Automotive Journalist

Automotive Journalist

Frank Bacon

Detroit, MI

Male, Late 20s

I get to test drive and critique new cars. They are sometimes delivered to my home, or the manufacturers fly me out to opulent hotels in swanky locales with unlimited quantities of food and booze. Ask me anything.

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24 Questions


Last Answer on September 14, 2012

Best Rated

What makes someone qualified to be a car critic? Is there schooling or training for that, or is it just someone who loves cars?

Asked by bLb13 over 12 years ago

Great question. Honestly, no real qualification. And it shows. Many people should not be doing this job. They really are not qualified. Car and Driver used to (and still does?) have engineers and race car drivers on staff. A lot of the guys in the field now are bloggers who like cars, and the manufacturers give them cars, so they write reviews. And they are usually bad.

When you test drive a car, does a rep from the car company sit shotgun and guide the ride, or do they give you the keys and let you feel it out on your own?

Asked by Phelix010101 over 12 years ago

I'm riding solo

How impartial auto journalists? Won't car companies tend to favor reviewers who typically give them positive write-ups?

Asked by eduards over 12 years ago

It depends on the person and the company. There is one exotic car maker that is notorious for blacklisting anyone who says anything bad about their cars. There are some "journalists" who will say that any car is good so they can keep getting swag/free trips to review junkets/free cars to evaluate, there are some journalists who know fuck all about cars and are complete bullshit artists. And yet they are held up as authorities. Car companies like these people. They are useful idiots, as Stalin put it. But there are people such as myself who are simply respectful and professional when dealing with praise and criticism. Car companies generally don't punish you for writing something bad, unless it's a total hatchet job that's unfounded - you get some wannabe Clarkson types doing this stuff. The more common route is the guy who is practically felating a certain car or car company gets to go drive some cool car in an exotic location before anyone else. I gave the Chevy Camaro a poor review when it came out, and GM called my boss to complain. He told them that he "stood by my review", which really means "go fuck yourself". At the time, there was very little negative press, everyone was loving the car. Now, people can't hate on it enough.

What was the most luxuriously red-carpet treatment a car manufacturer ever rolled out for you?

Asked by dolla dolla over 12 years ago

What's more interesting is what I have yet to experience. Here's an example

What kind of car do you drive yourself, and are you able to get discounts given what you do?

Asked by spyhunter over 12 years ago

I drive an older BMW. I could probably get something decent like employee pricing but honestly I've never wanted to "call in a favor". If there was, say, a demo that I knew was going to be for sale that I liked, I might try and arrange something via the dealer they offload their demos on.

Is Consumer Reports completely unbiased?

Asked by MerchMarine321 over 12 years ago

I wouldn't say completely unbiased but they're pretty good.

What cars were the hands-down best and worst reviews you've ever written?

Asked by Kurtis over 12 years ago

Best Car: Tough one. The Shelby Mustang GT500. Worst Car: Funny enough, the Camaro. GM didn't like that one.

Are you supposed to just test cars for "typical use" like city and highway driving, or are you supposed to push them to the limit on speed tracks, etc?

Asked by orange over 12 years ago

It depends. My own personal philosophy is that I review a car based on what it's intended purpose is. Do I need to track a Chevrolet Cruze? No (although some journalists, who are wannabe racer types, will go and do this). But something like a Porsche 911 is intended for both road and track, so it would be appropriate. Side note: do not trust a journalist's impressions of a car's track performance unless they have some kind of race car driving background. Most of them are pathetically bad, and love to wear Puma or Piloti racing shoes and talk about how great they are at driving. I am not so great, but I am learning, which puts me a step above 99 percent of the other guys.

Are you optimistic about the future of American car manufacturing, or are we toast?

Asked by brettchristian over 12 years ago

Very optimistic...but it will be the Japanese who really lead the resurgence.

How much of an effect do reviews from auto journalists have on car sales? Does a glowing review give them a notable boost?

Asked by el jefe over 12 years ago

None. There are awesome cars praised to high heaven by us that totally flop in the marketplace (see: Pontiac G8) and then there are cars like the Camry that sell in huge volumes.

Do manufacturers pretty much bribe you for good reviews with various gifts? What happens if you accept all the swag and wind up giving a bad review?

Asked by Midas over 12 years ago

Yes and no. We are all offered swag. Some take it, some don't. If you are swayed by a baseball cap or something like that, then you aren't worth your salt as a journalist. Most of them just write good reviews because they can't be bothered to write anything else.

Have you ever gotten into an accident while test-driving a car?

Asked by Sid over 12 years ago


What car in the last decade do you think was the most underrated?

Asked by spincity KC over 12 years ago

Too broad of a question. Some stuff, like the Ford Five Hundred, wasn't stellar but didn't deserve the drubbing it got in the press. The current Impala with the 300 horsepower V6 is a cool sleeper.

What car reviews publication or website do you think is the most reliable & unbiased?

Asked by Joey Florida over 12 years ago

I like Automobile magazine and EVO.

Do you think the US should remove the speed limit like in Germany?

Asked by ericmaynard1 over 12 years ago

I'd like it but the drivers in this country are too dumb. It would be a disaster.

What do you think about the Gumball 3000 races?

Asked by extralian over 12 years ago

You see a couple cool cars every now and then but mostly rich dicks doing dumb things on public roads...who am I kidding, I'd do it.

I'm buying the new Audi Q5 I placed order with monsoon grey but know thinking about Daytona grey should I change because this is exclusive on s line models only.??

Asked by Gary over 7 years ago


I'm a graduating senior in high school, what courses do you advise I take in college to become a successful automotive journalist?

Asked by Chris Bannister almost 12 years ago


Hey fellow Jobstr,
Which is more important in your job, good writing skills or knowledge about cars.

I got interviewed by a journalist for an article about cars. She didn't know ANYTHING about cars, but was giving people advice.

Is this common?

Asked by Charles~Humble Mechanic over 11 years ago


I am planning to buy a car nd its for the frist time . so should I go for a second hand or a fresh one... If so which indian car should i go for. My budget is 400k rs for 2nd hand nd 650 K for fresh one

Asked by Neon Jolly almost 9 years ago


Hi, I'm really interested in being an Automotive Journalist. What were your steps to getting to where you are today as an Automotive Journalist?

Asked by Jacob Atkins about 12 years ago


Why do car manufacturers build concept cars that look awesome, but never come to market?

Asked by JRSmith about 12 years ago


HVAC switch only works in #4 position. Is this a bad sensor or a bad switch. 1,2and 3 position all stop working at the same time.

Asked by Eric almost 11 years ago


How did you get into reviewing cars? You mentioned bloggers and engineers--do you fall into one or both of those categories?

Asked by freelancewriter over 12 years ago