time for patrol per shift, and were they paired or in larger groups?

Asked by CL Smith over 11 years ago

All of these questions are completely dependent on the station/sector and the needs of the shift.  You could have over 100 agents per shift.  Agents operate singles or in pairs, but when a task is called out on the radio who knows how many could show up.  Bike teams and horses were often 4-8 agents depending on the shift.  It also depends on how many agents were available, how supervisors preferred to work an area, and how busy traffic was in certain areas.


Just how porous is the U.S. / Mexico border? What percentage of it would you estimate is monitored in some capacity for illegal aliens?

Asked by dan79 about 12 years ago

The U.S./Mexico international border is extremely porous. While on paper the entire border is monitored, the reality is that our capacity to deter/intercept all of the illegal traffic is mediocre at best. Judging by the traffic patterns I saw, I would estimate my station/sector's capability at perhaps 30% of the overall traffic is intercepted effectively.

Hi, my husband was caught entering usa without inspection and was 16 at the time but lied to immigration officer stating he was 18 is this an offence when applying for status? He lied because the smuggler told him he had to say that and he was young

Asked by Janie over 11 years ago

Not sure, I have no experience in status applications.  That would be a question better addressed to the officers you're dealing with during the application process.

Current CRJ major in junior year, in Air Guard, age 22. If I apply now is there a good chance of getting hired or is it a total crap-shoot? Am I too young? apply now while there are openings or finish degree and hope there are openings later on?

Asked by irishdude almost 12 years ago

Getting into the USBP is not overly difficult.  You are perfectly qualified.  The only issue would be whether or not the USBP is hiring or not.  The academy is always running in some fashion.  Classes are put through to fill slots as agents retire/transfer to other agencies.

Like every other politically-volatile agency the BP goes through hiring phases, and hiring freezes.  When I joined it was part of the push from 8,000 agents up to 15,000+.  The academy was absolutely packed, running overtime.  Since then numbers have gone down a bit at the academy.

I would see if you can contact a recruiting agent.  They may be able to start the hiring process and have you wait to finish your degree (above al things - finish your degree!) to report to the academy.


can I apply to be a border patrol agent if someone in the house hold is illegal

Asked by ibxlegend over 11 years ago

You can try, but don't bother.  This will come up in your application process, and you'll be disqualified.

Even if a Wall is infeasible, wouldn't cameras and motion sensors the entire length of the Mexican border be much easier and at least raise the rate of interceptions?

Asked by Bucknell about 12 years ago

We have a lot of the border under surveillance, but it's never enough.  Also the desert is an extremely diverse environment.  Dense brush, cliffs, outcroppings, washes (dry creekbeds), etc. make it very difficult to observe all of it.

Places with open expanses do rely on large networks of cameras.  All along the border we also have sensors or various types (magnetic, seismic etc.) to detect groups and vehicles.  However these don't always work, and are often set off by cattle or locals, or even BP Agents etc.

I worked for a bit over a year and a half in radar trucks which are fantastic.  However these are expensive, and we never had enough of them.  They were placed in high traffic areas.  They were extremely effective - moreso than any other tactic we used.

Also, it's very common for BP Agents to detect, sight, or even chase a group and not catch it.  So our detection numbers may be high, but actual apprehension numbers much lower.  It would not be uncommon to have more groups on my radar screen than I had assets to pursue.  You'd simply prioritize and catch as many as you could.

So, the theory is sound - but in practice is extremely difficult to monitor the entire border as it stands now.  Also, groups/cartel guys learn where the cameras are, and simply avoid them.  You do see more tunnels in areas which feature heavy camera presence.

I am in the application process for USBP, but ultimate career goal is to join a US Marshal Regional Fugitive Task Force, as I know the southwest pacific one is in LA. How easy would it be to transition over? Do you guys ever work with the Marshals?

Asked by futureLEO over 11 years ago

Never worked with the US Marshals.  You could apply direct to the Marshals though, unless you don't believe you have the resume to do so.

Is there a point where Border Patrol's jurisdiction ends and regular law enforcement's begins? I mean, at some point a crosser who evades US Border Patrol will be far enough North to just be IN the country and a problem for USCIS and not you, right?

Asked by apchick almost 12 years ago

BP Agents have authority to apprehend illegal immigrants anywhere in the country.  However, special statutes and laws which allow us to set up traffic check-points, inspect items/people coming into the country, and stop vehicles for immigration purposes diminishes as you move further into the country.

If, for instance I was in Ohio and someone admitted to being an illegal immigrant, I could apprehend them.  This of course assumes I'm on duty and in uniform etc.  In this instance I would end up taking them to the nearest I.C.E. processing center.

Illegal is illegal. 

How does official US Border Patrol feel about the private Minuteman militia who "safeguard" the border? Are they a welcome teammate, or a lunatic fringe group who does more harm than good?

Asked by Jax about 12 years ago

From an official standpoint, obviously the Border Patrol does not endorse or condone "vigilante" style groups like the Minutemen.  That being said, I don't mind them.  We were required to report them and confront them if we found them operating in our AOR.  This was rare though, as our sector was far too busy.  We had a lot of people who would call in and help us (even had a lady who erected a watchtower in her backyard).

I never viewed the Minutemen as a "lunatic fringe" group.  Most of the people are farmers/landowners or friends/relatives of them...people who are suffering at the hands of the border problem.

The stories of American citizens being forced to leave or sell their homes and land because of the flow of illegals/cartel members etc. is heartbreaking.  So, officialy -no we don't support them, but on a personal level none of us really cared.  We never had any citizens arrests etc.

My cousin from Albania went to Mexico and entered into the Us illegally and is now in a jail in Texas, if we get a good lawyer what is his chance of being able to remain in the US

Asked by Emily over 11 years ago

Pretty much zero chance.  He will likely be flown back to Albania on an ICE flight.

is there any way to know about a family member that was cought crosing the border ?

Asked by brittany12 almost 12 years ago

There is no release of information from a station or sector level.  An illegal immigrant is only kept in custody at a station for less than 24 hours (often not more than 12).  As a safety precaution we do not release information/names/locations of individuals in custody.

A person can contact the Mexican/Other consulate within 24-36 hours and they should keep a record of people returned to their country.  In the event that an illegal immigrant is sent to jail or prosecuted they will eventually get a chance to make a phone call/contact relatives etc. (like a normal incarcerated/prosecuted person).


I have been in the border patrol Explorer program for two years and was given explorer of the year my first year. will this increase the speed of the application process.

Asked by Mr.305 over 11 years ago

I don't believe so.  The application process has no real steps you can skip or speed up.  However, if you contact the agents you work with they would possibly be able to put you in touch with the Sector's recruitment agents who might be able to tell you more.

You said that Al Qaeda is looking to leverage the cartels' intel and such -- are the cartels thought to be friendly to such requests? Do they care at all as long as they get paid? Or would that guarantee to bring a ton of heat on them from the US?

Asked by baconops almost 12 years ago

I wish I could give you a concise and accurate answer.  There are numerous terrorist organizations who have been located in Mexico, dealing or working with the cartels.  Simply put the cartels are the masters of infiltrating the U.S., using their expertise.

A week after 9/11 a dozen Chechens were caught coming across the Southern border.  Hezbollah militants have been spotted in Mexico.  I do believe the cartels know full well this could bring a lot of heat if something horrible can be traced back to them.  However, unfortunately, we had a saying in the Patrol "we only catch the dumb ones".  It's very simple to catch trucks driving through the desert carrying dope, or catching large groups of illegals walking blatantly across the border.

But small, secret tunnels, small nearly-undetectable ultralight aircraft, etc. are much harder to locate.  I suspect any genuine terrorist activity is kept well below our radar.  Imagine the funds available to Al Qaeda, Hezbollah etc.  I'm sure they can make it financially worthwhile to the cartels to assist them.

I think it deserves some serious attention - and we have intelligence agencies pursuing this exact possibility.  I wish I knew more about it to answer more appropriately.

Is the opposition to building a giant wall the length of the border mostly economical ("we can't afford it"), pragmatic ("it wouldn't work") or political ("a wall is an antagonistic symbol of exclusion")?

Asked by Bucknell about 12 years ago

It's about 95% politics.  No party nor politician wants to be responsible for losing the Latin-American vote or ruffling the feathers of Mexico's government.  It would actually save us a lot of money in the long-run, given how much we spend on border security.

Im told not to get housing until after graduation. Im also told we get about a week after graduation to move. How does one find housing and move their family from Michigan to Arizona all in a week? Doesn't seem reasonable.

Asked by DL79 over 11 years ago

The last couple of weeks before you graduate start looking...that's the beauty of the internet.  Start researching and contact apartment complexes near your station etc.  Heck you could even check into one of those hotels that lets you pay by the week for the first couple of weeks.  Me and my classmates found a house to rent via Craigslist.  We stayed there for 6 months then all moved to our own apartments/houses.

It's up to you to arrange the move of your family.  It's not easy, but you'll figure it out.  Just don't sign any papers or leases until you graduate.  You should be able to tell the home owner or apartment complex your situation. 

Is there tension between you and local cops or other federal agencies about whose jurisdiction something is? Is it ever like on TV where some captain shows up and bellows "Alright this is MY investigation now, get all of these mall cops outta here!"

Asked by Toranna. almost 12 years ago

There was a lot of tension between the local indian tribal police and ourselves.  The Tohono O'Odham indian police were often very shady (and caught doing rather suspicious things).  The entire reservation was corrupt/dirty so these police often had family members who were into illegal stuff as well.

You'd occasionally catch the police driving at night in the desert, lights out - well beyond their patrol areas.  They'd invent some story about what they were doing etc.  Likewise they would attempt to pull over BP vehicles when we were tailing suspicious vehicles etc.  It was always an interesting time with them.

The only issues we had with local deputies or police was simply due to manpower.  They'd get mad at us when we didn't have enough agents to respond to their immigration issues, and we'd get mad when they wouldn't come pick up warrants because we were too far away from them etc.  It was never harsh, just frustrating from both ends.

Sheriff Joe (Maricopa County Sheriff) was always a cool cat.  I actually liked that he openly berated DHS etc. for not doing our job better.  He would bring news cameras etc. with him when he turned over tons of illegal immigrants to the local I.C.E. office who didn't want to process them etc.  He really gets stuff done, and doesn't take nonsense from anyone.

There is so much criminal traffic out in AZ that all LEO's pretty much gel together when the proverbial feces hit the wind oscillator.  You'd always stop to back up local PD, DPS guys, or Sheriff's Deputies etc.  They would likewise stop and check on you.

I was involved in a 120-mile pursuit one time which involved: BP Agents from two stations, indian police, sheriff's deputies, sheriff's drug task force, DPS, and two local police departments.  It got downright confusing, but we got the vehicle.  In short, we never had the silly TV show drama.

Did you ever find yourself dehumanizing the Mexicans you caught along the border? Like did you got so desensitized to your job that you began to see them as pests? Or did you always view them with the same dignity you'd view anyone else?

Asked by JBaskin almost 12 years ago

You never end up dehumanizing people.  That being said, business is business, work is work, and the law is the law.  Our job isn't to hug and nurture people, it's to apprehend them and secure the border as best as possible.

In that regard you become like most seasoned EMT's and're doing your job.  The emotional baggage is best left behind.  Anyone in a line of service (EMT's, firefighters, paramedics, cops etc.) definitely gets very accustomed to "crap".  You run into enough tragedies, evil, wickedness, violence, abuse etc. that you become quite accustomed to it.  You just accept it and move along with your job.

The people we apprehended were dealt with quickly, efficiently and professionally.  We don't coddle people, but we don't beat them or treat them like animals etc.

Were you impressed with the caliber of people you worked with? Should the American public have confidence that US Border Patrol is competent and fair?

Asked by dan79 almost 12 years ago

I was pretty impressed with the caliber of people in the Border Patrol.  The academy, while not extremely tough was tough enough to weed out the idiots.  There was a huge range of people in the Patrol.  A large portion of ex-military folks (ranging from simple 4-year in/outs up to PJ's, some older SF types, USMC Corpsmen etc.).

A smaller number of prior law enforcement types, and then the rest were normal people like myself with no particularly advantageous background (college grads and non-college grads).

The overwhelming amount of political correctness and red tape means that in most cases the Border Patrol is a bit "too fair".  Sometimes you need to cut the nonsense and get the job done, something that the agency itself hinders very often.  It's a very politcal job as you can imagine.  You'd be amazed how often we were subtly told to do our job...less well.

Like any job, and profession you do have a small number of idiots.  There seems to be a flawed public perception that all law enforcement agents/officers should be angellic beings of good who dole out divine justice etc.  Nope.  Agents were normal people too.  With overy 16,000 agents you definitely would have some bad apples.

There was a website active when I was serving called "Trust Betrayed" or something to that effect.  It was a website run by the agency highlighting agents and customs folks who had become criminals or had been caught breaking the law etc.  It happens.  Not often, but it's simple reality.  So, on the off chance that you run into that one dirtbag, your experience may be different than most.

As a whole, yes, the agency is competent and fair.

Oh, and did you see someone tried to blow up Sheriff Joe last week?? I'd imagine he has a lot of enemies by now!

Asked by brig4 almost 12 years ago

We could do with a lot more Sheriff Joes in this world.  He is a dying breed.  For someone that people complain about a lot, he's been in office now for what 15-20 years and keeps getting re-elected?  He's doing his job (a difficult one at that).  The modern world seems to hate people with real work ethic or real opinions/values.

I applaud the guy.  He has way too many enemies...that, if anyting, proves he's doing a hell of a job.

I saw a program on TV about border issues and they said that when people pick up drugs dropped in the US to be dispersed, the perps use stolen vehicles to transport them. Doesn't that make it harder for them to do so successfully?

Asked by C L Smith almost 12 years ago

Not at all.  Stolen vehicles are cheap and disposable.  We used to capture dozens of stolen vehicles per week.  It's also why car insurance is incredibly high in the South West compared to other parts of the country (especially if you own a full size pickup truck).  They are also very fond of using rental cars (obviously with no intention to return them).

If they get chased, they'll just get away if they can and then bail out.  It's far too expensive/time consuming to use properly purchased vehicles.  The vehicles we're talking about are used for delivering large amounts of weed being shipped to local stash houses.  When they are talking about dispersal, they're not talking about normal street dealers.  These vehicles would be loaded with 1500-2000 lbs. of weed each.

Sometimes they even drive these vehicles in pairs or trios.  There are tons of small-time cartel lackeys in Phoenix, Tucson etc. who's job is solely to steal vehicles and bring them down to the border, stash them in the desert for use by drivers.

I'm fostering children (U.S. Citizens) of an illegal immigrant. I have reason to think once the state gives the kids back their mom is going to take them to Mexico. Can an illegal immigrant parent take U.S. Citizen kids across the border to live?

Asked by Concerned Foster Parent over 11 years ago

I'm not entirely sure, but I'd believe so.  Children are always at the mercy of their parents decision, regardless of their citizenship.  A case would have to be made to the authorities (child protective services) to warrant removing the children from their parents.

But sir if the guy told u the wrong address, again and again ,and how you can get real address in any country by his picture and if his country refuse his entry in his country then u send him prison ?

Asked by jai over 11 years ago


This website exists for occupational questions, not debates on police procedure.  If you have questions or concerns regarding immigrations laws and procedures, you need to contact a consulate or a sector headquarters, perhaps even an ICE field office.  I'll simply say this, in four years and thousands of people apprehended, we never had a person who was wrongfully imprisoned or caught.  If a person is caught lying to a federal agent, you've now committed a crime worse than illegal entry.

If a person lies about his country of origina successfully and gets sent to another country, well he'll have to deal with their immigration service or federal police.  Feel free to take your chances.  I've met Guatemalan and Mexicon federal police - not the guys you probably want to screw around with.

Hello I'm 14 and I'm going to go on vacation with my uncle and aunt to Mexico for a few days do I need a Notarized letter from my parents I have a passport by the way.

Asked by David Chavez over 11 years ago

No idea.  That's a customs question, so I'm not sure.  Mexican customs is pretty lax.

Was it depressing that the border was such a revolving door? Did you feel like you were making a difference when a new crop of illegals would show up every day?

Asked by Isaac almost 12 years ago

Yep, very depressing and stressful.  Living in AZ it's more than obvious we're not making much of a difference.  From Phoenix to the border the state has been flooded with illegal immigrants.  You'd see hundreds daily just on the drive in to work.  So, short answer - no I did not feel like we were making much of a difference.

It was also very obvious from the agency perspective that there was no genuine desire to effect real change.  The USBP is about 50% just a dog and pony show.  But we all knew that.  We busted our butts, worked hard - but at the end of the day we knew the government etc. was not genuinely serious about "closing the border".

if someone is caught passing people over the border and got fingerprints and a ticket for 5000 dollars is that consider any type of felony or arrest

Asked by Paola over 11 years ago


What percentage of illegals attempting to cross the border would you estimate are successfully intercepted by Border Patrol? Is that figure improving or worsening compared to past years?

Asked by Quezon almost 12 years ago

I'd say that of the groups that we detected or spotted we apprehended around 30-35%.  That figure improved quite a bit following 9/11, as DHS/CBP had a large hiring push and went from around 8,000 agents to around 16,000.

Since then it seems to have been pretty steady.  As apprehensions increase the Mexicans and cartel guys become a bit more creative.  It's a constant back and forth.  There is no genuine progress being made toward "shutting down the border" or "stopping illegal immigration" etc.  Unfortunately that is not a political goal of either party.

Could I use the border patrol explorer program as a Job-Related Experience on the border patrol written exam.

Asked by Mr.305 over 11 years ago

I have no idea.  The exam is made for people who have no prior Border Patrol experience, so I am not sure you'd have a big advantage.

I know that the Border Patrol buys its dogs from independent vendors, so I am wondering if the Border Patrol has a standard for the dogs it uses?

Asked by C L Smith almost 12 years ago

The vast majority of our canines (at least our normal detection/tracking canines) were actually imported from the German Border Police (Bundesgrenschutz) canine school.  Most of the dogs we received had actually failed bite-dog school, and had been repurposed.  This is why our K9 operators use many commands in German, as opposed to English.

Right before I left the BP was starting its bite-dog program, but they had a silly politically correct name for it (Patrol K9's was the term they used) because they were afraid of scaring people (?).  I do not know where the bite-dogs were sourced from.

All of the dogs I worked with were from the German schools.

I live in Tucson, AZ and own a Polaris RZR (ATV), frequently take it down El Camino del Diablo trail from Ajo to Yuma. Along the route, I notice big border fence gaps. Is it illegal under US/MX law for me to cross and drive south into MX from here?

Asked by Rob over 11 years ago

Yes.  Well technically not for you to leave the country, but if you come back into the US (even as a US citizen) it is illegal to enter without crossing through a designated Port of Entry.  Likewise you have no protection if you are apprehended by Mexican authorities (though they rarely watch their border).

I guess I'm not really clear on this but do agents routinely patrol their sectors looking for illegals (like cops on a beat) or are they directed to areas when motion sensors are tripped or suspects are reported, etc.

Asked by C L Smith almost 12 years ago

All of the above.  While it depends a lot on terrain and your local conditions, you have a large array of operations.

In our area we had a few "X"s...these are static locations watching a particular point of interest.  You then had patroling units, which would actively be cutting for sign (footprints, debris, trash, spoor) which would indicate a recent group or vehicles.  You also had static ground-sweeping radar.  You had bike units which would operate further in from the border.  You also had occasional aviation units when we could spare them.

In addition to this you have a large number of magnetic and seismic sensors which would register back at the station.  During the day, we also had a Horse Patrol unit which specialized in rougher terrain (they were quite good up in the more mountainous regions).

Now, in some places like Nogales (nicknamed "Nogadishu" for the level of violence about a decade ago) it's an entirely different situation, as the USBP there is operating inside a city etc.  Likewise, some stations operate solely in the mountains and operate heavily by airlifting agents around in helicopters etc.

It varies immensely by station.

Do you receive any training or education on Intelligence while on the Border Patrol?
Also, what are the chances of starting as a BPA and crossing over to the intelligence division of Homeland Security? Or other federal agencies (ICE, FBI, ICE)?

Asked by janjo over 11 years ago

You get very very basic intelligence training, but nothing that will make you stand out.  In fact those courses were FLETC courses and not the BP courses, so they may not even include them anymore.

Like everything else, the BP does have intel units.  However these units are small, and very difficult to land (normally going to senior agents).  If you were able to get into intel in the BP, then yes I'd imagine there would be a decent amount of crossover.

I am currently doing a certificate in Intelligence Analysis with an online university as that field interests me as well.  I would probably suggest getting some college credits or degrees in intelligence if that's really what your end goal is.  Of course, working in the BP would give you the money to do so.

Good luck!

What happens when you catch someone who has no ID whatsoever? On what basis can you prove he's not an American and is in the country illegally?

Asked by Broseph about 12 years ago

It's quite easy actually.  During the interview/processing, it is very easy to establish whether someone is a citizen or not.  This is also why we process everyone we catch.  Once you're caught crossing the border (which, by the way, is illegal for U.S. citizens as well - you're required to cross at a designated Port of Entry, through customs etc.) you're processed into the immigration database.

O.T.M's frequently would travel with no documents, trying to masquerade as Mexicans (because it was easier to pretend to be a Mexican, and be returned to the opposed to being flown back to their native country).  A simple interview would reveal their false claims very simply.  This is part of your training, basic interrogration techniques.

There was never a case during my time in the Patrol where we had an issue revealing someone's true origin/identity.  Proper names etc. were another story.  I'd say perhaps 50-70% of illegals had a number of aliases/false names/identities, stolen or forged social security numbers etc.  In this instance, a person's identity in the U.S. legal system is that name/identity under which they originally were processed.

If you did weed once when you where 17 will that stop you from becomeing a border patrol agent

Asked by Mr.305 almost 12 years ago

That question will come up during your background investigation and/or polygraph test.  I'm not sure what effect a positive answer would have in that situation.  It is something that will come up for any government job which involves any level of security clearance though, and I doubt it can help.

Unfortunately in certain lines of work - those things you do on purpose or by accident as a young person can come back and bite you in the ass.  I know several of my fellow agents had smoked weed before joining the BP, but I don't know if they answered truthfully during their background investigations.

Personally I think weed should be legalized, but I imagine it might depend on the person doing your background investigation.

does being a border patrol affect spending time with your family?

Asked by lynn over 11 years ago

Short answer: yes.  Law enforcement work of any type has statistically been very hard on families and relationships.  Unfortunately law enforcement officers have a much higher rate of substance abuse, suicide, etc.  It's a high stress line of work, working long hours, and dealing with the bottom of society.  A lot of people live fine, normal lives - but the numbers are pretty bad.  High rate of divorce is common.  I do think the BP might be better than some local LEO work.  I was away for an average of 11 hours a day, so if you have loved ones or family, it can be very taxing.

Is it easy to start with Border Patrol and go over to ICE or FBI? Or are there better approaches to becoming a federal criminal investigator?

Asked by josh over 11 years ago

It would make a transition to ICE much easier, but the FBI is never easy to get into.  They recruit very specific people from very specific fields.  It can't hurt your chances, but I would not join the BP planning on simply switching over to the FBI.  The FBI posts what they're looking for on their website.  You'd be better off getting a degree that they're interested in. 

what happens if you are caught trying to cross the boarder with a fake visa and not arrested? does it count against you if you try and get a visa?

Asked by ana over 11 years ago


If Someone from Mex is trying to cross the border illegally and the people that are attempting to help them were Mexican citizens aswell but now US citizens . What will happen to all of them ?

Asked by Brrriiiiaaaanna123 over 11 years ago

US citizens will be prosecuted for human trafficking/smuggling charges.

if i become a border patrol , will i still be able to visit mexico?

Asked by jesus oceguera over 11 years ago

You can.  I don't recommend it, for obvious reasons.  This has been discussed previously.

If I know someone was caught entering the border but cant find them on the ICE locator what do I do. If he was killed how do I find his body?

Asked by karen over 11 years ago

I've never even heard of an ICE locator, but as ICE deals with internal immigration handling, if they have a locator it will only contain illegals who are serving jail time for other crimes.  The BP does not keep an active record of people in custody since most illegals are returned within 24 hours.

If someone is killed along the border (bandits, cartel etc.) the body will be handled by the local police department as with any other homicide.  If the person has no identification or records then they'll be buried without identity.  This is pretty common, as many people who die in the desert are consumed by wildlife within 24-36 hours, so identification becomes nearly impossible unless identification is carried by the person.

If a citizen of another country is found dead, and identified then the police department will likely contact their country of origin an attempt to locate relatives.

how long will a person be detained if he is caught trying to cross the border with a fake or ''borrowed'' passport and green card??

Asked by AZ about 11 years ago

Depends on the criminal history.  If prosecuted, as long as needed.  If not prosecuted, only 24 hours in the U.S.

Whats the jail time sentenced for smuggling illegal aliens?

Asked by jesus about 11 years ago

Varies due to conditions of the smuggling (how many, how dangerous, previous criminal record, etc.).

can a person that was caught crossing the border illegaly pay a fine and get released to a family member living in the United States

Asked by erika almost 11 years ago


Who represents illegal immigrants in court when they are caught?

Asked by Gerardo over 11 years ago

Illegal immigrants seldom end up in court.  If they do, it is by their choice, selecting a "notice to appear" action where they will go and plead their case with an immigration judge.  This seldom results in a different result.  If a person has the means they may attempt to hire an immigration lawyer to aid them in their plea.  This is not like normal criminal court, as the simple physical presence of a person in the US illegally is obvious proof of guilt.  If an illegal immigrant goes to court for criminal charges they will get a normal defense lawyer as any other criminal.

how hard is it to get a job as a bortac agent, or even a regular border patrol agent job after serving six years as an infantryman in the army?

Asked by jesse over 11 years ago

BORTAC is difficult and something you won't hop into without a few years in the field.  BORTAC/SRT are small units, in a large agency so the competition is pretty fierce, but not impossible.

You'll be fine. 

Also seen on TV--it was shown that BP has a site where it takes all the seized marijuana to be burned at various times of the years. Is this something that's contracted out or does BP take care of it 100%? How are other seized drugs disposed of?

Asked by CL Smith over 11 years ago

Our dope (marijuana and otherwise) was picked up and disposed of by the DEA.

What happens to the people when they cross the border illegally?

Asked by Ryleigh almost 12 years ago

This has been answered in the questions above.

I am a Navy veteran and would like to join the BP.
While I was in the military it was prohibited for us to go to Mexico for vacation without approval of a superior, is it the same with BPA?

Asked by Jonathan over 11 years ago

It's not forbidden...just stupid.  A BPA going into Mexico does so at his own risk.  Considering you'll be catching and apprehending thousands of illegal Mexicans, it's not exactly the smartest place to go.  But there is not a policy against it.

On August 9 I got cut crossing the border illegally into the us, that is the first time I get cut, do you think I still have a chance to obtain a work visa so i can get into the us legally?

Asked by over 11 years ago

If they discover you have been apprehended crossing the border illegally it will negatively impact your VISA application, particularly if you were deported (in which case you are unable to apply for 5 years, then 10 years, and then ever). 

FOLLOWING THE QUESTION BEFORE: affects me, do border patrol provide a dictionary for those who do not understand english?

Asked by Jose M. over 11 years ago

There is not a dictionary that I am aware of.  A candidate must be fluent in English in order to be a BPA.  Most of the trainees in my class who failed out of the academy had poor English skills and were unable to pass the classes and law tests.  The law classes require excellent English as there is a lot of legal language which is extremely important to comprehend.

Hello, I read one of your replies on 3/15/2013 and you said that, " The theory is that illegal immigrants will be intercepted/apprehended within 25-50 miles of the international border." With ICE catching some, so ICE and BP work together?

Asked by Janice about 11 years ago

Technically yes, though in wildly different areas.  BP patrols the border, while in theory ICE would be enforcing similar laws within the United States interior.  However, in practice ICE does very little, as they're small and underfunded and can not adequately carry out their job.  They end up handling immigration detainers from local prisons/jails etc.  They also handle long-distance deportations by plane etc.

Hello, I' m scheduled to take the written exam next month. How many question do they ask you for the logical reasoning, and if they are similar in difficulty as shown in the preparation manual U.S. Border Patrol.

Asked by Joe almost 12 years ago

Honestly I don't even remember.  If I recall they were quite simple, logic based questions - to verify that you're not a complete dolt.  The part I was more concentrated on was the language aptitude part.  That was, interesting.

On your estimate, what are the percentages of nationalities that cross the border illegally? Most people including myself, when we think of an illegal we think of Mexican.

Asked by shabby over 11 years ago

It depends on where you are.  I'd say our area was easily 80% Mexican, 15% OTM's from central and South America, and perhaps 5% from other countries.  In California though you can run into large groups of orientals.  I'm not sure what the overall percentages are.  I believe this would probably be published somewhere - perhaps simply google it.

there was this girl form Honduras that crossed the border and border patrol caught but her family haven't heard from her since June what can they do?

Asked by MLG over 11 years ago

Contact their consulate to directly contact the US and look into her status.  If it was June, she's either in jail, or has already been flown back to Honduras.  It is also likely she lied and said she was a Mexican in order to avoid being flown back.

What kind of info do u see when a passport is swiped? Sometimes when I cross from Canada it takes the agent a while, like they're looking something up, other times they just say have a nice trip. What are you guys looking at when it takes so long?

Asked by Curious over 11 years ago

Not sure, as I have never worked a proper Port of Entry (POE).  Perhaps you can find a customs guy on Jobstr who will have more experience with passport information.

Does it disqualify you from the Border Patrol if you have a tattoo?
Also, did it used to?

Asked by Russ almost 11 years ago

It does not currently, and I doubt it did previously.  If it's an offensive tattoo in an obvious location - possibly.  No face tattoos or stupid nonsense on your knuckles/neck/etc.

In 2008 I was hired for the border patrol but was let go from the Academy because I had cheated on a test. I have since then joined the Army deployed etc. I have reapplied is their any chance I will get hired?

Asked by Robert over 11 years ago

Nope.  Once released from federal service for that kind of issue you won't be rehired.

How can I get a copy of my "border control / immigration permanent record"?

Asked by Geoseff almost 11 years ago

Contact your consulate and have them contact CBP.

I recently passed the BP test and sent all my documentation. I also have a law degree and am fully bilingual (native). I'm very excited, however, FBI and ICE were my first choices (no job openings right now). How easy would it be to crossover later?

Asked by janjo over 11 years ago

With ICE?  Probably very easy - FBI not so much.  They're extremely high speed, and very picky.  I only knew one BP guy who went over to the FBI and he was for all intents and purposes a rock star (top of his class, made sup' early, became SRT, then SRT sup' etc.).  It is a great entry into federal law enforcement though.  You'll do fine, and can likely go a lot of places.  Also, remember there are a ton of agencies people have never heard of.

I am looking for documents on other nationalities caught crossing the Mexican border other than Mexicans or South Americans. Where can I find this data? Anything would be helpful thank you.

Asked by KB over 11 years ago

I'm not sure where you'd find this kind of information compiled.  It may be available directly through a CBP office.  The term you'd be using is "OTM" (Other than Mexican).  Each sector in the BP has a headquarters with various agents assigned to public relations etc.  That would be the place to start.

Is it true that an illegal immigrant caught on the U.S side of the border can be released into the states after getting some paper work done and not deported to his or her country ? More specifically a european illegal not hispanic.

Asked by John Davis over 11 years ago

Not unless they have re-introduced the OR or "Own recognizance" statute.  This was the ridiculously flawed and useless process used in the late 80's and early 90's whereby an illegal immigrant would sign a document stating he would return at a specific date to be processed and deported (due to lack of holding facilities).  Needless to say...NONE of these people ever showed back up to be deported, and the immigration services had no way of tracking them down.  So, back in the day?  Yes.  Currently?  Not that I've heard of.  Now, perhaps local police departments or Sheriff's offices do something like this - but normally they simply call up the local ICE or CBP office and turn them over.

I'm a writer. A character's brother is a Boarder Patrol Agent in AZ-Lives in Tubac and works in Nogales U.S. Does this seem feasible? Lives/works can change.
Do u go 2 other cities 4 meetings, etc, & would you wear your uniform out 2 eat after mtg?

Asked by MJ over 11 years ago


Not sure where Tubac is.  Nogales is of course reasonable, and very busy.  It would be "Border Patrol" though, as we're not pirates!  And yes, you would visit other stations or sector headquarters to attend training or special classes.  During days in which you are on the schedule for training you would be fine wearing your uniform out to lunch/dinner in the process.  You're still on duty and should something silly happen you would respond and work as normal.

What's the biggest haul of cold hard cash you've found in a bust, and what happens to it after it's seized? Does your department get to keep any of it?

Asked by lqp5 almost 12 years ago

Being on the border we mostly caught the material (ie. dope) coming North.  Occasionally though our units on the highway would grab a cash vehicle going back south (vehicles loaded with drug-profit cash heading back into Mexico).  The only ones I remember were pretty low-dollar amounts ($7-10K).  I'd imagine the serious cash is much better concealed/protected/transported.

I'd bet the DPS guys (Arizona's Highway Patrol) probably had more apprehensions along these lines.

What are the radar looking things at the check points North of Las Cruces, New Mexico?

Asked by Greg almost 12 years ago

I haven't been to that location so I couldn't tell you.  Sorry.

Are most illegals you intercept carrying guns? Have you ever been shot at? Do you have the right to use deadly force to shoot an unarmed illegal who is running away from you?

Asked by Leesy about 12 years ago

Absolutely not.  While the Border Patrol is paramilitary in its operations and organization, we still follow normal law enforcement procedures.

Most non-cartel related illegals are not bringing firearms here, though it does happen on occasion.  They are often for self-defense from bandits etc., and not for use agains the Border Patrol.  Remember, in Mexico firearms are "illegal", meaning only the powerful, rich, and cartels (who are both powerful and rich) have weapons.

The cartels on the other hand are extremely well armed, moreso than the Border Patrol.  However, there is a small amount of common sense in the cartel members higher up.  They know if they begin a big shooting war with the Border Patrol that security will be stepped up and we'll bring the military to the border etc.  They predominantly stick to shooting at each other and the Mexican police and military (I've witnessed running gun battles on the Mexican side from a radar post).

Even once in the U.S., cartel groups are normally armed in order to fight each other.  We had numerous running gunfights up and down I-10 (main highway from Tucson to Phoenix/California), and gunfights in Tucson, Phoenix and other cities.  There are a lot of shootings in the desert between cartels, bandits, and groups of illegals.  It is normally rare for a BP Agent to be shot at.  This is often a couple of pot shots taken at us from across the border.

I've been on duty during a couple of shootings, but have not been shot at personally.  Likewise, I've drawn my gun in numerous cases and have been fortunate enough to not need to use it.  I've had a fair share of incidents where someone tried to run me over in a vehicle/run me off the road etc.

It does happen though.  Like all law enforcement, we are absolutely justified in using lethal force when threatened with extreme bodily harm/death etc.  In the weeks before I left the Patrol we had five shootings in our area: two were agent involved shootings, one was a sheriff involved shooting, and two more between illegals and bandits.  Only one of these even made the local paper.

The USBP and other government agencies do everything in their power to keep the situation on the border hush-hush.  They don't want people to realize that it's the wild west out there.  The coverage you see on television, and NATGEO is about 10% of the nonsense going on out there.

Now to address your last question - I don't believe ANY law enforcement agency in the country has a policy allowing you to shoot an unarmed person fleeing you (except perhaps in the case of a prisoner fleeing a prison?).  This is what we in the community would refer to as a "bad shoot", meaning the employment of lethal force outside of our "use of force continuum" = a detailed policy which dictates what levels of force an agent is allowed to use in certain circumstances.

These do happen in law enforcement, be it by accident or pure negligence.  That's an unfortunate reality. 

Did you ever come across a scene like the one from No Country For Old Men where it was just total death and carnage after a drug deal gone bad?

Asked by zark almost 12 years ago

I have not personally, but it was not uncommon to come across the remnants of drug violence.  The cartels did battle each other frequently North of the border.  We'd occasionally happen across a shot up vehicle, or blood trails, occasionally a dead body or two.  The really brutal stuff was mainly down South (chopped up bodies etc.)

I'd suspect Phoenix and Tucson PD had more encountered with drug deal scenes - our area was more trafficking and very little to no dealing. 

On the reality show Border Wars, the BP agents shown almost always identify themselves when they come upon illegals, whether they are suspected of smuggling people or drugs. Is this really SOP or is it done just for the camera?

Asked by C L Smith almost 12 years ago

That is probably mostly done for the camera.  If you're within a mile or two of the border, everyone (including the illegals) knows what's going on.  Many times they see agents and sit down.  They know the drill.  If you're operating on a highway or in another area you will identify yourself.  Tourists or travellers who are not used to the border area won't know who/what you are etc.

I do believe it is policy to identify yourself...but the uniforms and big vehicles with "BORDER PATROL" on them, kind of give it away.  Now, having said that - there are groups of bandits (Mexican criminals who actually prey on other groups of Mexican illegals) who try to dress up as the Border Patrol (wearing similar outfits etc.).  They will shout out Border Patrol as they encounter groups and then rob them.

In other sectors where there are towns and populations I am sure it's a vastly diffierent circumstance.  In the middle of the desert you'll only find agents, illegals and cartel guys. 

i have to do a research paper on "why should marijuana be legalized" and i thought maybe this would be a good place to start. do you have any thoughts on why it should be legalized?

Asked by donna james almost 12 years ago

Let me preface this answer by saying that I've never smoked marijuana.  I had plenty of opportunities to in college, but I don't smoke and never felt the need to try it.

I do believe that it should be legalized though.  It's a simple, non-deadly drug which is less harmful or dangerous than alcohol.  Marijuana possession has stocked our prison system with millions of people who don't need to be there (though, due to being in prison - they often become criminals in the long run).

My opinion: legalize it, regulate it's production (so that it's safer) and tax the crap out of it.

I understand this would require a lot of new laws, and procedures.  I do think you should get a DUI if you're caught out driving while high - because it does reduce your reaction time and motor skills enough to be a hazard.  This is the hardest part about legalizing it.

The reality of legalization is that it likely won't happen.  The U.S. government has invested so much time/money/effort in villainizing the drug that I doubt they could abruptly change their stance.  That would require swallowing an awful lot of pride.

In addition to this, legalization of marijuana should not be pursued as an avenue to "shut down" the cartels.  This won't happen.  The cartel organizations are far too large to be destroyed by such a simple tactic.  They would simply fight each other for the now-legal production of marijuana, and devote their manpower and expertise to other criminal enterprises or more of the serious drugs (cocaine, meth, etc.).

Also, if we legalized marijuana, and taxed it heavily - cartel provided marijuana might still be sought after because it would potentially be much cheaper.

I'm essentially all for legalizing it, but I don't imagine it will happen anytime soon on a federal level, and I do not see it as a cure-all for the cartel problems.

Wath happens to an inmigrant you catch coming in from mexico ,and he has a voluntary depart only one month ago wath will happen will he be return to Mexico or will he be keeped in jail?and if they release in how much time will it happen?

Asked by britnny12 almost 12 years ago

This is explained in the previous answers to this type of question above.

How often do you come across dead migrants? What would you guess is the percentage of people who die on the trip through the desert?

Asked by jIM almost 12 years ago

Very often, but this depended very much on the season - needless to say, summer months were the worst.  I could not give you a percentage, but my station would find perhaps 50+ bodies a year.  Add another 100+ in serious physical distress.

Many of the causes of death could not be determined by a simple glance.  In AZ a body will be taken down to bones in less than 72 hours.  When encountering a dead body we would refer it to the local Indian Police who would call their detectives etc.  We were not trained in that stuff, so we'd simply secure the scene.

With all the crime in the desert it was anybody's guess how these people died.  Many of the ones reported to us by other illegals would be located, and had died of dehydration (or some other form of sickness).  We also did a lot of life-flights out of the desert when someone was in a bad way.

When a person gets dehydrated that badly, even if you life-flight them out and they make it to a hospital they will likely die.  We were responsible for hospital watches, where we'd be stationed in a room with a person in custody.  A dehydrated person would make a recovery within a day or two - but often their kidneys and other organs had already gone bad, and they would then pass a day or two later.

Some illegals were shot by bandits or cartel guys, or other illegals.  Again, when you come across a pile of pink bones in the desert, it's hard to judge.

For these reasons, we are all very competent at search and rescue.  We had a large number of EMT's and other first responders amongst the normal agents.  When something very serious popped up we could call on BORSTAR (Border Special Tactics and Rescue) who are a specially trained unit of paramedics and rescue specialists.

With the size of the desert, we'd do everything we could to find people who were left, or in distress - but you can only spend so many man-hours on someone.

Many more illegals died at the hands of their smugglers (commonly called "coyotes").  These were often the result of horrific vehicle accidents.  The smugglers would crash a truck carrying 30-40 people standing up in the bed.  You can do the math I'm sure.  These were the really serious incidents, where you'd have a dozen illegals killed and a dozen or more sent to hospital for serious surgeries, some paralyzed etc.

I, myself, only came across a handful of dead bodies in my time with the Patrol.  I did respond to a couple of crime scenes, a homicide etc.  I partook in search and rescue efforts a handful of times, and did find a number of stranded people.  All in all, a dangerous place.  I only ever really felt sorry for the kids.  Some groups would leave behind 8-12 year old kids who couldn't keep up with the group.  That angered me.  No one should put a kid through that, or leave them behind to die.

Is Bill Jordan still a respected name in the service, or has his name been lost to history?

Asked by BlueSheepdog almost 12 years ago

The name doesn't ring a bell to me.  I can't say I've ever heard of him.

If an armmed Mexican law enforcement official crosses the border in pursuit of a suspect, what is the appropriate response from a responding agent in regards to the Mexican official?

Asked by Potential Applicant 504 almost 12 years ago

While I never encountered this (personally), the response would be the same.  They would be apprehended, and a whole mess of phone calls would be made.  I imagine some other agencies may get involved, etc.

However, if it was with good intentions and by accident, I believe the Mexican official would be apprehended, and offered a very quick Voluntary Return as most illegals get.  Of course, he may get his ass chewed when he goes back South!

In some areas along the border, it's so mountainous and rugged that USBP or Mexican may have a darn hard time determining where the border actually is.  As mentioned in another answer above we have had some "issues" with Mexican law enforcement and their military.  But, again, if it was a simple mistake, it would not be a huge deal.  Now, if, during the apprehension the officer decided to put up a fight or get into a gunfight with agents - then that's his decision and appropriate actions would be taken as with any other subject.

When a minor is caught trying to cross the border illegally. What are the steps to take? Is the minor “deported” or does the minor just “voluntary return” to his homeland”

Asked by John almost 12 years ago

The process is the same.  However, if the minor is unattended they are kept separated from the local population at processing centers, and the Mexican/Other consulate is notified for handling when they are returned to Mexico.  They are cared for specially, but the overall process remains the same.

From what you've seen is the Mexican government anywhere close to regaining the upper hand in the war on the cartels? From what I see on TV it's completely out of control down there. What would need to happen in order for the tide to start turning?

Asked by baconops almost 12 years ago

Nope.  Not even close.

I hate to make broad sweeping judgements about international affairs but I think it's safe to say that the situation is so wildly out of control it will never be "eliminated".  The cartels are big enough that there simply is no way to wipe them out - even with conventional military forces.

It is much more out of control than you see on TV.  The cartels are quite good about terrifying the media, reporters, news agencies etc.  They strung up the mutilated bodies of two bloggers last year - hung them from a highway overpass.  The bloggers had been saying negative things about the cartels.   The media have turned a blind eye to most of their operations, and I don't blame them.

How do you turn the tide?  I have no idea.  That's akin to asking how you make people simply stop committing crimes.  It's not an answer anyone has.  Corruption in Mexico is found at every single level of every department/agency etc.  This means that the cartel is absolutely ingrained in the Mexican government, etc.

I applaud the efforts of politicians and the good police/military folks...but I think it's a fight they're losing.  What you probably need in Mexico is a social uprising by the entire country.  There is no reason why Mexicans should have to come to the U.S. to make money.  They have a beautiful country which could be a stellar 2nd world place.  It would be bloody and incredibly violent, but I'd like to see the entire population of Mexico stand up against the cartels and kick them out.

It'd be nice to see Mexicans take back Mexico.  I don't see it in the cards in the near future though.

What is the funniest/most unbelievable situation you have seen/dealt with so far?

Asked by Tina almost 12 years ago

While it's tough to really narrow down the variety of amusing/weird stuff that was pretty commonplace to find yourself thinking "What in the world?".

We caught a 17 year old kid after a 110 mile long pursuit...only to find out he was high on meth, wearing rainbow coloured socks (the type with the individual toes) professing "I don't even love that boy!".  I've caught grown men wearing shirts in English that they don't understand (What is a girl like me doing in a place like this?) etc.

Stories with the local Indians are obnoxious and too...vile to post up here on a public website.  I've seen a grown man run full speed into a gigantic sajuaro cactus.  I've had stray dogs lead me to groups of illegals because the dogs knew they'd get food (free K-9's!).  We had a couple of white trash fellows shooting a handgun at an IED.  When detonated by the bomb squad, the IED was big enough to blow up a truck, so I feel those guys were lucky.

Every day just had really...odd things that would happen.  These become pretty normal though, so they don't seem weird until you sit back and think about them for a while.

I'm Canadian it's aggravating that I'M ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS WHO PLAYS BY THE RULES, and yet all that ensures is that I'm the easiest guy for CBP to hassle because there's a perfect record of all my activity. Is that unfairness understood at USCIS?

Asked by Blackhead1 almost 12 years ago

I have no experience on the Northern border so I can't really answer this question.  I also don't understand what you mean by "for CBP to hassle...".  If by hassle you mean they inspect you etc. when you come across - that's simply normal.  I can't speak for what your definition of hassle is.  As a LEO, I have seen plenty of people who get outrageously upset when we're simply doing our job.

Speaking from a Southern border perspective, sure everyone who enters the U.S. legally through a POE is recorded in some fashion.

For the record USCIS no longer exists.  The new layout is now DHS (Department of Homeland Security), subset CBP (Customs and Border Protection), and then USBP (United States Border Patrol).  DHS also controls I.C.E., etc.  The old USCIS under the Department of Justice is no more.

I am sorry I can't give you a better answer - I don't know what "hassles" you're going through or why.  From a general perspective 9/11 and the huge illegal immigrant problem will undoubtedly put more restrictions, hassles, and policies through which will make it much more aggravating/difficult for people who are doing it right and legally.  This is similar to many other things in law enforcement.  The bad apples (criminals) ruin it for normal people on a daily basis.

How does recruitment for specialized units such as H.I.D.T.A and similar local/federal task force assignments work at the federal level? Are there specialized units at the station level?

Asked by L.E.O. 504 almost 12 years ago

While I never looked too hard into it, we had a couple of options.  Each station would have a handful of specialized units: Horse Patrol, Bikes, ATV's, Radar Operators, EMT's, first responders, etc.

Then each sector (which consisted of 4-6 stations, sometimes more) would have an SRT team, and a BORSTAR team.  These teams would draw agents from the stations, and you'd work out of the sector headquarters.  These teams deployed throughout the sector and also worked a lot of local stuff with other law enforcement agencies and local police departments.

You had some national level units such as BORTAC which would deploy on special assignments around the country.  You also had "National SRT" and "National BOSTAR" etc. which were also nationally deployed.  If I understand correctly, units such as BORTAC used to be employed outside of the U.S. (countering drug cartels in Central/South America) but are no longer used abroad.

These teams are obviously on call for any overly serious incidents.  During things like Katrina the entire BP BORSTAR/BORTAC/SRT community is put on standby and many of them were utilized for SAR duties etc.  When President Bush spoke at our Academy, the national SRT and BORTAC units were there to work with the Secret Service etc.

So it varies, but typical the real special type units begin at the sector level.  I never worked in any of these units, though I frequently worked alongside them.  Take the information here with a grain of salt as it may have changed or may be much more detailed than I have put forth here.

Do you worry at all that the cartels know who you are or keep files on U.S. Border Patrol agents to target them either in the US or if they ever go down to Mexico for vacation or something?

Asked by brig4 almost 12 years ago

The cartels are so busy - they have much bigger fish to fry.  That being said, any LEO should always be on their guard.  You're definitely not the most popular person.  As far as Mexico for vacation - I'm not that gullible.  Any country that suffers 60,000 people killed over a five year span along the border doesn't get any tourist money from me.  It's on the State Department's "not recommended" list, but it won't stop Americans from trying to save a buck on liquor etc.

The thing that worries me is the Spanish and being physically fit enough. What do you recommend I could do to train for the academy?

Asked by Mr.305 over 11 years ago

I was and still am rather scrawny, so the academy was tough - but if I made it through, anyone should be able to.  Regarding Spanish, they have eased the requirements significantly - but this is a bad move in my opinion.  They teach very compartmented spanish in small you learn commands vs. actually learning the language.  You could always grab Rosetta Stone and start learning Spanish.  It wouldn't hurt.  The other alternative is to get a feisty Spanish-speaking girlfriend/boyfriend and learn the hard way.

Since you worked the Tucson sector, do you feel the BP had a good relationship with the Tohono O'odham tribe, and did they assist the BP with it's operations in any way?

Asked by C L Smith almost 12 years ago

Nope.  Horrible.  We had more issues, pursuits, assaults etc. from the Tohono O'odham people than we did from Mexican illegals.  I'd say 75% of my encounters with TO's were negative.  The vast majority of U.S. citizen smugglers we arrested were TO's.  There is simply massive amounts of criminal activity on the reservation.  Even some of the police and rangers were up to no good.

A drunk TO ran one of my ex-trainees off the road and killed him.  We had numerous incidents where TO's would apprehend Mexican females and sexually assault/abuse them for weeks before someone found out.

There were a small number of TO's who would assist the BP, and this was normally out of spite for other TO's (one household or family would rat out another household/family).  As a whole though, an extremely negative relationship.

Many of the TO's resented us because other than their own police/rangers and Sheriffs (who almost never went onto the reservation) we were the only law enforcement agency which was allowed to enter and operate on their land.  They despised us for this.  We ended up enforcing or assisting in a lot of non-immigration law enforcement duties because the TO's were always drunk and getting into trouble.

The BP rolled over and played nice (this is the kinder/gentler America after all) and refused to stand firm whenever an argument came up.  It was quite disappointing.  Everything was handled with kid-gloves, which was sickening to watch in many instances.

So, short answer: No. Not a good relationship.

I was stopped by a border patrol checkpoint and found "shake" and now i'm in the system what does that mean?

Asked by MV almost 12 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what happened to you.  However, if you've been caught (by any law enforcement agency) with illegal substances it's often recorded by dispatch officers/personnel.  If your license plate is run by other law enforcement officers/agents this information will pop up.  This assists officers and agents in knowing what they're dealing with when they do a traffic stop.  Prior arrests, detentions, and warnings etc. are noted in the large database.

If you could please tell me about the technology used by the helicopter pilots to view people on the ground at night. What is it called and how does it work?

Asked by CL Smith over 11 years ago

It's simple night vision and FLIR as carried by the military and other law enforcement agencies.  Also the "midnight sun" or ridiculous huge powerful flood lights.

Is fear of going back to Mexico because they think the cartels will kill them a legitimate reason for an illegal to claim asylum in the US?

Asked by taylorlevin almost 12 years ago

Yes and no.  In order to claim asylum a person must go before an immigration judge and provide substantial proof/evidence that his/her life is in danger.  Essentially you can't just say "well, we have cartels and they're dangerous so I don't want to go back.".

You'd have to present a solid case that you, specifically, would be targeted for harm (as in some countries where citizens who practice certain religions are specifically targeted for execution/genocide etc.).  I have no experience in the immigration courts, but I can imagine this is pretty tough to prove for the average illegal immigrant.

Now if an illegal could somehow prove that he himself has been seriously threatened with imminent harm/death...maybe, just maybe you could try to get asylum here.


Was part of your job investigating US business to make sure they weren't employing illegals? Don't you think that's part of the problem: if Americans were more forcefully deterred from hiring illegals, there'd be less reason for them to come?

Asked by Jackie almost 12 years ago

Absolutely.  That is, in fact, the only simple, legal way we'll ever stop the immigration problem.  However, we, as BP agents are not part of that process.  I.C.E. and other agencies handle that (or, don't handle that...).

I'm all for serious, crushing penalties for companies or individuals who hire illegals.  I mean huge, business-destroying fines or serious jailtime.  However, since we don't enforce this much at all, instead the U.S. market (and yes, unfortunately, our citizens) encourage more illegal immigration by readily hiring and pandering to illegals.

Americans would rather save a few bucks on their grocery bill.

Hello i wanted to ask how do i find out information about some persons who tried crossing the border and are now in jail but have not heard anything about them?

Asked by Idaly Terrazas almost 12 years ago

This has been answered in a previous question above.  Short answer: contact your consulate and have them contact the BP/law enforcement agency responsible.

Hello is it possible to join the Border Patrol while being on medication? Because I know that disqualifies you from joining the military.

Asked by Opie over 11 years ago

That would depend entirely on the type of medication, what it effects and if it's a regulated substance etc.  If it would affect your ability to drive, operate under stress, or handle machinery then I'd guess no.  This is something you'd have to discuss with the doctor who would do your physical (or email a BP recruiting agent about it prior to applying).

I have traffic warrants I have been unable to pay, will this affect me in the hiring process? (Nothing criminal, only speeding)

Asked by Austin almost 12 years ago

Very possible.  Part of the background investigation process involves analysis of your financial situation.  If you're too broke to pay some tickets, you are probably in pretty serious debt.  This is frowned upon because a person who is in severe financial distress is more likely to accept bribes or other criminal payments.

Also, if you have warrants for "failure to appear" etc. this will be an issue.  All of this will depend on the number of tickets, amount of money owed and your other financial situations.


Do you catch many Cubans coming in from Mexico? And if so, do they qualify for the "wet foot, dry foot" exemption that allows them to stay in the country?

Asked by oroughy almost 12 years ago

Never encountered any Cubans.  I'd imagine they would get the same benefit - as that's more of an asylum-style issue.  No experience with it though. 

Did you ever personally catch the same guy trying to cross twice? Did you recognize him and vice versa?

Asked by Homer almost 12 years ago

This only happened a handful of times - but yes.  It was also very common to catch illegals with our baggage tags on their packs from the day before.  It was pretty common while preparing a deportation file to find the previous file had been done by an agent from our station.

With so many illegals and about 500 agents per station, it was a bit rare to catch the same person yourself.  I can recall 3-4 times this happened to me personally.  A couple were from days earlier and yes we recognized each other.  The others I had caught the year before and one mentioned it to me, the other I realized when I was processing them in the system.

If you are charged for smoking weed in your past but stopped since then , is it still possible to become a border patrol ?

Asked by cecilia over 11 years ago

I'm not sure.  I know it is a hit against you, and it is a question which comes up in the interview process.  It is enough to disqualify you for a large number of federal jobs though.

Hi, I am a current high school student at Trevor G.Browne High School in phoenix Arizona, graduating in May 23. I have always wanted to be a border patrol agent and what I would like know is how I can get started on my path to becoming an agent. I would like to know the steps you great officer have done to be where you are standing now.
Please contact me back ,

Asked by Jozelin amaya almost 12 years ago


While I don't have the contact information handy, you can contact Tucson Sector Headquarters and ask to speak with a recruiting agent.  They will get you sorted out with the process, etc.

Good Afternoon Oscar,
Im Currently trying to get information for a family member, in 2000 he was caught with drugs in the us but currently had a visa, he has finished probation and all, does he qualify to re apply for a visa..

Asked by NfN over 11 years ago

Nope, a felony drug charge will effectively nix the VISA application. 

my family is close to san diego area what is the possibility of them stationing me there

Asked by vanessa over 11 years ago

If you apply for the BP they will give you a couple of options of your initial station.  If you accept one of these options they will then send you to the academy.  If you refuse those options you are put back in the hiring pool and may have to wait a while.  So, in theory you could wait until a station close to San Diego becomes available, but this may take years, etc.  If you're actively pursuing the job, take whatever station you can get - and then you can attempt to move stations in about 2-3 years.

If I score 79 on the test should I continue the process to be border patrol or just retake it again?

Asked by Manolo almost 12 years ago

Did you get a job offer?  I took the test, scored well and it took me a while to get an offer letter.  It's up to you.  There are a lot of excellent agents who scraped through the academy etc.  If it's something you want to do, give it a shot.  You won't know unless you try.

I'm an f-1 visa student. There is a guy in my school that is always bothering me and wants to fight me. If I get into a fight will I be deported?

Asked by Mikeloco over 11 years ago

If you are accused of a crime and arrested, yes you can be deported.  Fighting someone is not a crime.  A little silly and immature, but not a crime.  Now if you assault him, and charges are filed, yes you will be in violation of your immigration status and subject to the consequences.

How do you join the border patrol horse patrol and do already have to know how to ride a horse and how long is the training.

Asked by Mr.305 almost 12 years ago

Joining any specialty unit in the Border Patrol requires that you must have at least a year or two of field time.  I worked with the Horse Patrol guys a lot, but I'm not sure if they were all previous horse riders.  I'd think so, as it's not an easily learned skill.  Also, be advised that the Horse Patrol is constantly on the verge of being cut out of the Border Patrol - as it is costly and time consuming to keep and maintain horses.

The Horse Patrol spends a lot of extra hours trailering and keeping up their horses.  Sorry I can't be of more help on this question.  I am comfortable suggesting that you should know how to ride a horse prior.  Many stations do not have Horse Patrols - as they have been replaced by dirt bikes in many locations.  However, stations like mine kept Horse Patrol for use near the mountains and certain areas where they were more useful than dirt bikes.

where do you go to take the polygraph test for the border patrol . And what type of questions do they ask.

Asked by Mr.305 over 11 years ago

Not sure.  When I entered service they were still doing a full background investigation, so there was no polygraph test administered.  Can't help you there.

After watching Border Wars, I have always wondered why the BP doesn't use dogs more for the night patrols. It seems to me the dogs could find any illegals quicker than agents using night vision. Is this economics or something else?

Asked by CL Smith over 11 years ago

We do use dogs frequently, at least one or two per shift.  They're very useful, but dogs are high maintenance because they can get injured paws etc. very easily out in the desert.  I agree we should have had more of them.  They're very effective.  K9 handlers also have to have special vehicles, and get special compensation (extra pay) to cover the time they spend looking after the dog.  They also do quite a bit of training, and we often used them at check points.

I think it's a matter of time/training/money that prevents us from having more.

I've gotten a chance to graduate high school early this year at the age of 16 I thought about going to college and then going into the Marine Corps but I'm also interested in boarder patrol. Would being in the Marine Corps have ant benefits for that?

Asked by Natalie over 11 years ago

Sure, it would.  The military can prepare you for a lot of stuff which translate over to the BP (as the BP is a very para-military organization).  I had several Marines in my academy class.  they were pretty squared away, but...oddly, they couldn't swim that well!?  I'd probably suggest the Marines before the BP if you're young and looking to start a new life. 

About what percentage of the BP today is Native American?

Asked by C L Smith almost 12 years ago

I couldn't give you an answer on that.  I only knew one Native American agent at my station of 450-500 agents.  But I can not speak for other stations/sectors.  I would imagine the percentage is incredibly small.

When you took the logical reasoning section, how much time you had when you once you took it. I talk to some people, and they say they gave them 2 hours for the logical section part. Is this true.

Asked by Joe over 11 years ago

Honestly I can't remember.  The logical reasoning portion is the easiest part of the exam though.  I wouldn't stress over it.  Sorry I can't recall the times - it might be explained in the paperwork prior to your test though.

I have a friend who has an expired visa. It's been expired for about two years. If we drive through a border patrol checkpoint will they deport him?

Asked by Acazz almost 12 years ago

Yes.  A foreign citizen who has remained in the U.S. on an expired visa is out of status and breaking the law.  He is committing a crime by falsely remaining in the country outside of the conditions of his visa.

How often is the BP successful in catching the "coyote(s)" who bring in illegals? And how often would you estimate illegals turn the "coyote(s)" in?

Asked by CL Smith over 11 years ago

It's pretty easy to pick them out.  Many of the coyotes though are career coyotes.  They've been doing this stuff for years, if not decades.  We could very easily spot or figure out the coyotes if we caught them.  However, they're normally pretty smart and would bail or abandon the group when they could tell agents were nearby.  Illegals rarely 'turned in" coyotes, because they knew there could be repercussions for them later, back in Mexico etc.


my husband lived in fl with me and are son and went back to mexico and tryed to cross back and and got deported back to mexico and judge said he had to wait five years to come back. is there anything i can do to get him here sooner???

Asked by hazel over 11 years ago

Nope.  In fact if he gets caught and deported again the ban will increase to 20 years.  This is the penalty for breaking the law. 

Can you be arrested based on your answers you give on the polygraph test.

Asked by Mr.305 over 11 years ago

This is an interesting question.  I'll simply say this: if you have committed crimes, felonies, etc. in the past - do not pursue becoming a federal agent.  First, they'll likely not hire you, secondly - you're not in the right mindset, nor of the moral character to be doing this line of work.

If this is a concern for anyone who is taking the polygraph test - you should already leave the application process.  They are not the kind of people we need, nor will hire.

Were wild animals ever a problem in your sector to the BP patrols? If so, can you tell of an instance or two?

Asked by CL Smith over 11 years ago

Constantly.  Needless to say in the desert it's not uncommon to find yourself dodging snakes, spiders and scorpions.  On the TO Reservation where I worked they had free-roaming cattle and horses.  Occasionally you'd get an angry bull which would try to charge Agents who were on foot.  This was even mor exciting when you were on foot in the dark and could hear that sucker running.  The TO Res. was also home to thousands of wild dogs (half dog/half coyote).  We had several agents who were forced to shoot dogs which attacked them.

The main concern was hitting horses or cows on the highways.  The TO Indians put up no fences or cattle protection.  The cows would be in the middle of the highway.  We could wreck 1-2 vehicles a month in this fashion.  The TO's didn't mind because the government would pay out far more money for the lost cattle than the ranchers could earn by selling it.  So, an agent hitting a cow on the road in the middle of the night meant a payout for the rancher - even though they took absolutely no measures to prevent this.

I did know one agent who rolled his truck, avoiding a horse, and was paralyzed from the neck down.  That was a tragic waste.

Another spooky incident involved one of our helicopters spotting a mountain lion which was stalking an agent up in the mountains.  The agent was lucky that the helicopter spotted it with their night vision.  They originally called the agent and told him that his K9 unit was coming up behind him.  Needless to say the agent wasn't a K9 handler, so...

So while I wouldn't say they were a constant "problem" it was simply part of the environment you operated in.  One agent did find a gila monster in his truck one day.  Those suckers can be vicious!

What if I do not pass the entrance examination for border patrol? what do I do to pass the exam other than study the study guide that they provide? also, i'm not very fluent in english, but I understand the majority of the language, would that affect

Asked by Jose M. over 11 years ago

(See response below)

Can your child's actions affect your job? Say your child was to be involved with drugs and they end up getting a drug charge, if I was in the BP, would I get fired if I didn't know or couldn't stop their actions?

Asked by Patricia almost 11 years ago

It will come up in your 5-year investigations, yes...though it would depend entirely on the nature of the circumstances.  A child involved can impact your ability to perform your job without bias, or may lead to financial vulnerability. 

this is my question can a Ice or homeland security Can enter my home if they raid a neighbour?

Asked by Jimy almost 12 years ago

That's a shockingly broad general law enforcement question.  It would depend solely on the warrant and circumstances of the raid.  If agents see something in plain sight in your house or yard..yes...or if they are hot pursuit of a suspect, yes.  There are a few instances where this is legal - many others where it is not.  It's too broad of a question to begin to answer.


Asked by A wife who wants to know. over 11 years ago

No.  You could likely get rehired without a fuss, but you will go through most of the same stuff, and must attend the academy etc.

What typically happens to an illegal immigrant when caught entering and taken into custody in Arizona?

Asked by Justwondering12 over 11 years ago

Answered previously.

border crossing booths; (where each vehicle stops to show paper docs; ID/Passports upon entry/exiting) why dont they have fingerprint pad that can be passed into the vehicle where each passenger must provide their thumbprint for a live scan?

Asked by IT Curious about 11 years ago

Good question.  There are loads of things we likely "should" do, but many we don't.  I assume you're referring to Canadian crossings, including booths and remote cameras.  I have no experience up there, so I'm not sure how they operate.

I have a friend (no seriously a friend) who is in a "citizen tangle". long story short she is born in mex (with documents), parents moved to us, never did paper work, she had kids (in US) now wants to know if her mex citizenship extends to her kids.

Asked by over 11 years ago

I have no idea how Mexican citizenship works, and what they consider citizens.  Since the children were born in the United States they are U.S. citizens.  The United States does not recognize dual citizenship, so as far as our country is concerned they are U.S. citizens.  I do not know how Mexico qualifies whether or not a person born abroad is a citizen or not.

I meet an agent going through port on entry he ask for my phone and he has ask me out, is it premitt for agent to do this??

Asked by Abby almost 12 years ago

(Note: I deleted the duplicate question)

While it may be a little...inappropriate, I don't believe social interactions are against any kind of policy.  This would be the same as a normal police officer asking someone out on a date.

An agent could not pull someone over just to try to socialize with them - that violates all sorts of policies.  Likewise no law enforcement officer/agent is allowed to use their power to find out personal information about someone.  An agent can not run a cute girl's license plate just to get her name/address etc.  That stuff is against the law and will land an agent in jail.

If you were just going through a normal Border Patrol check point and an agent socialized with you, this is technically completely legal/fine.  A Border Patrol agent is allowed to have a social/dating relationship with anyone as long as they are not illegal aliens or here on a violation of status.

Obviously, you are never - EVER required to socially interact with an agent if you don't want to.  You must answer the appropriate questions allowed by law at checkpoints and ports of entry, but if you don't wish to converse with the agents socially, don't.

I was charged with a felony of domestic assault and battery, but not convicted. I went through Florida Violence Intervention Program (FVIP). Is there anyway to become a Border Patrol Agent?

Asked by Austin almost 11 years ago

Not likely.  Any charges or convictions of domestic related violence prohibit a person from owning (or carrying) a firearm, which is obviously required for law enforcement.

When crossing the border and you don't have id can they run your name and does a picture show up?

Asked by Bunny over 11 years ago

I did not work at a border POE crossing, so I cannot tell you.  If you're referring to crossing the border illegally...yes, a full sample of biographical information is collected (including finger prints etc.), and if you have a record it will show up.

my ex-husband took both of my kids to mexico my daughter lived with me went for the summer with him now she is in mexico and she wants to come home but he said no and they are there with his parents they said if I go they wont let her leave with me

Asked by sad momma over 11 years ago

Time to get the FBI involved.  That's a huge ball of wax, but if you are stating that your husband abducted your children and fled the country you need to start by contacting local Law Enforcement and the FBI.  This is an external/international matter. 

If a bosnian that was legal in the united states, but got deported from there and still has her i.d, ss card, and green card tried getting over the border would it be easier for her to get into the usa?

Asked by tayler over 11 years ago

No.  The SS card/green card etc. would be recorded as null and void.  A simple scan would indicate that the Bosnian citizen is no longer legally entitled to be in the U.S.

can you pick what sector you want in the state you live in or do you have no choice .

Asked by Mr.305 over 11 years ago

When applying, DHS/CBP will ask what state you prefer to work in.  This is no guarantee.  When they make you a job offer they will provide you with a choice of 1-3 different stations, and you may choose which one you prefer.  If you prefer to wait this is also possible, but then you lose your slot in line, with no guarantee a slot will open up where you want to work.  You're better off joining wherever you can and then working 3-4 years and applying to move later.

Roughly, how many illegal immigrants are caught at Border check points? In your opinion, is the money, time, and effort spent on maintaining these check points compatible with the number of illegal immigrants caught? Thanks

Asked by Curious over 11 years ago

The overall effect is pretty significant.  Mainly from deterrence and detection, as well as monitoring who is entering the country.  If you're asking about interior checkpoints they're also pretty good.  We used to catch loads of stuff trying to go around the checkpoint.  This makes it really easy to catch.  So, yes, they're pretty effective at both detection, deterrence and apprehensions.  I can't speak for some of the really interior ones on distant highways though.  No idea what they catch there.

When you would go out on patrol, what items were considered SOP to take with you?

Asked by CL Smith over 11 years ago

This depended on the task, but everyday uniform wear included: Uniform trousers and shirt, soft body armor, duty belt with radio, handcuffs, collapsible steel baton, flashlight, leatherman, pistol, pistol magazines, keepers and occasionally a spare pouch for a gps, and sometimes a medical pouch.  In your pockets you'd bring a knife or two, handheld gps, notepads, pens, batteries for all of your stuff.  You'd always bring a pair or two of gloves for searching stuff, boots.  When out on foot for any length of time you'd take a camelbak with water, some food, etc.  If needed a shotgun or M4 carbine was available.  You'd end up toting around perhaps 25 lbs. of junk.  Not much, but enough that you'd feel it when you took it off at the end of the day.

if alien enters usa thru Canada thru unmanned border with his passport is that considered illegal entry?

Asked by mason over 11 years ago


Hello, so i processed my app online and am scheduled to take the entrance exam. Do i have to pay for the exam?

Asked by Kayleen over 11 years ago

No.  You do not pay for anything while entering the BP (though you will have to pay for your flight to your duty station, or travel to Artesia, NM for the academy).

Is there high risk that border patrol had taken while on duty. I had seen on news papers that once they are hired, they quit the job. Is this true or many agents do like the job once they become border patrol agents.

Asked by Joe over 11 years ago

It's a complete mixed bag.  The job is a lot of hours, a lot of hard work, and can be very depressing when your own country doesn't really care.  Some guys love the job.  Other guys put up with it. I personally quit because I ended up hating the agency.  So, it depends on the person and what you consider important/valuable.

my mother tried crossing illegally and got caught, she is married to my dad a u.s citizen its been 13 years since shes in Mexico is their any way she be a US citizen.

Asked by eddy over 11 years ago

You mean that she's been in Mexico for 13 years, or that she's been in the U.S. for 13 years and recently went back to Mexico and was caught coming in?  If she's legally applying for status or citizenship then she's just made a huge mistake.  Illegal entries during the application process will negate the application completely and she will be refused entry.  If she has been deported, she will have a 5 year ban on legal application, and a subsequent deportation will result in a further ban (I believe it's 10 or 20 years).  There is no point in breaking the law while trying to legally do something. 

I asked you about the radar/camera equipment North of Las Cruces, N.M. These same kinds of equipment are also located at Las Cruces and El Paso, TEXAS, El Paso and Alamogordo, N.M. I assume these are also in use in all checkpoints. Does this help?

Asked by almost 12 years ago

Again, I can't help you - but only because our checkpoints were all temporary.  We did not have any large scale traffic checkpoints (like in Las Cruces) in our area.  If they look like radar equipment they could be ground radar systems based around the checkpoints which scan for areas out to each side - detecting people or traffic which is trying to cut around the checkpoint.

Some checkpoints have tractor trailer scanning equipment, which essentially X-Rays the contents of large trailer boxes.  I'm not sure.  No real experience at a "proper" checkpoint.  Talk about a job I'd never want though...I'm really glad we only had a small temporary checkpoint, sometimes.

There are some guys who spend most of their career standing at a traffic checkpoint. Nooooo thanks.

how long does it take to become a border patrol agent in Canada? how much money do they make a year? Is it a fun job?

Asked by Amrit over 11 years ago

I have no experience with the Canadian border or immigration officers.  Can't help you there.

what happens if you help pay for someone to cross the border illegally

Asked by wondering over 11 years ago

You can be prosecuted for human smuggling...and thus potentially spend a long time in jail. 

Hello Oscar, from your experience can a illegal alien be released to work under the radar for homeland security to help them gather info on safe houses and drug trafficking in the city hub, thank you in advance for your answer.

Asked by Tony over 11 years ago

That is something which is handled by ICE or DEA.  The BP operates some Disrupt teams who work with local LEO's on special tasks like that.  It is not under the jurisdiction or a normal BP office though and is handled at Sector level.

So me and my husband are going to Tijuana and we are taking my 2 yr old son and my nephew that's 5 coming back to the US border what are the document they are going to need for the children? and for my nephew if he doesn't have our last name?

Asked by wp android over 11 years ago

I'm not sure.  This is something you'll have to contact Customs directly, or an agent who has worked POE's.  We did not have one in our station's area of responsibility so I never worked in one.

hello, I have already taken and failed the entrance exam. is there a limit on tries for the exam? besides the year wait?

Asked by Kayleen over 11 years ago

No, I do not believe there is a limit on the number of times you can take the exam.

IF im applying into border patrol and live with my aunt and two cousins who do not have papers but are Already accepted to receive them, does it affect either one of us?

Asked by Tony almost 12 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what you're referring to.  However, a person illegally in the U.S. will forfeit any legal application process, as they have violated the law.  You may not enter the U.S. legally until you have all papers (visa, permanent resident etc.) finalized.

This is the easiest way to completely ruin your chances of entering the country legally.  Likewise, this will possibly come up in your application process during the background investigation.

I can not give you a direct answer, but it doesn't sound like a good situation.

An immigration agent told me to hire an immigration lawyer to help me to take off my record that voluntary deportation and to help me to get a work visa so I can come back to the us legally, can I really do that?

Asked by angel1980 over 11 years ago

Not if you've been deported.  If you have a voluntary return, perhaps.  I haven't seen it done, but I never worked with the immigration lawyers.

Im trying to get a possition as a border patrol officer, what are my chances on getting a dog? Do i buy it? Or is it issued? Or how do i get a buddy?(dog)

Asked by Ivan over 11 years ago

Well, becoming a K9 handler is pretty tough.  If you start out in a normal station, you can expect to wait 4-6 years minimum to get one.  If you're at a smaller station and no one else wants to be a K9 handler you may pick one up sooner.  You do have to attend some classes, and a selection process.  You do not purchase your own dog - it would be issued if you're selected to become a K9 handler.  It's a good, very time consuming gig --- but don't expect it right out of the academy.  Being a K9 handler is a rather coveted position so it's more often than not given to senior agents.

Since the Border Patrol, like other leo agencies, have a very demanding and tough job, what things would you do while on and off duty to keep your morale high?

Asked by Chris over 11 years ago

There was not much to do on duty to keep your morale high.  Off-duty, always just get as far away from work as possible.  I moved 40 miles from my station so that on my days off I wasn't seeing anything work-related (short of illegal immigrants all over Phoenix, AZ).  The key is to remember it's nothing more than a job.  Do your job, come home and carry on with the rest of your life. 

You mentioned that BP agents have difficulty maintaining relationships. It seems it might be difficult if not impossible for BORTAC?

Asked by Girlfriend over 11 years ago

Well, the BORTAC guys work even more, and are subject to callouts, as they are essentially on-call.  Any relationship is doable, but a relationship which is weak to start out with, will not survive a LEO career of any sort.  Also, if your loved one is in that line of work you should choose your fights carefully.  Sometimes a LEO will encounter a bunch of serious messed up stuff (dead children, bodies, abuse, etc.) on duty and then come home only for his/her spouse to get angry over something stupid --- this will ignite a fight, etc.  So, yes it's pretty darn tough.  But, not impossible by any stretch of the imagination.

I have a quick question, because I would love to become a Border Patrol Agent. If I were to have tattoos on my forearms. Or anywhere visible, but I passed everything else. Would they hire me?

Asked by Smiley over 11 years ago

We had a lot of guys with tattoos in the BP.  Not many guys with full sleeves though.  I suppose this wouldn't be a big deal unless the tattoos were of a graphic nature etc.  Even then you could theoretically wear the long sleeve duty uniform shirt.  I'm not sure, but I do not believe it is a huge deal.  It's nowhere near as strict as the military standards for tattoos etc.

For example, If you have 120 accredited college units, is it possible to still be a U.S. Border Patrol Agent. In my case, I need to retake 1 class i didn't passed in order for me to obtain my Business Degree.

Asked by Joe over 11 years ago

You are not required to have a college degree to join the BP.  However, if you do, and achieve a 3.0 or better GPA you will qualify to join at a higher pay grade.  If I were you, I'd finish the college degree.  That's much more important for your future than just about anything else.  It is, however, not required in order for you to join.

Reasoning If, Then statement. How can you mastered this section on the test. What is the trick in here. What are your recommendations.

Asked by Joe over 11 years ago

You can't study for a reasoning test.  It's akin to a common sense test.  You either have it, or you don't.

Did the Arizona SB1070 law help you do your job better by empowering you with tools that helped intercept more illegals?

Asked by Darren almeida almost 12 years ago

SB1070 passed shortly after I left the BP.  The USBP is 100% busy all of the time in Tucson Sector, so if anything it would have put more strain on us, due to a possible increase in local law enforcement apprehending illegals.  The actual passage did not affect the way we do business, as our authority is almost entirely immigration based.

I'd imagine there was a spike in OA (other agency) calls, and I'd like to hope that ICE in Phoenix got hammered by Sheriff Joe with more apprehensions.

What are the chances of getting hired by Border Patrol if there is an illegal immigrant in the family?

Asked by sarah over 11 years ago

Not very good.  Having an illegal immigrant in the family is a violation because you would be a federal agent with knowledge of someone violating a federal law.  This is a question which is covered during your background investigation.  This would obviously also call into question your motivation behind applying for the job. 

How much time are you given for the logical Reasoning section on the day of the test, I heard this part takes 2 hrs. I want to practice the time with the practice question I sought through the U.S. Border Patrol Web. Hopefully you can re-call this.

Asked by Joe over 11 years ago

Sorry, it's been over 7 years.  I have no idea how long we were given (heck I don't even know if the test is still the same!)

my husband got caught crossing the river in hidalgo tx. how to i find out where they have him

Asked by cindy over 11 years ago

This has been answered several times before.  Contact the Mexican consulate.

Hello I need to find out how can I locate a person who was caught at the border. His name is Jose Alexander Zavala Alas

Asked by Karla Alas over 11 years ago

Contact the consulate of his country.

As a BP Did you receive training on fourth amendment requirements and do you believe in respecting the constitution even at the border?

Asked by John Burger about 11 years ago

The 4th amendment is fine, however there are numerous legal exceptions which apply to a certain radius from all international borders.  The 4th amendment is also a constituional amendment which provides rights and guarantees to U.S. citizens, not illegal immigrants. 

You said that the horse patrol is constantly at risk of being eliminated. But do you anticipate, based on your experience in the Tucson sector in particular, that there will always be a need for horse patrol in that area?

Asked by CL Smith over 11 years ago

Will there always be a need?  Sure.  Will that need justify the expense?  Unknown.  They are good to have, but expensive and time consuming so it's up to the sector if they feel they can justify them. 

Hey Oscar this is Nick Smith. My question is: I took the border patrol test in March 2013, in April I received the results that I scored 85. It is almost November, and I haven't herd anything since. How long it may take until I will be called. Thanks

Asked by Nick Smith over 11 years ago

It can take a long time.  An 85 is likely enough to get into the academy.  If they're not on a hiring push, or are on a hiring freeze (most agencies were due to the sequester - so it backed everything up).  I scored a 92 or something and it took a while for them to call me, and that was during the hiring push.  It may take a while.

I live in cananda, and I have a criminal record from when I was 16 and under, mylast charge was 18 but it got dropped. I'm 23 now, turning 24 inthe next month. will this affect me being able to cross the border to the US?

Asked by Felicia over 11 years ago

Criminal records have varying degrees on passport applications.  If you have been issued proper legal paperwork, you're good to go.  Background checks and criminal checks will not take place at a border checkpoint unless you are acting suspiciously etc.

Is it possible to pay for the plane ticket of an OTM? Where are they held? I really need this info, anything helps.

Asked by Carmen over 11 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by paying for the plane ticket of an OTM.  Do you mean paying to expedite the return of an OTM to his/her original country, as opposed to them waiting for the OTM flight?  I do not believe so.  An OTM who is apprehended is being held in a detention center as they have broken the law.

If you have concerns about a relative or friend who may have been apprehended you will have to contact your consulate, who in turn will contact the U.S. and the immigration services.  OTM's are held at a number of federal detention centers and processing centers, where they await the return flight to their country of origin.


How much time must you give of service to the BP, once you are picked?

Also, does the BP have a student loan repayment plan (I've heard other agencies do this with loans one might have with the Federal Department of Education)?

Asked by JC over 11 years ago

The BP is not like the military.  You may quit whenever you feel like it.  Some people get in, and leave within a few months because they don't like it or they found something else.  You do not sign a contract or anything of that nature.  I'm not entirely sure on the school support.  I know a buddy of mine was given a leave of absence to finish his law school classes.  The BP did not cover it.  You'd have to contact someone with more time in than myself.  Perhaps call one of the sector headquarters, or submit a question via the DHS/CBP website.

I am wondering if something illegal such as a butterfly knife was shipped across the Canadian border and was stopped at customs do they come to the person it was being shipped to? Or is it just destroyed? and if they do come what are the charges?

Asked by N.BBoy about 11 years ago

No idea.  That's a customs question, not my line of work.  Sorry.

My boyfriend got caught crossing the border with marijuana when he was 16, he was never charged nor sentenced. They just let him go. Now that he's 19 he regrets it and is trying to join the marines. Is their any chance he will be able to join?

Asked by Kimberly over 11 years ago

I have no idea what impact that will have on his application to the Marines, sorry. That is a question best suited for his recruiting office.

I don't know if you know them but do you know if the Shadow Wolves in Tucson,AZ have to know Spanish and do they have to go though a academy like other agents.

Asked by Mr.305 over 11 years ago

The name sounds familiar, but I'm not sure.  If they're the volunteer assistant police to the TO's, then I have no idea.  I never saw them working.

what happens if a u.s citizen croses the border with illegal mexicans

Asked by alex about 11 years ago

They go to jail for smuggling illegal immigrants.

Dear sir i want to know if any guy catch by you and this guy have no id proof ,related to any country ,how you can send him to his country ,,when you don't know his real country ,a,,another think its impossible to know country of guy by face ,,,

Asked by jai luvech over 11 years ago

Simple interrogation can break anyone and catch them in a lie.

Would they deny you entry into the states at a US/Canadian border if you where once caught in the company of someone carrying drugs? If so, is there a way to prevent this?

Asked by AH over 11 years ago

No, but the vehicle used will be entered in the system, and you'll be spending a while answering questions if you show up in that vehicle.  If you were not particularly detained/apprehended it should not be a problem.  Stop hangin' out with criminals.

I have applied for the CBP does it affect me if I have an illegal boyfriend even if he goes back to Mexico ? I know the standards of the agency and I am willing to put the agencies interest before my own.

Asked by Soul about 11 years ago

Yep, illegal relationships or family members will eliminate you immediately. 

My wife and I was on a train tour of Skagway, AK. The tour took us through Canada. When we reached US soil we were boarded by a US border patrol officer. He said it was a felony to audio or video him.. Is that true? If so under what law?

Asked by over 11 years ago

This depends on where you are, and what is occurring.  Many states and locations have laws preventing people from filming or recording people who are working without their consent.  I do not believe it is a felony.  However you could not go into a McDonalds and film people against their consent or you'd be asked to leave as its private property.  We were often filmed or photographed...I was even cursed by an Indian witch doctor (yep!).  Normally it's not illegal.  There are certain security precautions though around port-of-entries (legal entry points into the US) where filming and audio recordings are illegal because you could be a terrorist/criminal attempting to analyze security features etc.  Just depends where you are.

If I know of someone who crossed and lied about there reason, what can I do?

Asked by Dalton over 11 years ago

You can report people to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) but you'd have to provide a lot of information regarding proof that they are here illegally.  Also, if a person crosses the border illegally their "reason" doesn't matter.  It is still a crime.

I am engaged to a Mexican Citizen. We plan to marry next year and he will come here on a K-3 Visa. He currently works for the Federal Police in Mexico as a narcotics agent. Can he get a job here as a Border Agent or does he have to be born here?

Asked by Linda over 11 years ago

He would not be able to work for the BP has a temporary Visa holder.  Only when he gets full and permanent citizenship could he apply.

The constitution and the fourth amendment are afforded to all persons with the boundaries of the united states, even illegal immigrants. In your opinion, why is ignorance regarding constitutional rights, so rampant within the BP?

Asked by John Burger about 11 years ago

Troll elsewhere.

A family member jessenia Lilliana monterrosa our Moterrosa was cot on FRYDAY morning at Roma TX no word from her it is now Monday she is 26 years help

Asked by Julio almost 11 years ago

Nope.  This has been discussed several times before.

Can CBP Agents smoke cigarettes on the job?

Asked by NormalTravler over 11 years ago

Yes, you can in the field.  Obviously not in a station or holding area.  Most agents tend to use dip in the field though, as cigarette smoke immediately gives away your location.  As long as you're not in a government building, you can smoke.  I don't believe they'd want you smoking at a POE or other check point location while working with people though.  In the desert, patrolling?  Sure.

I had a tourist visa and was arrested on drug trafficking charges but released with all charges dropped. On the paperwork it states I have an expedited removal, can I still apply and have a chance at getting my visa back?

Asked by John Burger about 11 years ago


What % of people crossing are actually caught

Asked by Jeff almost 11 years ago

If I had to make an educated guess in our AOR when I was working, perhaps 30% or so were actually apprehended.  That doesn't count people who are caught later or further in the country (which is exceedingly rare).  We'd catch about 75% of the people we detected, spotted or picked up on radar etc.  However there are loads of groups/people/drugs that we never detected (but would find signs of later).

Do border patrol agents got rights to shoot ,if an illegal trying to jump over fence and tries to run on finding him?

Asked by MR.CURIOUS about 11 years ago

No.  As with all federal agencies the USBP "Use of Force" policy is very strict and is solely based around defending the agent and other innocent people.  Almost every other country in the world is different.  Entering almost any other country can get you shot for simply entering illegally. 


Asked by ARANTZA over 11 years ago


what happens if you get caught with a family member that is an illegal immigrant on the car or in your house?

Asked by Jimc over 11 years ago

You can be prosecuted for smuggling illegal aliens. 

my cat has died at a animal hospital in tijuana and I want to bring him home to San Diego to be buried. Can I bring him across the border by foot.

Asked by Dawnfreemansd almost 11 years ago

No idea.  You'd have to speak to a customs guy.  I'm sure there are certain regulations in place regarding the importation of corpses.


Asked by SARA BLANCAS almost 11 years ago

Nope.  He will be deported.

im a US citizen living in TJ, i found drugs in my girlfriends sons pants. i put them in my pocket to show her when she got home. i forgot, crossed, had them in my pocket, it was heroin. i was given a big fine,
No questions asked, do I have options?

Asked by john about 11 years ago


So if a mexican was trying to run across my patriotic border, do i have the AMERICAN right to shoot that mexican on sight.

Asked by Sen. Tedd Cruz over 11 years ago

Not unless it is on your property and your state laws allow you to do so.  Certain states will allow you to shoot someone invading your home property if you feel threatened.  Most will not.  This is why you see a large number of Americans being forced from their homes along the border, because the immigrants/cartels have made it impossible to stay there or live there safely.

In BP cars and trucks, what tech do agents have at their disposal? On-board computer? Other tech? Or only BP (police) radio? If vehicles have on-board computer, what info can agents access?

Asked by Brian over 11 years ago

This varies completely from vehicle to vehicle, station to station, and sector to sector.  While an agent may not have direct access to X, Y or Z...he is always in radio contact with the station and sector, so information is readily available. 

how many times are you able to take the bpa entrance exam?

Asked by kay over 11 years ago

I do not believe there is a limit.  Please call the hiring office in Minnesota (should be listed on your paperwork) to confirm if there is a limit.

i am a us citizen filing for my husbands green card if he got caught only once at the border 15 years ago is he penilized

Asked by missy almost 11 years ago

This depends entirely on the nature of his apprehension and whether he was returned voluntarily, deported, if he served any jail time, has a prior criminal record etc.  If you're going through paperwork make sure to contact a qualified immigration lawyer to assist you.

If you were watching some illegals crossing over to the U.S. side and you were on the highway, and behind a car crashes and ppl are injured, what would you do? Tend to the injuries or apprehend the illegals, and do you chase all of them or only 1?

Asked by Reed about 11 years ago

This depends entirely on the situation.  You accomplish both: tend to the injured and apprehend those it's possible to apprehend.

my roomate disappeared two days ago. how do I know if he was arrested smuggling something across the border? call the dea?

Asked by tim over 11 years ago

Wait for him to contact someone.  Oh, and get new friends.

Do the Border Patrol agent perform any undercover assignments?

Asked by Russ almost 11 years ago

Yes, the BP have a couple of different special teams which operate in various sectors.  These are run by sector level and often with fellow law enforcement agencies (both local and federal).  Not very often, but yes.

hello oscar i have a question for you. awhile back i got caught with illegal mexicans. they just took my fingerprints but it wasnt enough to make a case and they let me go. but will it be on my record

Asked by gabe about 11 years ago


I am a u.s. citizen and my girlfriend tried to cross the border twice with a fake passport. And I've been told that she cant come in legally anymore. What happens if she tries it illegally. And we also have a kid in common.

Asked by Miguel over 11 years ago

Yes, because she has tried to enter illegally (even worse with false documents) she can now not apply to enter the US legally for either 5 or 10 years (depending on which one they selected and how many times she was caught).  If she's caught she will be deported again.  If she is caught several times, she will be placed in jail.  The child is inconsequential.

My friend crossed the border when he was 16 years old and he got caught. They took his fingerprints and sent him back to Mexico. He then crossed once again and he is now 24 years old. Is his record clear, since he was a minor?

Asked by Anne about 11 years ago

No.  His record and prints will still be in the U.S. immigration system database.

If some one was caught more than 5 times crossing the Mexican border. would he be put in jail

Asked by Maria over 11 years ago

He could be.  Depends on his criminal record and other issues he may have had.

What is the procedure (especially in non-demarcated areas of the international boundary) if a border patrol agent were to accidentally cross into Mexico or Canada,and is caught? caught by eith?

Asked by Raul Sandoval about 11 years ago

Not sure, most parts of the border are not marked (as you noted).  However, international law is international law and depends solely on the violated state's policies.  If Mexico has strict border policies (which are obviously not enforced at all given the current state of thins) a border patrol agent would be at their mercy.  I do imagine if it was an honest mistake, it might be resolved between governments.  Once a person enters another country illegally they are solely at the mercy of the country they entered (regardless of LEO affiliation etc.).

my dad is resident my mom is still an illegal, im intrested in becoming part of the border patrol will this effect me getting the job?

Asked by Tony almost 11 years ago

Yes.  You will not be able to join the Patrol as you have illegal family members.

Hello sir, I'm in college right now for my associates degree in criminal justice. I plan to go for a bachelors degree and take tests. Could i apply to be CBP and how and where can i apply?

Asked by Gerardo about 11 years ago

Yes, look up 1811 or CBP agent on (the US federal job site).  There may be no listing currently (there is only a listing when the BP needs new agents).

What happen's If a family member crossing the border is missing for a week, and is not in the system as being arrested who do we contact, or how do we go about to find them?

Asked by Kylakp09 almost 11 years ago

There is no process.  You can contact the local Sheriff/Police Department and attempt to file a missing person's report.  However if you can not verify that the family member did cross the border they may not accept the report.  Crossing international borders is dangerous and illegal.  A person is responsible for their own actions and safety.

What happens to the illegal immigratns that get caught while crossing or entering another country without permission?

Asked by Mercedes almost 11 years ago

Most other countries have severly strict laws regarding border breaches.  In fact, many countries retain the right to shoot you.  America has some of the softest immigration/border policies in the world (which is why we have this problem).

If you're in the military and you cross the border, will border patrol contact your command?

Asked by anon almost 9 years ago

Crossing the border legally? No. Illegally? Absolutely.

If an illegal jumps the fence & gets hurt, I was told border patrol (BP) can't read them their rights. They'll call ambulance to take them to hospital. BP doesn't follow ambulance to hospital. Illegal is then treated & is let out the door. true?

Asked by Tina over 8 years ago

False. The BP will apprehend an individual illegally in the country, regardless of medical conditions or injuries. An agent will be assigned to watch the apprehended individual throughout their medical stay at the hospital. An illegal immigrant may be processed at the hospital and can then be turned over to a medical facility in Mexico as a standard VR (voluntary return).

I hate when people who work for border patrol have latino names. And have latino back ground. Or if they look hispanic i hope u dont look hispanic OSCAR

Asked by over 10 years ago

You do understand that nearly 65% of the 18,000 Border Patrol Agents are of hispanic background? Legal U.S. citizens. This is why they're in the BP, to prevent illegals from abusing the system they spent years and money properly going through to become citizens themselves.

What happens to a car when it is held back by powder patrol because illegal immigrants were in it? Can the owner of the car get it back if they didn't grant permission for the car to be used for this?

Asked by Jennifer over 8 years ago

A vehicle used for illegal trafficking of persons or narcotics will be seized, regardless of the owner's position. This vehicle will then be sold at a government auction or destroyed.

If you live with an illegal immigrant can that penalize your application for a position as a border patrol agent?

Asked by j.c. over 9 years ago

Yes. You would immediately be removed from the application process.

How can I report that a person who has been deported to Germany because she got convicted of trafficking drugs, is trying to get back into the county?

Asked by James over 8 years ago

Look up your local I.C.E or CBP station and contact them for further guidance.

If you are a border patrol agent can you go to Mexico ?

Asked by Janeth over 9 years ago

Legally? Yes. Not smart, but you can.

is it illegal if a american to cross the us border from canada illegaly? means not going tru customs.

Asked by misty over 8 years ago

Yes. It is illegal for any person, citizen or not, to enter the United States without going through a designated port of entry (be it land border, airport, or seaport).

What happenes if a body is found on the border of 2 country's half on one side and half on thee other ,what would happen to the body?

Asked by MRB about 9 years ago

The Border Patrol would contact local police in both Mexico and the United States and they would jointly investigate the scene and determine who would take possession of the body, etc.

If i was caught with 220 lbs of marijuana when i was 16 years of age, can i still be a border Patrol or any type of law enforcement?

Asked by rafael gutierrez over 9 years ago


My fiance's dream is to become a border patrol. He is 19 years old but for several circumstances he hasnt been able to apply nor inform himself of how to become a border patrol. I would like to help him accomplish his dream, but dont know how.????

Asked by Elisa over 8 years ago

If you cannot gain the information from (government jobs website) he can try to contact a BP station and inquire there. Most stations have community relations agents which can assist in applying for the job.

Hi Oscar just wondering I know is not right! But can a border patrol agent date an illegal girl/guy? What if he/she doesn't know the status Of that person? What should he/she do when find out the person dating is illegal?

Asked by Leticia89 over 10 years ago

Sure, this does happen on occasion. Sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly. There was an agent at my station (my class actually) who was dating a Mexican citizen who was here on a visa. Unbeknownst to the agent the visa had expired. The Mexican actually became abusive and during an investigation by local police - this was revealed. The agent resigned immediately.

If you cross the boreder illegally and your here for a certain amount of time does you being in America ever become legal? (Fake ex. If I came her illegally and a few years have passed of us being in the us say 5 years am I legally here or still no?)

Asked by Brittney over 8 years ago


Can I still be a Border Patrol Agent if my parents are from Mexico and have a criminal record. However I am not in close contact with either of them?

Asked by Saldana over 7 years ago


My boyfriend might have a warrant out for his arrest for california how do I find out if while crossing in to mexico border patrol picked him up for it?

Asked by Cinthia over 7 years ago


What happens when a illegal immigrant is banned to come to the usa and is caught crossing the border?

Asked by Cassandra over 7 years ago


I need to find out if he is in jail or what happened. I'm in mexico. He was suppose to be crossing an hour ago. And no one has heard from him.

Asked by Cinthia over 7 years ago


Do all BP follow the same rules? For example, are BP in California following the same protocol as BP in Texas?

Asked by Tina over 8 years ago


What would happen if an illegal immigrant tried to cross back over to Mexico after having been in the US?

Asked by Zobdi over 8 years ago


Going to mexico in the boyfriend is worried about going because he has warrants for traffic tickets.will this cause him to be detained? When they scan your DL what do they check for? Thanks

Asked by Misty york about 8 years ago


Can I become a border patrol if my mom is an illegal immigrant?

Asked by Pete over 6 years ago


In my city ice n CBP share building. My boyfriend went in their custody from a class a misdemeanor only thing on his record. They took 30 min and they took him to a country he left at 3,he was 23. Could they removed him voluntery RETURN? ICE?

Asked by Linda over 8 years ago


If my aunt (a Mexican citizen with a visa) was arrested picking up illegal immigrants on a freeway (she put them in the trunk of her car, how long will she be in jail? Right now, she is is an immigration & customs detainer and us marshal inmate.

Asked by Julia about 8 years ago


If people trying to cross the border don't have a criminal record what would warrant them to be deported, thus getting a criminal record, what would happen when you deported them back to Mexico?

Asked by Mn about 8 years ago


What happends if a illegal immigrant is caught crossing the border after they have been removed and banned from the usa ?

Asked by Kassiecorona over 7 years ago


Hi, when trying to become a border patrol agent, how does having tickets or warrant s affect your chances?

Asked by Angie over 7 years ago


Why do ppl lie about how much money they are carrying? What's the big deal about declaring it??

Asked by Tamara about 7 years ago


If you have an eviction on your record is that cause for a fail in the background check? How long does it take to hear back to schedule the structured exam(where I am right now)?

Asked by Badwolf almost 8 years ago


Can a Military Veteran (not retired) Border Patrol agent access Military base facilities and MTF's?

Asked by Dean Jensen about 8 years ago


What is done to someone who want to cross the border from Mexico to the US the first time using someone else birth certificate and social security and they get caught? are they kept in jail for a long time? what happens in this case

Asked by Perla Martinez over 8 years ago


Can you recollect on more than one occasion you found that people will pay people with ready cards and senti passes to ride in their own vehicles just to get across the border faster

Asked by Dada westcoaster about 8 years ago


In the past i have crossed my father illegally through the border since i was young about 14 in age im now 35 and he has been stuck in t.j for 3 years. If i attempted to cross him and were caught could i face criminal charges? Honor thy father?

Asked by Ybarra Girl over 8 years ago


If getting chosen to be an agent would my family be allowed to move down south and be stationed with me wherever that may be

Asked by Trenton love almost 8 years ago


I was once arrested for transporting 3 illegals i had my fingerprints taken but was never charged for it. Will this show up on my record? Im currently attending school and want to know if this will ever be something I will have to worry about.

Asked by Jorge about 8 years ago


What is the tattoo policy for border patrol agents?

Asked by Kelly A. about 8 years ago


if its my third time getting caught by BP what would be the consequence?????

Asked by johnny over 8 years ago


What could happen if you get caught a second time crossing the border . How much time could that person get ..and how can you locate them if there not showing up in the system..

Asked by Tina over 7 years ago


I applied for Border Patrol Agent which opened 11/8/2016 and closes 12/7/2016. After submitting everything, I was asked to schedule my entrance exam. But I couldn't because they said scheduling begins 11/7/2016 - 11/8/2016. How it is possible?

Asked by Akash over 8 years ago


Is it illegal to pick up someone who is trying to enter the US illegally? A friend of mine picked up a guy who crossed the Canadian border and they let my friend go, but they seized his car. Can they do that? How does he get his car back?

Asked by For a friend almost 8 years ago


How can I get back home to USA through San ysidro port of entry and have my felony warrant not picked up on?

Asked by Lana almost 8 years ago


what are the disqualifications as a border patrol agent ? (tattoos, crime record, age, etc...)

Asked by hina almost 7 years ago


Hi. What charges gets minor (17 years)
When he gets caught trying to cross the border
They took the pic the finger prints 15 min later they put it back to Mexico
And he doesn't sign nothing because he's a minor

Asked by memo about 8 years ago


What charges gets a minor after they get Caught at the border
Finger prints pic etc
15 min later they put it back to Mexico
And he doesn't sign nothing because he's a minor?

Asked by meml about 8 years ago


what happens at the border controll

Asked by george hall about 7 years ago


1. What happens when someone is caught crossing the US border what usually happens to them?

Asked by needstoknow over 7 years ago


2. If someone is detained for crossing the border, how long are they usually detained for?
2b. What are they fed while they are detained?
2c. Is a year typical time to be detained for crossing the border?

Asked by needstoknow over 7 years ago


3. For what reasons, if someone was caught crossing the border and detained, would be released into the US?
3b Can they be released on bonds
3c What type of ID are they issued if they are issued one

Asked by needstoknow over 7 years ago


What happens to a minor caught trying to cross the border?

Asked by Cynthia over 8 years ago


Why don't you feel sorry for the people who find a better life? we're all humans and those immigrants who cross the board some don't have a choice some people have left there kids to find a place a home somewhere safe but they soon come and get them

Asked by Esp almost 8 years ago


can you become a border patrol if one of your parents are in the us illegaly

Asked by als almost 8 years ago


If I report my illegal spouse who is abusive and I am afraid of him- will he find out? What can I do? I want him deported. I want to live my life again

Asked by Abused in the states over 6 years ago


I have always wanted to be a border patrol officer but, I have type one diabetes would that disqualify me

Asked by Logan McClung almost 8 years ago


I wanted to got down to rosarito but was wondering if i can take a vehicle that is not in my name but in my grandfather's name. The registration has the same address that is on my passport and driver's license

Asked by Isaac viveros about 8 years ago


Is a border patrol agent allowed to travel to Mexico for vacation?

Asked by Alberto almost 8 years ago


I made it all the way to the academy back in 2004 but quit after 2 weeks because my kids were little and we were having a hard time being apart back then the academy was in SC. I have passed the test and been selected to start pre employment process.

Asked by Carlos over 7 years ago


what are the chances of being hired as a BPA if you have had illegal family reside in the same household in the past, and still have family members illegally in the country but not residing in the same household.

Asked by -O- over 7 years ago


What are my chances of getting in again? I am now 36

Asked by Carlos over 7 years ago


Will a us citizen get arrested if the he is caught with illegal alien's? Consider that I work with illegal aliens and travel all over the United states with them

Asked by Tom over 8 years ago


I know someone that was denied entry into the US and has sneaked across the border this week how do I report them?

Asked by Gudi over 8 years ago


Can having undocumented family members affect your chances of joining the us customs and border patrol?

Asked by Peter about 8 years ago


Hi. i am currently on unsupervised felony probation for a first time offense. I recently got permison to travel across border to san luis colorado. Upon re rentry i was asked to be sent to a 2nd inspection. Agent would not tell me y. Do u kno y

Asked by San luis rio coloroado almost 8 years ago


Why can't the US do "catch and remove" back to the individual's home country instead of "catch and release" into the US?

They can then go to local US embassy to plead their case for asylum.

Asked by Rick Toot almost 7 years ago


Whats going on wiht the COVID

Asked by asdfasdfasdfsdafdf almost 5 years ago


Do all bpa agents patrolling get body armor, rifle and pistol?

Asked by Ae558442 almost 8 years ago


Are tattoos on visible parts of body like my hands and neck allowed??

Asked by Rose almost 8 years ago


In the the apartment where I live and the one besides them I see a lot of people coming at night and they look suspicious but I don't really know where in the other apartments they go can boderpatrol still come and investigate?

Asked by Katherin almost 8 years ago


Could you please pass along to the team in Detroit mi that there are illegal Canadians living in royal oak, mi? They need to go door to door. For real.

Asked by Abused in michigan over 6 years ago


What happens if you get caught crossing illegally?

Asked by Lupita over 8 years ago


What happens if I got arrested last night by boarder patrol for conspiracy of smuggling aliens and I was released 6 hours later , what would happen then I got my car taken away as well will I be able to get it back. I was released with no paper work

Asked by Lily almost 8 years ago


If I have already been caught smiling immigrants across the border in the past (no conviction or anything) would that interfere with me legitimately getting married to a legal immigrant (on a work visa) in the US?

Asked by Commonsen5e over 8 years ago


What happens if you got arrested for conspiracy of smuggling aliens and were detained for 6 hours then released with no paperwork and they kept my car

Asked by Lily23 almost 8 years ago


I'm going through the process of my testing any tips? I have my entrance exam next Monday.
18/M from San Antonio TX

Asked by Bernard about 8 years ago


Ima a runaway i crossed the border but i wanna go home but i didnt bring my legal documents wat can i do

Asked by John almost 8 years ago


If I can cover a tattoo on the side of my finger that isn't obscene in any way, would I still be able to apply?

Asked by Kate over 5 years ago


What did u like most about the job and what did u dislike most?

Asked by Anuj about 6 years ago


My dad was deported and this is probably his 3rd time being caught. he has court in a week and the lawyer had me and my brother write letters. how could this possibly go ?

Asked by Jesse almost 8 years ago


How do you like Trump?

Asked by 8828282 over 5 years ago


If a child entered the US and was caught in the 90s where they fingerprinted?

Asked by Katie about 8 years ago


When someone is arrested at the border line do they take them to jail or?

Asked by Tina over 7 years ago


What happens if a US citizen attempts to illegally enter Mexico?

Asked by Mary about 8 years ago


Q: Can a person in the process of getting their greencard travel within the states?
My family and I are planning to take a roadtrip to California and are planning on taking a friend with us who is in the process of getting his green card. He has a receipt from paying for his application. Is it okay to cross checkpoints going from state to state? Is he allowed to travel within the U.S. ?

P.S. He is under 21,unmarried, currently in public highschool and also got papers signed by a judge stating he resides in Texas and has been subjected to parental neglect and/or abandonment. The papers also state it is not in his best interest to be sent back to his or his fathers previous country of nationality, Mexico.

If it is okay to take him with us and cross borders from one state to the next, how should we approach border patrol. And would it be best to take the papers signed by the judge and the receipt from his green card application?

Asked by ANHS over 7 years ago


Can I become a Border Patrol agent with my parents being illegal?

Asked by David over 7 years ago


i know of a person coming across the border that has been deported. Johanna Lara is honduran. she is in nuevo laredo. she said her coyote is dropping her off in San Antonio. she is in

Asked by donna over 7 years ago


If caught crossing the border from Mexico to the U.S. and they have a criminal past what happens? Do they get a phone call how long does it take to process them and how can i find out for sure if someone has been caught.

Asked by Alex Gutierrez over 7 years ago


What will happen if someone got deported for life due to a drug charge and gets caught coming back but it's his first time getting caught crossing

Asked by Mami over 8 years ago


I have a prescription for my Low Testosterone. I go to Mexico about 2-3 times a year. Mainly for Dental Work. I was wondering if I could bring Testosterone back from Mexico to US? I pay a lot for it here in the states. Don't wanna get in any trouble.

Asked by Richard in Texas over 7 years ago


When someone is deported from USA what part of the mexico border do they get dropped off at ?

Asked by Shannon about 8 years ago


If someone with a visa gets caught smuggling someone into the USA. what happened to them?

Asked by Me about 8 years ago


can an alien have an order of deportation if they were caught at Arizona and returned to Tijuana Mexico?

Asked by jayslee almost 8 years ago


What happens when someone tries to cross the border (truck driver) and is stopped because he or she doesn't have the correct paperwork then calls the company. Company calls back and says go to a different entry you are good to go then get detained

Asked by Saintsfan2007 over 7 years ago


What part of the Mexico border do they drop off someone who has been deported

Asked by Shannon about 8 years ago


Are Mexicans slowed to work for border patrol

Asked by Michae about 8 years ago


What part of the Mexico border do they drop off someone who has been deported

Asked by Shannon about 8 years ago


What if someone gets caught at the border with drugs and they blame it on u.what would happen

Asked by Jose about 8 years ago


When deporting a father of u.s kids, do u guys take the kids too? Or can u leave the children alone if another u.s adult is there with them?

Asked by Caryy about 8 years ago


In watching NatGeo's Border Wars, I was astonished that many drug/money mules were deported but not charged as long as they relinquished their haul. Can you explain why this occurs?

Asked by Sharon about 8 years ago


I've been watching NatGeo's Border Wars, and I'm mystified by the number of drug/money mules who are caught with contraband who aren't prosecuted and simply released. Could you illuminate the situation? TY.

Asked by Stung66 about 8 years ago


Will I get arrested trying to cross to Mexico if I have a warrant for my arrest?

Asked by Kevin12 over 7 years ago


I have a flight from Boston Mass to San Diego CA and then San Diego to Charleston SC. As an illegal alien. Should I be concerned about being held my immigration at San Diego airport? Or while visiting San Diego?

Asked by Lola1919 over 7 years ago


I had reported the location of a illegal alien with past deportations and pictures of Facebook account here in Boston along with date of birth and when they were deported before. Will they follow up on this lead.?

Asked by Bob A. almost 6 years ago


What would happen if I cross the border into the U.S. through the desert and through a NON-designated crossing point. I am white and I have dual citizenship American and Mexican. I would not have drugs on me nor be doing any type of illegal activity.

Asked by chucky almost 8 years ago


If two illegal immigrants who've been in the country for years now decide to move from one state to another and get stopped by border patrol what will happen and when do border patrol stop someone

Asked by Diva about 6 years ago


What is sentence for ilegal that are caught and charged for attempting to RE-entering US after having a order for deportation from immigration judge

Asked by Rocio almost 8 years ago


When ilegal imagrant gets caught crossing over were do they jail them at in San Diego CA and has a criminal record on file

Asked by Rocio almost 8 years ago


How high is the border?( In whatever type of measurement)

Asked by Harantza almost 8 years ago


If you know someone sneaking immigrant across what do I do.

Asked by Mike almost 8 years ago


Cousin was being held at the Lordsburg Border patrol and now they said Las Cruses icese took her but where? I was told she would go to court and no one seems to know where she is?

Asked by Lins50merc over 7 years ago


Where do you go when you get caught by border patrol and you are a US citizen in Arizona

Asked by Lis over 8 years ago


What happens to an immigrant crossing over when he just got realsed 3 weeks ago and trying to cross and getting caught by New Mexico?

Asked by Servando about 8 years ago


I'm a 23 year old single mother and I have a interview today with suket construction and I meeting the guy for the first time today what is the risk and precautions to know if he's going to smuggle me across the border

Asked by Nic almost 8 years ago


My brother in law has recently tried to cross the mexico and u.s border multiple times. Hes been missing for about a month. How do you find out if hes on jail or died crossing the border

Asked by Ashley almost 8 years ago


What happens to the illegal immigrants who are caught trying to cross into America?

Asked by Maya about 8 years ago


If a person got arrested and is on a sheriff detention center and is here illegal can border patrol go to the detention center to get him out to be deported and in how many days does border patrol has to pick him up from the detention center?

Asked by Kim almost 8 years ago


Hey bro?

Asked by Brian about 8 years ago


Asked by Dave over 7 years ago


If an illegal immigrant is actually leaving the country, lets say heading to ciudad juarez to wait for the immigration appointment. can still be detained at check points?

Asked by Mark over 8 years ago


Hello, almost 2 years ago i left the US for a job im EU without completing my probation for a drug felony in NJ. My job is now trying to send me to the US, possibly HI. Will I get arrested at the airport by border patrol If I enter in a diff state?

Asked by Dave over 7 years ago


Hello, almost 2 years ago i left the US for a job im EU without completing my probation for a drug felony in NJ. My job is now trying to send me to the US, possibly HI. Will I get arrested at the airport by border patrol If I enter in a diff state?

Asked by Dave over 7 years ago


Are BPAs allowed to reside or own property in Mexico, like many American expats?

Asked by Frank over 8 years ago


If a Border Patrol Agent feels threatened does he have permission to shoot?
Especially if the person he shot is notorious for smuggling immigrants into the US or illegal goods?

Asked by Person about 8 years ago


if i am out on bond and am planning on traveling across the border for a few days, if i have my passport when i attempt to re enter the us will they detain me considering I'm out on bond or what would happen?

Asked by taylor over 8 years ago


Are you a Trump supporter?

Asked by Dan about 6 years ago


In cases, they usually just involve individuals trying to cross INTO the States. My question is. Has there been cases where individuals are caught TRYING to return to their homelands? Example.. illegal trying to cross back into Mexico? What happens?

Asked by KatiaA over 8 years ago


I want to join the Border Patrol I am currently about to finish high school. How do I get set up? How can I apply and what are the requisites in order to be a Border Patrol Agent?

Asked by Martin Najera almost 8 years ago


So if someone is caught three times before entering the u.s. but now is in the u.s married to a citizen with a child could they be denied citizenship ?

Asked by Sarah Rinehart about 8 years ago


How can i find the name of officers who caught husband entering the u.s.

Asked by Sarah about 8 years ago


I am in the marine corps right now and still have a 2 years left. I'm looking at pursuing a career as a border patrol agent. What are the different places I could be stationed?and during the academy, am I staying in barracks or do I go home every day

Asked by Bryan thompson about 8 years ago


I am in the hiring process to become an entry level cbp. My question is will I be able to if my brother has a felony on his record? Does family members records affect my eligibility?

Asked by Elizabeth ramirez over 6 years ago


My wife got caught using a fake ID at the border back in 2008 and was found inadmissble. Was she deported or released???

Asked by Mark almost 7 years ago


Hello! I was hoping I could get a direct quote about how you would deal with the insane migrant crisis going on today involving the Syrian War. I am writing a paper on this topic and I wanted to know a little more, thank you!

Asked by Kourtney over 8 years ago


Hello I have a question regarding coming into the country as a resident... I lost my green card but I have the stamp in my passport... is it ok to come in to the usa right now? or should I wait. My job wants me back to work in two weeks

Asked by Jack almost 5 years ago


Will crossing the boarder illegally be on my record?

Asked by Isaac about 8 years ago


Are you a Trump supporter?

Asked by Ewan over 5 years ago


I was suppose to meet with my friend (Us citizen) in Mexico he was coming by bus but he didn't come, I haven't heard from him since he said he was in McAllen. I try to call and get the info but couldn't find much. I'm worried for himWhat should I do?

Asked by Jenny about 8 years ago


my husband entered the usa 20 years ago stating he was an American citizen. He had a birth certificate. Theofficer asked for ID but he did not have it. She let him enter usa but she took his picture and fingerprints. Fngerprnts and photo still file?

Asked by Monica about 8 years ago


can I apply for a border patrol position for shop lifting when I was 18 yrs old. would that hold me back

Asked by dwnice over 6 years ago


If I'm in the hiring process for border patrol, can I go into Mexico for one week vacation? Or will that effect me in anyway? Thank you!

Asked by Julie about 8 years ago


How are the illegal immigrants staying alive? Sure, they may get work visas, but normal Americans can't live anymore on minimum wage. Jails cost 14-70K per person. It makes no sense unless they're all going someplace else.

Asked by David Werking about 3 years ago


My son was arrested crossing the border last Friday and I do not know where to find him. Where should I call for information? Thank you

Asked by Elvira almost 8 years ago


So if a undocumented immigrants is caught at the border but released back in mexico ? Is he able to apply again for a legal status with the u.s. or does he show being deported?

Asked by Alex G. over 8 years ago


Are children finger printed if caught crossing illegally? in efforts to keeps tabs on them if they attempt to do so in later years when they grow up?

Asked by Kenny about 8 years ago


Can I be charged with a crime if someone tries to cross the border with my ID if I lost it while I was in Mexico?

Asked by Vanessa almost 8 years ago


I would like to know if an illegal persons pays for their own ticket to go back to his country how long does it take ?

Asked by Deborah over 8 years ago


Hello. So recently a friend of mine got pulled over by border patrol. The officer found three illegal alien in the back sit. Long story short.They seized the car and the car the he was driving was his step dad's car.

Asked by Andreww about 8 years ago


Is it true that the owner has the right to have his car release by simply saying . he lend it to his stepson.. Or is it the only way to get the car is to pay the amount they ask? Im sure theres other way?

Asked by Andreww about 8 years ago


Say one of your parents was deported and you’re half sister is a dreamer can you still do border patrol

Asked by Valeria Garcia about 7 years ago


Asked by carlos Salas about 8 years ago


I am from Peru. 10 years ago I entered the USA from Juarez. first time, they Caught me.I told the officer that I was from mexico, give false name. they send me back to mexico. IS THIS A DEPORTATION? was my first apprehencion

Asked by carlos Salas about 8 years ago


I am from Peru. 10 years ago I entered the USA from Juarez. first time, they Caught me.I told the officer that I was from mexico, give false name. they send me back to mexico. IS THIS A DEPORTATION? was my first , only apprehencion

Asked by carlos Salas about 8 years ago


Do immigrants try to cross the border if they were already caught?

Asked by Juan almost 8 years ago


If someone is trying to cross and cought month after revoke privleges want there and cought again so the due jail time or does ice let them go asap

Asked by Ammmm over 8 years ago


Hi when my husband was a child his family brought him over illegally will border patrol still hire him if hes a citizen now?

Asked by Marina over 7 years ago


Does a is citizine need to go to Mexico walking or driving it form

Asked by Amjf over 8 years ago


How long does immigration hold people that get caught crossing border in Az?

Asked by Brenda about 8 years ago


Can I have a tattoo before joining the Border Patrol?

Asked by Lionel over 7 years ago


Who do I call to find out where he's being held

Asked by Kayla over 6 years ago


What are the reproductionsame of accidentally crossing into mexico and coming back with firearms that are,by California laws, legally locked?

Asked by random2872 over 8 years ago


I am from Peru. 10 years ago I entered the USA from Juarez. first time, they Caught me.I told the officer that I was from mexico, give false name. they send me back to mexico. IS THIS A DEPORTATION? was my first , only apprehencion

Asked by carlos about 8 years ago


can i have tattoos on my hand of animals or will it affect
me trying to be a border patrol officer?

Asked by julio lomeli about 3 years ago


What becomes of a teen who hands himself over to the border police after crossing illegally and is seeking asylum now that the immigration rules have changed

Asked by Nimo about 8 years ago


Hi. I have a question about tattoos for border patrol agents. Can someone still become a border patrol agent with a barely visible finger tattoo that can also be covered up with make up or bandages?

Asked by Marie over 4 years ago


What becomes of a teen who hands himself over to the border police after crossing illegally and is seeking asylum now that the immigration rules have changed

Asked by Nimo about 8 years ago


Can someone join the border patrol if the have family members who are undocumented?

Asked by Juan over 6 years ago


How do I find out if my girl friend got arrested crossing the border

Asked by Kev about 8 years ago


Are newly hired agents allowed to have neck tattoos that are not offensive in any type of way?

Asked by John Parker over 7 years ago


What happens if immigrant is being threathen at mexico and tries coming to the us

Asked by Hope about 8 years ago


how can i find out if immigration has info if i got caught back in 2004 at the border.

Asked by Noelia almost 8 years ago


My father in law has been a resident for 40years he has not got his new card but has the one they said never expires we have funarl to go to in eagle pass and not sure if they will let him go through the check point

Asked by Demo garza over 7 years ago


My father in law is a 30 year resident but he still has the old green card we have a funarel to go to in eagle pass but he is scared that the check point will not let him pad please advise

Asked by Demo garza over 7 years ago


hi, if a person trying to cross the border (jumping the gate,hill i dont know how to call it) being a 15 gets hurt try to come back to mexico paramedics are call on us is transported to a hospital inside us and let go will she had record as deported

Asked by olivia over 8 years ago


What happens if an illegal immigrant attempts to cross the border with a lost passport that hasnt been reported lost?

Asked by Jenny over 7 years ago


Can you tip off border patrol if someone is planning on crossing over illegally?

Asked by Patrick over 8 years ago


If a illegal form Mexico crash a stole truck on your poperty. Made ruts every where on your poperty. Came close to my house where my kids sleep. Can you deny the sheriff the truck until they fix the ruts or ask for the title of the truck for damage

Asked by LANE FROST about 8 years ago


What can I do if I have information that a felon, that is hiding out in Mexico and has an outstanding arrest warrant is trying to re-enter the United States illegally into California?

Asked by Alex about 8 years ago


can you get a list of the dates for a person who has crossed the border illegal who was caught and returned

Asked by johnny about 7 years ago


Could someone have an illegal Canadian removed from the U.S.? This person is abusive. But not currently committing any crimes.

Asked by Curious over 7 years ago


Hello, i am interested in applying for a BP agent position. Your insight has been very informative and helpful. i was just curious as to why you ended up "hating the agency", as you previously stated your reason for leaving the BP.

Asked by BPinterest about 8 years ago


Can you enlist in any military branch while working as a border patrol agent

Asked by Edward Gonzalez about 8 years ago


my family member entered into the U.S. side and got caught, its his 6th time. What do they do with him from there

Asked by Jesse about 8 years ago


Do you have to go to college to become a border patrol agent ?

Asked by Louie angel almost 8 years ago


I'm a us citizen I was born and raised in the us but my passport has expired I'm currently living in Mexico and I jave a duel citizenship can I travel with my expired passport

Asked by Jesús over 4 years ago


What are the penalties for crossing illegal is it only deporting or can they go to jail too? And if so how long do they stay or does it depends on how many they get caught?

Asked by Kevin Rodriguez about 8 years ago