Abortion Clinic Escort

Abortion Clinic Escort


Louisville, KY

Female, 63

We are a group of volunteers who escort clients and their companions past anti-abortion protesters. We are not security or clinic defense. We are present to support people and create space for them to be empowered while accessing reproductive healthcare. The time escorting can be stressful and emotional, but we feel it is important to support a client's right to make the decision best for them. Abortion is not a dirty word and should be accessible to anyone. Read our blog to find out more.

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26 Questions


Last Answer on January 04, 2014

Best Rated

Have pro-life nuts ever tried to pass laws restricting clinic escorts, maybe thinking that might be an indirect way to make women less likely to get abortions?

Asked by CELS about 11 years ago

Not to my knowledge. Federal law protecting escorts would take precedence over a state or local legislation. The FACE Act prohibits interfering with clinic escorts. It protects "People accompanying patients, such as a parent, partner, or clinic escort." There have been clinic escorts present at abortion clinics across the US for as long as there have been protesters. Many cities support the work escorts are performing. In fact, New York City is training volunteers to be clinic escorts. (Link to FACE facts: http://www.prochoice.org/about_abortion/facts/face_act.html ; Link to New York City: http://www.rhrealitycheck.org/article/2012/10/28/good-new-york-city-embracing-clinic-escorts )

What do you do if the woman going into the clinic wants to talk to the people demonstrating outside (or wants to read the pamphlets they hand out)?

Asked by Sarah about 11 years ago

We stand back and let them talk. It is always the client's decision to make about everything concerning the clinic trip. If they decide to talk to the protesters, it is their decision and we will not interfere. If they want to take the pamphlets protesters hand to them, we will not interfere.

Do you escort the women out of the clinic after their abortions as well?

Asked by Sarah about 11 years ago

There is rarely a need for escorts after the client enters the clinic, but we can be available. Most procedures take between 2-4 hours. The majority of protesters leave the area at 8A. When the protesters leave, there is no longer a need for escorts.

Is your volunteer group comprised mostly of women who have had abortions themselves?

Asked by brikhaus about 11 years ago

No. Our volunteer group are a diverse group of people. We have escorts who range in age from 18 to 72; they self-identify as female and male. There are generations of family groups who volunteer together. Some have had abortions themselves, but a great number have not. The one thing we have in common is the firm belief that access to abortion and reproductive health care should be without stigma, shame or harassment of any kind.

You escort the women as they enter the clinic. Do you escort people past the protesters as they leave the clinic?

Asked by carrot boy about 11 years ago

This is a duplicate question. Here's what I answered above: There is rarely a need for escorts after the client enters the clinic, but we can be available. Most procedures take between 2-4 hours. The majority of protesters leave the area at 8A. When the protesters leave, there is no longer a need for escorts.

What motivated your decision to volunteer?

Asked by Kendra (Plattsburgh, NY) about 11 years ago

Good question and one that is complicated to answer. Personally, I have always believed passionately in access to reproductive health care including abortion and contraception for everyone who wants or needs them. Since 1 in 3 women have an abortion in the US, like everyone else I have known several friends over the years who have had abortions. These were personal decisions they shared with me that reaffirmed the need for abortion access. I knew about anti-abortion movements, but Dr. Tiller's murder May 31, 2009 was my wake up call. Because Roe v Wade made abortion legal in the US it didn't mean it would always be accessible. The first time I volunteered at the clinic and saw the harassment clients went through to exercise their right to abortion, I could not turn away from escorting.

Have you ever had a volunteer who was actually pro-life, but simply didn't think it was right for women to get harassed by exercising heir legal right?

Asked by Tamara about 11 years ago

Yes, but that is also very rare. Their presence on the sidewalk is an indication they are in favor of harassing and shaming clients. There is a pro-life event twice a year called 40 Days for Life where the protesters come out to simply pray and do not interact with the clients. Their presence on the sidewalk is still intimidating and an interference. Those few pro-life volunteers who decide this is not the correct way to get their message out do not come back.